Last Added Applications

介紹 網易雲音樂是國內最大音樂串流平台。你可以用來聽音樂。 Summary Music 163 is one of the largest free online music streaming platform in China. You can enjoy millions of free...
UNRAR package for CLI usage ONLY! (no GUI). DEVELOPER mode is required ! * unrar binary created by Alexander Roshal. UNRAR 5.30 beta 6 freeware...
This is small app for extracting ZIP and RAR files (see pics). DEVELOPER mode is required ! Dependencies: unzip and unrar packages. Will be installed...
by wellef
If you are new to QML and want a sandbox to play around in without the need of a SDK installed on your PC, or an expert who is bored on the bus/...
by eatdirt
Ddclient is a Perl client used to update dynamic DNS entries for accounts on many different dynamic DNS services. Features include: Operating as a...
by dfstorm
How to apply change after updating ==> Really simple.. change for an other theme and then go back on this one OR reload homme screen. Boston icon...
by dfstorm
How to apply change after updating ==> Really simple.. change for an other theme and then go back on this one OR reload homme screen. Ivy icon...
by dfstorm
How to apply change after updating ==> Really simple.. change for an other theme and then go back on this one OR reload homme screen. Papirus icon...
Just a simple application for
Music player for Jolla Sailfish with Lyrics support, online radio and 10-bands equializer Update 0.2-0 is only for Sailfish Equalizer has...
ONLY for v2.0.1.11 * Package updated because voice mail notification is broken in version This is daemon that check if you have voicemails...
ne is a free (GPL'd) text editor based on the POSIX standard that runs (we hope) on almost any UN*X machine. ne is easy to use for the beginner, but...
Dual Bulgarian-English and English-Bulgarian dictionary. SailfisOS port of the popular KBE Dictionary.
by kimmoli
Experimental FM Radio receiver application for OnePlusX OBSOLETE ! - please use the built in mediaplayer FM support.
Can be able to use Japanese layout via bluetooth keyboard on Sailfish OS.  Jolla Phone/Tablet are supported. This package does swap qmap file, and...
by cnlpete
This is a tablet build of the app from beidl for conveinience, until beidl accepts the tablet required merge requests on github.   Access your...
by cnlpete
This is a tablet build of the app from beidl for conveinience, until beidl accepts the tablet required merge requests on github.   NOTE: Requires...
I use MythTV as my home DVR (digital video recorder) and noticed that there is no native Sailfish app. So, here it is: MythFish With MythFish you can...
