by appsformeego
Read Amazon Kindle books on your N9. Firestarter makes it possible to use Amazon's Cloud Reader service on the N9. You can either read books online,...
by appsformeego
A lockscreen button for MeeGo
by appsformeego
A simple bible viewer MiniBible is a simple bible reader. It can show any translations packed in the SWORD project format. It works in landscape as...
by appsformeego
Sound Generator Sound (Waveform) generator application.
by appsformeego
MeeCast - multiplatform highly customizable open source weather forecast client based on OMWeather code
by eipi
MaeFlight for Harmattan MaeFlight allows you to check your airline flight status on your Harmattan device. Simply enter your Airline Code (usually a...
by appsformeego
A PSM (Power Saving Mode) toggle button
by appsformeego
Calendar events at left screen Calendar events at Events Feed screen as one topmost item. Controls are integrated into Settings and you don't need to...
by appsformeego
Waze is a free, community-based traffic & navigation app When you download Waze, you not only get free navigation, but also become part of the...
by appsformeego
Latitude and Longitude Updater Retrieve location using Cell Tower and/or Gps and send to Internet Note: This is an unofficial client of Well Known...
by appsformeego
A Journey planner/Railway Time table for many train lines in europe and australia. Current supported backends are (germany and europe), sbb....
by appsformeego
Spirit Level Indicate whether a surface is horizontal (level) or vertical (plumb).
by knobtviker
Auto Info is an application working only with Croatian vehicle registration plates. This local app performs a check if the vehicle is insurred and...
by appsformeego
A wifi file transfer utility for MeeGo File transfer application with http file server over wireless network
by appsformeego
Compass Shows the direction to the magnetic north
by appsformeego
Online geocaching application CacheMe4Harmattan is an online geocaching application based on CacheMe.
by appsformeego
Find out what music is playing. Simply hold your phone up and record whatever music you currently hear and Eyrie will try to work out what song it is...
by thp
Trackservice, favorite songs and live stream
by MartinK
modRana is a flexible GPS navigation system for mobile Linux devices.
Currently supported features @ Harmattan (QML UI):
a great lot of various map...
by appsformeego
Helium, a UPnP control point Helium allows you to browse UPnP servers and send media files from those to renderers on your network.
by appsformeego
music creation tool inspired by Fast Tracker 2 This is an editor for "tracked" music, i.e. audio samples of instruments pitch shifted according to...
by appsformeego
Your Mobile Music Shelf Take your music collection with you wherever you go and cover-flow through your albums. Music Shelf is designed to cope well...
by appsformeego
Drop Cache An utility to flush disk cache and allow increase a free memory by dropping out an outdated low level cache
by appsformeego
Holy Quran for MeeGo Harmattan A holy Quran reader for MeeGo Harmattan. Allows reading the holy book and allows adding certain verses to a list of...
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