Dolphin Keyboard - English + Color Emoji

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English + Color Emoji ( Require : harbour-dolphin-keyboard >= 1.1-4 )


You must restart, go to settings and activate the new keyboard


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Application versions: 
File harbour-dolphin-english-1.2-4.armv7hl.rpm2.43 KB05/05/2015 - 18:22
File harbour-dolphin-english-1.2-4.i486.rpm2.43 KB26/10/2015 - 09:52

1.2.4 UPDATE ( 04 / 05 / 2015 )

- Realised I Uploaded a wrong package

1.2.2 UPDATE ( 04 / 05 / 2015 )

- Fixed start-up bug

1.2.0 UPDATE ( 01 / 05 / 2015 )

- Initial Release


janssoni's picture

Hey, does not seem to work with on Xperia X. Emoji bar won't show up.

olf's picture

For a list of known bugs and their workarounds (if existent), see comment at Dolphin Core's webpage (in order to avoid crossposting).

Kuivahuikka's picture

Hey saberaltria

I made an emoji based keyboard with Finnish/Swedish layout. Is it okay if I share it? 



Sanpo's picture

This is nice :) Can you make Scandinavian keyb + emoji too? :)
Thank You

Schturman's picture

Hi saberaltria,

I have a problem with shift key, I can't lock it, not on your English kb and not on my. Can you fix it please ?


I created two keyboards with color emoji based on your keyboard.
1. Simple Hebrew
2. Triple keyboard (Hebrew-English-Russian) with switcher.

Can I post them on openrepos ?

fravaccaro's picture

It's a lovely keyboard! Is there a chance to have also the Italian plugin? I can provide you the layout file, if you want to.

accumulator's picture

There's a bug in Dolphin keyboard, it does not honour Qt.ImhNoPredictiveText

This leads to annoying behaviour when a validator is placed on a TextField, which doesn't trigger valid state until the textfield is selected explicitly.


            TextField {
                errorHighlight: activeFocus && !acceptableInput
                inputMethodHints: Qt.ImhNoAutoUppercase | Qt.ImhNoPredictiveText
                validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /^[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,20}$/ }
                EnterKey.enabled: acceptableInput
                EnterKey.iconSource: "image://theme/icon-m-enter-accept"
Thaodan's picture

Would it be possible to use the same emojis like with the emoji keyboard?

I made a german layout however I was only able to change the language of the spell correction by editing layouts/Xt9Handler.qml, is there a way to do this without doing this?

Would it be possible to disable the cursors?

Also it would be nice if you would publish the sources



purplewakanda's picture

Awesome keyboard, I wish it was the default one. 

A small request, along with the comma and period, could you please add the question mark and exclamation mark to that area? It would be helpful :)  Thanks

caprico's picture

Fantastic keyboard & the Emoji option works very well. Jolla should implement such things... but happy that there are such great devs who provide suck amazing software.

Btw: I can confirm what others already wrote. If you already have the other Emoji-Keyboard installed, you need to remove it first.

baboo's picture

another thing! the 1st row overlaps with the emoji row so i cant access emoji in messages app its fine.
and just one question,how to remove background photos/revert to default ?
edit : rows are fine now after latest update :) thank you

grin's picture

how to remove background photos/revert to default ?


fifr's picture

I see a lot of keys for a period . but no key for a comma ,

Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

saberaltria's picture

Yup, need fix... I mixed up with some Chinese symbol... :(

salkos73's picture

Thanks for the great job!! Will be implemented by the Italian language?

dragon13's picture

Hello Saberaltria,


very nice work! Maybe you make a qwertz version for german?

Thx dragon

aQUICK1's picture

Works  fine  now  here  also, looking  good  thnx Saberaltria.

Victorious's picture

Now everything works fine!

aQUICK1's picture

@Victorious , could u  explane the installation  sequence u  folowed  to make this work?Do u have Emoji keyboard installed from  penguin and or also  installed the core from this dolphin keyboard?

Kind  regards and greetz

Victorious's picture

Penguin I disabled in the settings. It is necessary to remove and re-install it.

baboo's picture

installed the update.still not working

TMavica's picture

now it is worked

saberaltria's picture

Which package you installed?

What procedure you did?

Most of you said it doesn't work. :( But it works for me...

So I need more details in order to help you :P

heubergen's picture

Doesn't work here, either.

Can install the app successfully and also select it as primary in the settings app.

But after that I can not use it. Just doesn't work.

saberaltria's picture

Yup, just fixed today. Maybe you can try it once again. :)

Victorious's picture

In the version - not working

MoritzJT's picture

can't get it to work... any trick?

birdzhang's picture

very nice!

heubergen's picture

No package available? :)

saberaltria's picture

Too many packages... I am still uploading one by one... :P
