Patch: three fingers volume control

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Makes "three fingers volume control" feature available for all screen sizes

Thanks to Alina for sources

Application versions: 

- added OS version check


virgi's picture

will update next week. Was away for really long time :)

Louis's picture

UPDATE: Version 0.1-1 does the job

After disabling all patches in patchmanager as advised I updated to SailfishOS (now available for early adopters) but after a reboot this patch was removed from my phone.

When I tried to reinstall it I got this error:

I would be glad if you fixed it. I really like this patch :)

fgaz's picture

Alternatively, just apply it anyway (extract the files manually from the .rpm).

I can confirm it works on

dgs2403's picture

Hi, new users, sailfish 2.0, I've install with no problem but now I don't know how to activate.
Needing other app to be installed?

virgi's picture
dgs2403's picture

Thank you very much
..I try to install but give me error not installed. Maybe doesn't work on sailfish 2.0 ?
Thanks for help

alina's picture

Thanks for your mention, but to be honest, your patch is more wisely than what I suggested.