by stoefelz
Aarch64 build of: by melvin
by poetaster
Fibonacci is both a symbolic RPN calculator using Sympy with a programmable calculator using exprtk c++ for procedural operations.
The RPN front end...
by sashikknox
LuaJIT implements the full set of language features defined by Lua 5.1. The virtual machine (VM) is API- and ABI-compatible to the standard Lua...
by melvin
Binary Fun is an awesome game for every nerdy programmer. The challenge of this game is to type a given decimal number in binary as fast as possible...
by bruce
Nodejs build for Jolla. Not too well tested yet.
Should be an armv7hl arch package, but it didn't want to package properly with that arch......
by NielDK
Tcl (Tool Command Language) is a very powerful but easy to learn dynamic programming language, suitable for a very wide range of uses, including web...
by NielDK
Perl 5 is a highly capable, feature-rich programming language with over 25 years of development. Perl 5 runs on over 100 platforms from portables to...
Standard recompilation of r base package from CRAN for Harmattan.
R statistical software is (C) R Foundation, from
Standard recompilation of r base package from CRAN for Harmattan, with an additional set of pre-installed packages.
R statistical software is (C) R...
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