Daedalus Musicplayer

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Daedalus Musicplayer is an flexible musicplayer for SailfishOS. It is based on the versatile gui of the MPDclient SMPC.

- Browse albums
- Browse artists
- Browse all tracks
- Last.fm metadata download
- Last.fm scrobbling
- cover actions

More features to come

Application versions: 
File harbour-daedalus-1.0.0-1.armv7hl.rpm244.56 KB17/12/2014 - 02:40
File harbour-daedalus-1.0.1-1.armv7hl.rpm249.73 KB19/12/2014 - 13:28
File harbour-daedalus-1.0.2-1.armv7hl.rpm253.11 KB22/12/2014 - 14:41



delocoyo's picture

Why not more updates? It could be awesome to get a great mudic player

dyraig's picture

daedalus is my favourite player on my Jolla - however, since the update to Sailfish, I cannot get it to operate normally anymore. I can still see all songs stored on the device and the artists are displayed - but all album information is gone. All albums have "No album tag" displayed. At first, I thought of some tracker problems, so I did a full re-index, but that did not change anything. Strangely enought, the other players I have installed (Jolla Media and FlowPlayer) both show the albums correctly. Any idea to get daedalus to see the albums again would be great.

fph's picture

Same problem for me. :( The problem for me appeared not immediately after updating but several days later, which is even more strange. If you find a solution please let us know!

Kelmi's picture

Does this player support .cue metadata files? If not I suggest to add support for .cue files, it makes this player more great. ;)

royz4u's picture

Is it only for the audio files or it will play the video files too ?



dfstorm's picture

It sad because this app is not updated on Openrepos. Can you publish an "up to date" rpm package here please ? :D

I forked the source from GitHub (https://github.com/dfstorm/daedalus-sailfish). If you don't have time for this I can do it for you ;) I really want that bluetooth support :P However I got a problem with "qsparqlconnection" (Not present on my system and hard to find). It's late and I'm tired... I will probably find a way tomorow...

fph's picture

Did you publish that rpm in the end? I could use the bluetooth support too. :)

(Great project by the way; I love the interface.)

giskard's picture

If you are interested, the italian translation is ready on transifex.

s_mario's picture

Thanks for this nice player. But i have one Problem.

From 60 albums only 8 covers are shown in album view. I´ve stored the coverart as jpg-files in the directory of the mp3-files and in the mp3-files. They are showing by the native media app.

Are there limitations to the cover pictures for example dimension or size?

lispy's picture

Our favourite mediaplayer. Any chance for folderbased playback?

mrzapp's picture

Great app, definitely has some potential! I'd love to participate in the development. Is this open source? Is it on GitHub/BitBucket?

I was thinking it needs another logo. I whipped something quick together here, it's a play on the Daedalus tale of Greek mythology (the wings) and a musical note. I made 3 variations here:

The Inkscape .SVG file is here: http://imgh.us/daedalus-logo.svg

Is this a welcome change? If not, I won't spend any more time on it :)

Markkyboy's picture

Excellent work djselbeck, this app makes up for the total disappointment of the current Jolla mediaplayer, thank you!


Sulphur's picture

Great player, but… this layout! Why is everything centered?

silta's picture

Beautiful player. Thanks for it. But unfortunately, I have some problems.

1. Only 6 albumcovers of 64 are shown in album view. I´ve stored the albumarts as jpg-files in the directory of the mp3-files.

2. Two of 64 albums seems to be empty, but they aren´t. Native media app and filebrowser showing them.

Don´t know if I can do something?

The third thing is a request. Please is it possible to add a view by folder structure? Sometimes I create folders with songs from different albums of the same artist. Otherwise I have to copy and retag the mp3-files on pc before moving to the phone.

lithosandco's picture

First of all, great works! This player is really beautifull and promising, however I encounter some weird scan issue. Some of my albums were not available on the list. I have try to clear the database and reboot the phone already, do you have and idea may be ?

ps: The icon rock!


djselbeck's picture

You mean on the metadata database or the real music database? Because if it is the real music database this could also be a problem of tracker. I just use the tracker musicdatabase which is easier for me because I don't have to reinvent the wheel. If the music is missing can you have a look if Jollas Mediaplayer lists the albums? If yes there could be a problem with my tracker queries.

lithosandco's picture

Ok you are right, seems to be a tracker musicdatabase bug because the music is missing in Jolla Mediaplayer too. However, when I use QXmedia player, all the tracks and albums are tagged.

I have made few investigations on together.jolla and it seem that I'm not alone to see this bugs : https://together.jolla.com/question/50744/media-no-longer-recognising-al...

I have tried some trick like the "tracker-control -se", that's better (more albums are visible) but lot of musics are still missing. I will wait few hours and try to reboot and remove the battery for 10min and look if that help.

lithosandco's picture

Since the last update (u10), everything working fine.

hoodlum's picture

Localization is needed. Can you start using the Transifex?

djselbeck's picture

I'll have a look into it :)