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NOTE: early version not everything works yet!

Butaca is a movie database application for MeeGo Harmattan / Sailfish

Harmattan version here: https://openrepos.net/content/whisk4s/butaca

You can use it to:

  • Get all details about movies and TV shows: release date, overview, cast & crew, trailer...
  • Get all details about a celebrity: birth details, biography, filmography...

Butaca uses different data sources to present its content. It gets the information about movies, TV shows and celebrities from The Movie Database, an open movie database where everybody can collaborate. It shows movie showtimes -when available- using results from Google Showtimes.

You can help to improve the app by forking the code at github [1].

[1] https://github.com/spenap/butaca


Application versions: 
File harbour-butaca-0.9.4-0.armv7hl.rpm132.08 KB24/11/2014 - 01:13
File harbour-butaca-0.9.4-1.armv7hl.rpm132 KB24/11/2014 - 02:29
File harbour-butaca-0.9.4-2.armv7hl.rpm129.49 KB25/11/2014 - 01:19


0.9.4-2: Many UI fixes, make app store compatible, add Credits and License page

0.9.4-1: Add rating indicator (thanks to nodevel) and fix broken image preview


ric9k's picture

This app is great, and still works perfectly!

Many thanks for having made it available to us!

elastic's picture

Thx for porting the app - would you consider to add the option to query lokal cinemas like in the meego version ...

Ruslanowitsch's picture


great to have this app (that I loved on my N9) now on my Jolla!

eson's picture


Nice app! If you want Swedish translation, you can add me to translation team at Transifex, but files at Transifex can't be the whole thing, can it? I guess the .ts at Github must be the actual translation file, right?




Sorry! I was in wrong directory at Transifex. Found correct files now.

lukedirtwalker's picture

I have to talk with the harmattan author about this, because Sailfish version uses some more strings.

EDIT: For now translation link is removed I have to figure out if it is compatible with original translation or if we have to start a new project.

eson's picture

OK... so the GitHub files is also not useable? Petty if so, because I'm allready done, translating.  :(

lukedirtwalker's picture

It's correct for the harmattan version so at least N9 users can profit from your work.
And most will be the same for this version so your work is not for nothing. Thanks and sorry for the inconvienence.

eson's picture

No problem. I´ll upload my files as soon as I'm added to translation team, and then I'll wait for you to announce translation files for Sailfish?

lukedirtwalker's picture

I will let you know when I figured it out. Thanks for your help