For some reason, mpw -h > mpwhelp.txt doesn't save the short help below:
[nemo@Jolla ~]$ mpw -h
Usage: mpw [-u name] [-t type] [-c counter] [-V version] [-v variant] [-C context] [-h] site
-u name Specify the full name of the user.
Defaults to MP_FULLNAME in env.
-t type Specify the password's template.
Defaults to MP_SITETYPE in env or 'long' for password, 'name' for login.
x, max, maximum | 20 characters, contains symbols.
l, long | Copy-friendly, 14 characters, contains symbols.
m, med, medium | Copy-friendly, 8 characters, contains symbols.
b, basic | 8 characters, no symbols.
s, short | Copy-friendly, 4 characters, no symbols.
i, pin | 4 numbers.
n, name | 9 letter name.
p, phrase | 20 character sentence.
-c counter The value of the counter.
Defaults to MP_SITECOUNTER in env or 1.
-V version The algorithm version to use.
Defaults to MP_ALGORITHM in env or 3.
-v variant The kind of content to generate.
Defaults to 'password'.
p, password | The password to log in with.
l, login | The username to log in as.
a, answer | The answer to a security question.
-C context A variant-specific context.
Defaults to empty.
-v p, password | Doesn't currently use a context.
-v l, login | Doesn't currently use a context.
-v a, answer | Empty for a universal site answer or
| the most significant word(s) of the question.
MP_FULLNAME | The full name of the user.
MP_SITETYPE | The default password template.
MP_SITECOUNTER | The default counter value.
Fri, 2016/04/01 - 17:59
For some reason, mpw -h > mpwhelp.txt doesn't save the short help below:
Thu, 2016/03/31 - 09:57
Any plans for developing a GUI for Jolla ?
Thu, 2016/03/31 - 16:23
Yes! Stay tuned ;-)
Thu, 2016/03/31 - 21:40
Great! This is interesting approach.
Thu, 2016/04/21 - 02:08
Habemus GUI client!