Daedalus Musicplayer is an flexible musicplayer for SailfishOS. It is based on the versatile gui of the MPDclient SMPC.
- Browse albums
- Browse artists
- Browse all tracks
- Last.fm metadata download
- Last.fm scrobbling
- cover actions
More features to come
Attachment | Size | Date |
![]() | 244.56 KB | 17/12/2014 - 02:40 |
![]() | 249.73 KB | 19/12/2014 - 13:28 |
![]() | 253.11 KB | 22/12/2014 - 14:41 |
Thu, 2021/02/25 - 23:08
Why not more updates? It could be awesome to get a great mudic player
Wed, 2018/04/11 - 23:01
daedalus is my favourite player on my Jolla - however, since the update to Sailfish, I cannot get it to operate normally anymore. I can still see all songs stored on the device and the artists are displayed - but all album information is gone. All albums have "No album tag" displayed. At first, I thought of some tracker problems, so I did a full re-index, but that did not change anything. Strangely enought, the other players I have installed (Jolla Media and FlowPlayer) both show the albums correctly. Any idea to get daedalus to see the albums again would be great.
Sun, 2018/04/15 - 18:17
Same problem for me. :( The problem for me appeared not immediately after updating but several days later, which is even more strange. If you find a solution please let us know!
Sat, 2017/12/02 - 15:33
Does this player support .cue metadata files? If not I suggest to add support for .cue files, it makes this player more great. ;)
Mon, 2017/03/13 - 09:37
Is it only for the audio files or it will play the video files too ?
Fri, 2016/05/06 - 05:32
It sad because this app is not updated on Openrepos. Can you publish an "up to date" rpm package here please ? :D
I forked the source from GitHub (https://github.com/dfstorm/daedalus-sailfish). If you don't have time for this I can do it for you ;) I really want that bluetooth support :P However I got a problem with "qsparqlconnection" (Not present on my system and hard to find). It's late and I'm tired... I will probably find a way tomorow...
Wed, 2017/07/19 - 15:31
Did you publish that rpm in the end? I could use the bluetooth support too. :)
(Great project by the way; I love the interface.)
Fri, 2016/01/22 - 16:43
If you are interested, the italian translation is ready on transifex.
Sun, 2015/10/11 - 12:18
Thanks for this nice player. But i have one Problem.
From 60 albums only 8 covers are shown in album view. I´ve stored the coverart as jpg-files in the directory of the mp3-files and in the mp3-files. They are showing by the native media app.
Are there limitations to the cover pictures for example dimension or size?
Thu, 2015/06/25 - 09:59
Our favourite mediaplayer. Any chance for folderbased playback?
Fri, 2015/05/01 - 18:27
Great app, definitely has some potential! I'd love to participate in the development. Is this open source? Is it on GitHub/BitBucket?
I was thinking it needs another logo. I whipped something quick together here, it's a play on the Daedalus tale of Greek mythology (the wings) and a musical note. I made 3 variations here:
The Inkscape .SVG file is here: http://imgh.us/daedalus-logo.svg
Is this a welcome change? If not, I won't spend any more time on it :)
Fri, 2015/03/20 - 16:34
Excellent work djselbeck, this app makes up for the total disappointment of the current Jolla mediaplayer, thank you!
Tue, 2015/02/24 - 03:11
Great player, but… this layout! Why is everything centered?
Sun, 2014/12/21 - 00:07
Beautiful player. Thanks for it. But unfortunately, I have some problems.
1. Only 6 albumcovers of 64 are shown in album view. I´ve stored the albumarts as jpg-files in the directory of the mp3-files.
2. Two of 64 albums seems to be empty, but they aren´t. Native media app and filebrowser showing them.
Don´t know if I can do something?
The third thing is a request. Please is it possible to add a view by folder structure? Sometimes I create folders with songs from different albums of the same artist. Otherwise I have to copy and retag the mp3-files on pc before moving to the phone.
Wed, 2014/12/17 - 14:07
First of all, great works! This player is really beautifull and promising, however I encounter some weird scan issue. Some of my albums were not available on the list. I have try to clear the database and reboot the phone already, do you have and idea may be ?
ps: The icon rock!
Wed, 2014/12/17 - 14:23
You mean on the metadata database or the real music database? Because if it is the real music database this could also be a problem of tracker. I just use the tracker musicdatabase which is easier for me because I don't have to reinvent the wheel. If the music is missing can you have a look if Jollas Mediaplayer lists the albums? If yes there could be a problem with my tracker queries.
Fri, 2014/12/19 - 00:08
Ok you are right, seems to be a tracker musicdatabase bug because the music is missing in Jolla Mediaplayer too. However, when I use QXmedia player, all the tracks and albums are tagged.
I have made few investigations on together.jolla and it seem that I'm not alone to see this bugs : https://together.jolla.com/question/50744/media-no-longer-recognising-al...
I have tried some trick like the "
tracker-control -se
", that's better (more albums are visible) but lot of musics are still missing. I will wait few hours and try to reboot and remove the battery for 10min and look if that help.lithosandco
Fri, 2014/12/19 - 00:09
Since the last update (u10), everything working fine.
Wed, 2014/12/17 - 06:04
Localization is needed. Can you start using the Transifex?
Wed, 2014/12/17 - 13:39
I'll have a look into it :)