by laoidheach
Zsh is a shell designed for interactive use, although it is also a powerful scripting language. Many of the useful features of bash, ksh, and tcsh...
by NicoCnd
Zsh is a command line interpreter (shell) implementing functions from bash and ksh
by rcolistete
IPython v2.4.1 is an enhanced Python interactive shell. This is the IPython terminal interface and IPython Notebook web interface for Sailfish.
by rcolistete
IPython is an enhanced Python interactive shell. This is the IPython terminal interface.
by rcolistete
IPython is an enhanced Python interactive shell. IPython Qt Console is a Qt graphical user interface.
For MeeGo Harmattan, IPython terminal interface...
by rcolistete
IPython is an enhanced Python interactive shell. IPython Notebook is a web interface.
For MeeGo Harmattan, IPython terminal interface and IPython Qt...
by rcolistete
IPython is an enhanced Python interactive shell. This is the IPython terminal interface.
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