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UI for Tailscale.
This application uses root privileges to run as this is needed to start tailscale with root privileges. This is a security risk!
This project IS NOT endorsed by Tailscale Inc.
or Bitcoins.
Source code on GitHub.
Translations via Weblate, thank you!
- Stop tailscale on application close - Update tailscale to 1.58.2
Wed, 2022/12/28 - 18:30
Does nothing, unless launched from terminal ('harbour-tailscale')
Thu, 2023/02/02 - 01:30
Apparently the problem is with SailJail. I can't start any systemd service on the SystemBus :-(
I've disabled SailJail in 0.0.3.
Sat, 2022/12/31 - 02:40
I think I've managed to reproduce this in someway and I solved it by restarting the service: `sudo systemctl restart tailscaled`. In my case the binary crashed, but the service was still running. I'll look for a proper fix. Thanks for the report!
Wed, 2022/12/28 - 18:30
Does nothing, unless launched from terminal ('harbour-tailscale')
Thu, 2023/02/02 - 01:30
Apparently the problem is with SailJail. I can't start any systemd service on the SystemBus :-(
I've disabled SailJail in 0.0.3.
Sat, 2022/12/31 - 02:40
I think I've managed to reproduce this in someway and I solved it by restarting the service: `sudo systemctl restart tailscaled`. In my case the binary crashed, but the service was still running. I'll look for a proper fix. Thanks for the report!