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Wazapp is Harmattan's Whatsapp Client
Wazapp is powered by Yowsup, the Whatsapp client library

Application versions: 
File wazapp_0.9.13~nightly2_armel.deb4.69 MB04/08/2013 - 21:48
File wazapp_0.9.17.0~nightly20_armel.deb4.8 MB04/08/2013 - 23:15

wazapp (0.9.14) testing; urgency=high
* Upgraded to registration v2
* Goodbye (mostly) to C++ in accountsplugin
* Added quick reverify in account edit
* Directly open accounts manager from wazapp when login fails
* Now showing more info for newly registered accounts (type, expiry)
* Add Wazapp account now forcebaly opens edit account if one exists
* Now correctly handling Qt.quit signal emitted from QML


jaja's picture

hai guys......help me pleaseeeee.....how to install whatsapp the latest version? Please help me please....

danielcarrazanacobos's picture

tengo nokia n9 pero el developer mode no me quiere conectar y tampoco puedo descatgar el whasup version 1.2.5 que debo hacer?

Baranexp's picture

tengo la version,, me die que actualize, me deriba openwhatsapp, la descargo y cuando la instalo me falla siemrpe ¿que puedo hacer?

iocaa77's picture

Tengo la vesion 0.9.22 de Wazapp no he logrado la sincronizacion de los contactos, alguna idea de como lograr la sincronización?


Mau97's picture

Can you update it from Warehouse?

The last version give me the error:Old version

disneypious151's picture

guys this is the latest version


jaja's picture

can u teach me how? Looks like many...hohoho

disneypious151's picture

can you please put an availablity toggle button for wazapp

django92's picture

I cant install wazapp
cuz am at sudan and cant switch dev mode
some one can help me in that

jukov's picture

Не могу получить подтверждения в счета редактирования ,не приходит смс.

basil's picture

Это старая версия клиента. Используйте https://openrepos.net/content/coderus/persecute или https://openrepos.net/content/cepiperez/whatsup