by NielDK
ReadyMedia (formerly known as MiniDLNA) is a simple media server software, with the aim of being fully compliant with DLNA/UPnP-AV...
by nodevel
Ad blocking solution using the /etc/hosts file. Weekly auto-updated from MVPS .
This is a proven way of blocking ads, banners, 3rd party cookies, 3rd...
by krzyc
Snowshoe - Qt5 webkit based mobile browser for N9.
This is beta software - I recommend making phone backup before installation.
by nodevel
Adds Facebook Messenger support to SailfishOS accounts, using the purple-facebook libpurple plugin and the telepathy-haze library. The advantage over...
by NielDK
Nmap ("Network Mapper") is a free and open source (license) utility for network discovery and security auditing. Many systems and network...
by velox
Bluetooth management for normal Apps is blocked by current SFOS versions. Consider this App deprecated.
A simple bluetooth reconnect thingy I threw...
by marxian
cuteRadio is a user-friendly internet radio player and client for the cuteRadio Data API.
Features include:
* Search stations and browse by genre...
by hwesselmann
cloudMarks is a simple application for accessing your Bookmarks stored in the ownCloud bookmarks app.
The application is licensed under the terms of...
by NielDK
Updated to support IPv6, requires perl-IO-Socket-IP
by Van_ess0
Use for your own risk!!! Built with dirty hacks.
Built without gtk/gui support.
by Van_ess0
Built directly on Jolla.
Traceroute tracks the route packets taken from an IP network on their way to a given host. It utilizes the IP protocol's...
by NielDK
by Enigma
Add/Delete GPRS APN
by halftux
Genwall is an iptables firewall generator and runtime control gui for the N9/N950.
by Enigma
Cnlab SpeedTest
With The Help Of This Application You Can Measure Your Current Download Data Rate,Upload Data Rate Und Response Time Results For...
by Enigma
Support For Default Browser Setting.
Provide Special Setting Allow To Change Default Browser Form Web To FireFox,Chrome,Opera Or Any Other Browser...
by Enigma
Traffic Monitor
Monitor The Traffic And Manage It In A Wise Way
by saberaltria
Golden Jai For Jolla
Golden Jai 高登仔是 Jolla 專用的 香港高登討論區 應用程式。方丈份人應該不會這麼小氣 BLOCK 了這個垃圾程式。
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Jolla The Other Half...
by Enigma
An Open Source Download Manager
GitHub :
by DrYak
Avahi opensource Zerconf DNS Service Discovery (DNS-SD) and Multicast DNS (mDNS)
Avahi is a system which facilitates service discovery on a local...
by DrYak
Command line utilities for avahi. (Look there for more informations)
by hedayat
Dukto ( is an easy file transfer tool designed for LAN use. It supports many platforms including GNU/Linux, Windows and...
by vranki
Siilihai is an application and web service for reading web forums. With Siilihai you can easily and quickly read the discussions on many forums....
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