Overlay Weather

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Funny Overlay Weather application, currently in WIP state.

Application displaying overlay weather on your screen from sailfish-weather or meecast-daemon applications.

Discussions forum: http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=96116

Donations are welcome =)



Application versions: 
File harbour-overlay-weather-0.1.2-1.armv7hl.rpm160.51 KB31/10/2015 - 00:56
File harbour-overlay-weather-0.1.2-1.i486.rpm164.17 KB31/10/2015 - 00:56
File harbour-overlay-weather-0.1.5-1.armv7hl.rpm182.29 KB31/10/2015 - 16:54
File harbour-overlay-weather-0.1.5-1.i486.rpm186 KB31/10/2015 - 16:54

Added more settings
Added Haloween easter-eggs


isgursoy's picture

is this project alive?

coderus's picture

No :)

Ingvix's picture

Same problem here but mine shows the weather presumably by the default settings, which though doesn't show in the settings as everything is unchecked or at 0% even if you shouldn't be able to set it to zero. After tapping the bar you can only go to the preset lowest setting. Reset to zero and unchecked everytime opening the settings.


EDIT: Doesn't show the actual weather from meecast. Always 1 celcius degree.

Samudraga's picture

I have the same problem as feldbaum.The app does not start and settings go back to default.My OS is 2.0. I really like the idea of this app and hope that I could get it working.

feldbaum's picture

for me it doesn´t work. i´am on OS version i do have to install.*.armv7hl.rpm or *.i486.rpm?

update: i´am able to change the settings but the overlay will not start. After changing the settings and closing,then reopen the settings, it swith automatically again to the default settings where all settings are disabled.

coderus's picture

arm of course. i486 is for tablet :)

feldbaum's picture

does the phone automtically install arm ?

i use warehouse.

coderus's picture

yes phone should install only suitable architecture package :)

Markkyboy's picture
