by levone1
Terminal multiplexer, like tmux...
Not my work; I just compiled on-device with cargo-rpm so I could share...
aarch64 version.
Zellij page -...
by noelnh
A Pixiv client for SailfishOS.
Pixiv( is an online artist community where members can browse and submit works, join official contests, and...
This is an app to edit shortcuts on Nokia N9/50 that which appear at the bottom of the screen when we drag up from the bottom of the screen and hold...
by nephros
Displays inexact time on Lock Screen and Status Bar.
by WerkWolf
Say hello to Wunderfitz, your dictionary and translation app!
Wunderfitz supports dictionary export files and already includes the...
by rob_k
Show a slide show of 10 news photos from The Guardian, "Photo highlights of the day", and also from Der Spiegel, "Bilder des Tages" and Dutch news...
by TopRanger
A simple Katakana (Japanese syllabary) trainer for SailfishOS containing four test modes:
by TopRanger
Vocabulary is a vocabulary trainer for SailfishOS designed to be used independent of the language you want to learn.
Adaptive training...
by TopRanger
A simple Kanji dictionary/trainer for SailfishOS (Japanese).
This app contains the following features:
Over 10,000 Kanji based on KANJIDIC2 (JIS X...
by TopRanger
A simple Hiragana (Japanese syllabary) trainer for SailfishOS containing four test modes:
by rob_k
Tool intended to help with Geocaching Multis, where you have to collect values in order to solve formulas.
Android app GCC offers a formula solver...
by nephros is a locate/updatedb implementation.
by flypig
This is a fork of khnz's PwdHash application.
PwdHash allows you to manage a different password for each website you use, but without the need to...
by slava
Application for gathering MMS troubleshooting information. Collects the logs, files and additional data necessary for analyzing MMS issues.
by MartinK
(Text based on
SSHFS allows you to mount a remote filesystem using SFTP. Most SSH servers...
by WerkWolf
Fernweh is a Flickr client for Sailfish OS
With Fernweh and your Flickr account you have access to many of the world's best photos - directly on your...
by halftux
Gpscon for Sailfish is a command line tool to acquire the gps position with the qtlocation api. It can be used as a tracker with gpx export.
by halftux
Console tool for SFOS to take a picture with front or back camera.
Get help with --help or -h.
Example to take a picture with the front camera:...
by WerkWolf
Say hello to Zaster Banker, your mobile banking app!
Zaster Banker currently supports (mostly German) banks which use the FinTS/HBCI API - fast and...
by eatdirt
Earth live rendering, updated every ten minutes, to be used as your
background home and application screen. Please check the configuration files
in /...
by birdzhang
Chinese google pinyin keyboard for Sailfish.
Very thanks to mumudada and gexc
Source code can be found at
by tabasko
Neliapila - browser for SailfishOS
Browse all boards
Post and reply threads NOTE: Cookie from post is not saved therefore you...
by nephros
An adaptation of English Keyboard with Arrows for German qwertz layout and Custom Keyboard layout qwertz, adding arrows.
You will need the tmi repo...
by jfarnaud
Gopherette is an alpha Gopher-space and Gemini browser for your SailfishOS-powered phone. It is distributed under the GPL-3 licence.
It features the...
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