Quickbar BETA

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Quickbar enables access to the most recently used apps directly from the lockscreen and the task switcher.

Launch your favourite app in seconds!

See debota-utilities rpm package below.

In order to install, you are required to enable installations from third-party source.

Download link below, sources are here (github)

Feel free to post comments to https://together.jolla.com/question/47944/quickbar-discussion-support-thread/

If you like our work; if you like to be #unlike; help in keeping our Rocket well fueled! Donate!

NOTE : Donating from Quickbar directly is not straightforward (most likely due to a browser issue):

* to enable login button, press enter after entering the password (mandatory).


Bitcoin wallet address :

Flattr : tortoisedoc

Quickbar gives access to the most recently launched apps from lock screen as well as the task switcher in SF 2.0

To run:

  • tap Quickbar icon, configure settings and hide settings window.
  • Quickbar app will display once you click on the status bar of either lockscreen OR task switcher

To uninstall:

  • use basic uninstall from the home screen, no special action needed

If you want to Support us, use the links above - and thanks! :)


If you do not uninstall the harbour vesion first, SailfishOS will automatically re-sync to it once the installation is done!

We are working to improve QuickBar's usability constantly. Suggestions are welcomed.

Application versions: 
File harbour-debota-0.36-145.armv7hl.rpm122.67 KB27/09/2015 - 21:39
File debota-utilities-0.4-12.armv7hl.rpm2.98 KB12/11/2016 - 22:19
File harbour-debota-0.65-199.armv7hl.rpm125.93 KB02/04/2017 - 09:12
File harbour-debota-0.70-209.armv7hl.rpm127.09 KB02/03/2018 - 01:17
File harbour-debota-0.80-222.i486.rpm149.1 KB03/04/2018 - 21:02
File harbour-debota-0.90-234.i486.rpm143.52 KB19/06/2018 - 00:19
File harbour-debota-0.90-234.armv7hl.rpm135.13 KB19/06/2018 - 00:19
File harbour-debota-0.91-235.armv7hl.rpm140.13 KB19/03/2019 - 01:00
File harbour-debota-0.93-238.armv7hl.rpm139.4 KB29/03/2019 - 00:23
File harbour-debota-0.93-238.i486.rpm148.24 KB29/03/2019 - 00:23
File harbour-debota-0.95-242.armv7hl.rpm137.19 KB22/02/2020 - 00:48

*DEBUG BUILD : 0.95.242 (salamaisku)
- fix qml in search dialog

*DEBUG BUILD : 0.95.241 (salamaisku)
- compatibility with HW keyboards for search dialog

*DEBUG BUILD : 0.95.240 (salamaisku)
- compatibility with HW keyboards for search dialog

*Bugfix release 0.91.235 (keväkuume)
 - Compatibility fix on Oulanka

*New in version 0.90.234 (kesäkuume)
  - !NEW! Added search functionality for apps finding
  - fixed bugs in android launcher (side-invoked apps were not properly recognized)

*New in verison 0.80.222 (kevätuuli)

  - Build for i486 (tablets & co)

*New in version 0.70-209 (pakkaste)

  • fixed detection of service invocations
  • new settings page
  • improved ui

*New in version 0.65-199 (keväthiiri)

  • compatibility release for Qt 5.6 (requires SFOS >= 2.1.0)
  • minor stability fixes

*New in version 0.63-194 (räntä)

  • minor release, trying a final fix on the display on events (calendar, call, etc); now quickbar should not display.
  • fixed lockscreen bug (hanging)
  • fixed app not showing when pressing status bar in task switcher

*New in version 0.61-187 (phoenix, patchrelease "ega")
- fixed compatibility with previous OS versions (previous than 2.0.1, included )

*New in version 0.6-185 (phoenix)
- fixed input issues (finally!)
- rewrote qml code, now things are cleaner (and more maintainable)
- added shortcuts bar on top of quickbar for easy switching (swiping still available)
- added necessary things to make autostart available
- minor tids & quirks here and there

*New in version 0.5-163 (odyssey, patchrelease Circe)

- background is transparent now :)
- fixed transition / mouse sensitive bugs
- few corrections to settings screen

*New in version 0.5-161 (odyssey)

- SFOS 2.0 adaptation; which means:
  * Back to the roots : Horizontal quickbar accessible by click on status bar (currently in lockscreen / task switcher only)
  * Quicklaunch mode : last (from quickbar) started application gets launched automatically unpon unlocking the phone (i.e. when you press shoulder button to put screen on) TEST, see notes above, WIP

*New in version 0.28.96 (hiiri)

*New in version 0.16-75 (rautatie)
- First attempt at more detailed integration
  NOTE : Still buggy, in case your Quickbar disappears on the lockscreen, unlock (aka close lockscreen) and it should reappear the nex time you go to lockscreen
- Support for LPM mode :)

*New in version 0.15-69 (saari patch-fix)

- Fixed swipe option for real
- Now app stops upon uninstall

*New in version 0.14-68 (saari)

Saari was supposed to be a patch fix for merenranta, instead it ended up including a new feature

(device lock support), hence it got upgraded to stand-alone release.

  1. Device lock mode supported!
  2. Tentative (optimistic) fix for random crashs
  3. Linked swipe/non swipe checkbox "checked" properties (missing)

*New in version 0.12-43 (merenranta)

  1. Added Settings window
  2. Moved close button and support button to Settings window
  3. Added feature for launching by swiping (switchable from Settings window)
  4. Fixed visibility of QuickBar on incoming call / sms / alarm

*New in version 0.10-30 (heinaallergia)

  1. Switched ads off, enabled donations button. If you like this app, and want to support us, DONATE! :)
  2. Added close button
  3. Max length of history of apps is 7 now
  4. Special thanks to Moth for the amazing art work on icon & support icon!

*New in version 0.9-22

  1. Added empty history placeholder
  2. fixed swiping on lockscreen
  3. fixed ads loading motor
  4. diminished visibility time of ads
  5. diminished showings of ads
  6. Updated description of ads to be more specific
  7. Proper uninstall scripts
  8. new icon thanks to Moth!

*First version (beta)

Known issues:

See  https://together.jolla.com/question/47944/quickbar-discussion-support-th... on tjc (registration required)


GiuliettaSW's picture

Added donation button to openrepos page!

meneer's picture

Donating via Sailfish browser doesn't seem te work. Takes a regular firefox to do the job.

Anyway, thanks for listening to the community :)

GiuliettaSW's picture

Here we go! Quickbar ad-free! Please leave your feedback here.

naytsyrhc's picture

I like the idea and the app works quite good, but: I agree to previous posters, that ad is not that good. It's not that I'm against ads in general, but I think it's just ridicolous in this case. I don't even notice the ad nor will I ever click on one (if possible). So I think the ads are just annoying, keeping away some people and Paypal-Donation link or something similar would probably have much more effect.

There is a bug however that really annoys me: I can't swipe down to lock the device anymore when the app is active. I'll only get the pulley menu.

GiuliettaSW's picture

Thank you for your reply, we are working on this to improve the experience.

edit : any suggestion for better placement of the ad(except to remove it)?

BonoNL's picture

What meneer says counts for me to.

I will donate by Paypal if I can get the app ad free.


It's a great app!

GiuliettaSW's picture

Thanks for all the feedbacks!

Problem is there is currently no in app purchase sdk for qt on Sailfishos,

at least not to my knowledge. The old Qt sdk worked on qt 4.7 and was nokia-made.

Moth's picture

Agree. The ads are annoying. Pls add an option for donation or at least an unlock-key-procedure.

P.S. This commercial cartoon rocket space ship icon is wayne. How about a more sailfishy one? ;)

GiuliettaSW's picture

Sure! Would you like to make one? :)

Moth's picture

Let's have a go at it.

+++ Link retired +++

GiuliettaSW's picture


I would like to keep the same theme (a rocket), for the rest, feel free to free your mind :)

Moth's picture

Rocket? Hmm, ok, just wait another day... :-]

GiuliettaSW's picture

Hey, any luck with the rocket icon? :)

Moth's picture

Well, this is my 1st attempt to land on the moon. :)

+++ Link retired +++

GiuliettaSW's picture

Wow, awesome! :D

Looks very nice!

Can you provide it in hi-res with a transparent background? That will allow us to handle then the formatting for harbour etc.

PS do you have a paypal account?

Moth's picture

Thank you. Yes sure, HiRes and / or SVG. Would you prefer a download here @ openrepos? Otherwise i'll need an upload option or email-adress...

P.S.: I have got a paypal account, yes.

GiuliettaSW's picture


please use users.giulietta@gmail.com




Moth's picture

+++ DONE +++

petaqui's picture

Ideas to avoid adds?

Free version: can't choose size of icons, neither number of those appearing

Paid: can choose size of icons, number of those and even location

But what I think would be better is everything free for everyone, we are unlike, we are open. Just add a paypal donation button as others do, and we (users) will donate if we like the app (that's what I do). I know that creating the app takes so much time, but adds or limitations aren't the way to go

GiuliettaSW's picture

Support your developers! :)
Edit: would it be better to have ads embedded in the area of the quickbar?

nodevel's picture

No, it would be better to explicitly state in the description that this is an adware.


I think it's not a good idea to share adware in here anyways, since this community is known for being able to show gratitude via buing apps and donating, but not through integrating ads in system services.


To others:

This is a fine example why you shouldn't trust anything on OpenRepos, unless you really know who it's coming from. Today, system launchers will drain battery, needing internet connection, tomorrow your contacts can be in one developer's hands. It might improve once there is the connection with OBS, but you still cannot be sure unless you see all the sources for yourself.

GiuliettaSW's picture

Explicitly stated in the description that this is an ad-ware

Bobsikus's picture

good idea for an app, but I totally agree with nodevel... this is not android, keep your ads somewhere else, if you want support, you can be supported, but not by ads, that is the WORST way

GiuliettaSW's picture

We are open to suggestions on how to be supported in order to get rid of ads. If you have ideas, please share them :)

meneer's picture

Great idea and it works nice enough. But after tapping the idon, an annoying ad (in my own language) appears on top of the screen. Showing an ad on top of the screen is not quite what I like on my Jolla.

GiuliettaSW's picture

Agreed ads break the experience. We are working on trying to replace this, suggestions are welcomed.

meneer's picture

I would suggest to offer a free version with just 1 button and a paypal supported version with more buttons. don't built ad function, but use a key to unlock. some manual labor, but this will help support by community.

lkdhf's picture

Yes, an unlock key would be a useful workaround until paid apps are available in the Jolla store, or an alternative for people who wouldn't want to download from there.
