by lpr_A7
WebP is an image format that does lossy compression of digital
photographic images. WebP consists of a codec based on VP8, and a
container based on...
by lpr
Perl-compatible regular expression library.
PCRE has its own native API, but a set of "wrapper" functions that are based on
the POSIX API are also...
by rubdos
Urbackup headless client
systemctl start urbackup-client
systemctl enable urbackup-client
systemctl status urbackup-client
If autodiscovery...
by MSameer
A holy Quran reader. Offers multiple translations in multiple languages for the text, recitation features, searching and bookmarking.
Code: https://...
by PawelSpoon
This is a shopping list app, implemented according to my wife's requirements. But you can also use it as a task list. That's what i mostly do.
by PawelSpoon
built for 64 bit
by eson
Not my project. This is just aarch64 package for the famous BigWordz from Jolla Store, built on original source code from GitHub.
Will be taken down...
by too
Execute reboot via pkexec(1). pkexec asks authorization (lock/security code) from system and upon successful completion reboot is executed.
by too
Generate a set of passwords and pin codes derived from input string given by user.
The inspiration to this program came from PassGen sailfish...
by kif
OSMapper for Sailfish is a small tool for the OpenStreetMap surveyor, making it quick and easy to track your movements and get as much information...
by kif
PedoMeter is a simple step counter using the phones build in accelerometers.
Besides counting your steps, it also calculate your current and average...
by PawelSpoon
fork of armadillo's tasklist built for aarch64
i did increase the version just in patch version
one or two beers would be appreciated,..
i did...
by eson
Not my project. This is just aarch64 package for Ostos from Jolla Store, built on original source code from GitHub.
This is for the Jolla Phone (SFOS 3) only!
(And maybe other phones that can't update to the latest SFOS version)
Fernschreiber is a Telegram client...
by ade
Warning regarding SailfishOS upgrades:
to prevent any misbehavior of the cron daemon, please stop the daemon before starting any OS upgrade
by kan
App reviving, aarch64 build of:
by Almindor
Lighthouse is a simple system monitor app for Sailfish OS/Jolla. It is intended to provide information about CPU, memory, network usage, running...
by poetaster
VideoWorks is a workbench for editing, filtering, compositing video. It relies on ffmpeg (via python) for the heavy lifting.
It is part of an...
by kan
App reviving, aarch64 build of:
by kan
App reviving, aarch64 build of:
and with commits
Mind that the application...
by kan
App reviving, aarch64 build of:
by lpr
The GNU tar program saves many files together in one archive and can
restore individual files (or all of the files) from that archive. Tar
can also...
by metalstrolch
Navit is a open source (GPL) car navigation system with routing engine.
It's modular design is capable of using vector maps of various formats for...
by joeysys
A simple selfoss client
About selfoss: The multipurpose rss reader, live stream, mashup, aggregation web application
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