Adds icon and shortcut for Telegram-cli on Nokia N9 and N900.
uchardet Command Line Tool
Version 0.0.7
usage: txt2pdbdoc [-c] [-b] [-v] document_name file.txt file.pdb
txt2pdbdoc -d [-D] [-v] file.pdb [file.txt]
txt2pdbdoc -V
by Karry
Sailfish OS application for capturing and assembling time-lapse videos directly on the phone.
Images may be captured by one of phone cameras, or...
by IlyaVysotsky
YouTube app for Symbian, ported to Maemo.
Author: Ilya Vysotsky (me)
A very early version, with some bugs.
all 144p and SOME 360p videos work.
by flypig
A totally unofficial UI for get_iplayer, the unofficial tool for downloading BBC iPlayer TV and radio programmes.
The BBC geofences video downloads,...
by Allstar12345
Nightly Clock is a clock designed for your bedside, originally from BlackBerry10 but hugely improved for Sailfish, rebuilt for Sailfish OS with a...
by PawelSpoon
not tested just built for arm7
by arustg
Simple Percentage Calculator.
Source code
by ajalkane
After you select 'silent' profile, the program will ask you how long you want this setting to last (max.12 hours). When this set time has passed,...
Sailfish OS app to count remaining days to defined events.
Available translations:
If you missing your native language...
by lpr
Enables full JPEG2000 support for SFOS (e.g. gallery app) via libjasper
Sailfish OS app to use your device as a ruler.
You need to measure a length, but you don't have a ruler with you? Then use this app to get the job...
by nephros
Lomiri (Ubuntu Touch) sound theme
by nephros
Lomiri (Ubuntu Touch) sound theme
by nephros
Boralis Sound Theme by Ivica Ico Bukvic
by nephros
Makes sounds from the sound theme available as ring- and other tones.
by nephros
Set of tones compiled from the 'Enchanted' desktop sound theme by Randall Lewis (rtl88)
by kan
App reviving, aarch64 build of:
Reverse Polish Notation calculator
by nephros
CurseTag is a text-based audio file tag (metadata) editor.
by PawelSpoon
a first milestone reached: (it installs in parallel to mark1 version, so now worries)
what works:
by alina
English Colemak keyboard layout for SailfishOS 1.1.4+.
International letters available by long tap
Supports built-in spelling check for...
by slava
Allows to add arbitrary files and dconf keys to Sailfish OS backups. Requires Sailfish OS 3.2 or greater.
Important: do not uninstall MyBackup...
by Thaodan
A simple and elegant IRC client for Sailfish OS, based on Qt and the Communi IRC framework.
If you want report a bug or create a feature request...
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