SailTuner is a chromatic multi-temperament instrument tuner for Sailfish OS.
It gets audio data from microphone, find the fundamental frequency, and then display the note, the octave and the deviation according to note reference and temperament.
It can also play a note, choosed with a scale flickable by user.
The algorithm for fundamental frequency detection:
The audio input rate is 16KHz ; audio frames are analysed every 2048 samples (128ms) and a note is confirmed after 3 chunks (384ms).
The note is found compared to an array of frequencies modulo one octave. The comparison array is built from a temperament and a 'A4' reference, default to 440Hz and equal temperament.
The temperaments are stored in .csv files. At beginning, the programm scans every .csv file in the data/ dir and makes temperament list.
Every line in a file is a temperament: the first column is the temperament name, and columns 2 to 13 are the notes frequencies from C-4 to B-4
A frequency player module makes the signal at given frequency. There are 3 waveforms in the code:
Since the speaker of Jolla phone have very low intensity for low frequencies, the third solution is used, and the intensity is higher for lower notes.
*Licence: GPLv3*
*Author: Louis-Joseph Fournier*
*First release date: 2016-01-19
Attachment | Size | Date |
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![]() | 111.36 KB | 20/10/2021 - 15:07 |
![]() | 108.16 KB | 20/10/2021 - 15:07 |
![]() | 115.95 KB | 20/10/2021 - 15:07 |
Sun, 2021/10/31 - 11:50
Do you want to push it to chum? I've just pushed SailGo and SailConnect4 to chum from my forks.
Tue, 2021/11/09 - 19:40
Would be fine by me, but I do not have the time or the knowledge for this currently. I have seen (I think your) instructions on the Sailfish forums on how to do it, but it would take me quite some time to go through every step (including the required libraries).
Thu, 2021/10/21 - 14:23
How come I've never noticed sailtuner before! I wonder if there was a way to get the current version with aarch64 build to the store.
Mon, 2021/08/30 - 21:32
Really like the app (used it on J1). On my Xperia 10 II, only generating the tone works (with reversed play-pause icons). It looks it does not pick the tone from the microphone.
Sun, 2021/10/24 - 15:00
Updated to 0.2-1 and the problem persists. No tone from microphone. Reinstall did not help either. Any idea? Maybe microphone access permission?
Tone generation works fine now.
Thu, 2021/10/07 - 00:45
The app does work on my Xperia 10 II (single sim, do not know what the specific model is). I use it every week myself. I had the issue you name once too, but I don't remember when and how I solved it. Have you tried a re-install?
Btw, the app is not mine. I juist created the builds from source. The play/pause button issue already has an issue on github: - the owner does not respond anymore, sadly. I might fix the issue if I have some spare time left.
Mon, 2021/10/18 - 17:23
Play/pause button issue is fixed on github:
It seems the owner does still merge pull-requests. I'll try to release this evening.
Sun, 2021/06/13 - 11:31
Thank you. Didn't know about the Jolla store one.
Sat, 2021/06/12 - 21:26
Hi, thanks for this app. Will it be published for non aarch64 devices?
Sat, 2021/06/12 - 23:58
Uploaded both the armv7hl & i486 versions.
The armv7hl version is tested briefly on my Xperia X.
Sat, 2021/06/12 - 23:39
It is published in the Jolla store for non-aarch64 devices by the owner. I'll see if I can build & test for others.