Patch: Eventsview controls attached page

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Patch for adding controls settings to evetsview attached page (see screenshot). Inspired by Saildev blog. Contains settings.

Works only on SailfishOS version


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v1.1.7.24 update


mgbler's picture

thank you very much it works : the patch is now shown as uninstalled.
but i can't install it on latest preview... maybe they changed the eventsview in

coderus's picture

no, it works fine here

mgbler's picture

okay ... weird, i guess i have to do a factory reset. Didn't find any configs on the filesystem or in dconf. In /usr/shate/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/eventview i found a EventsView.qml.webosinternals.orig, but switching it didn't help either

coderus's picture

show me result of

patch --dry-run -p 1 -d / -i /usr/share/patchmanager/patches/sailfishos-eventsview-controls-attached/unified_diff.patch

mgbler's picture

it fails because it thinks that a patch is already installed , see my bash at

coderus's picture

you need following also:

pkcon install jolla-settings-networking

pkcon install jolla-settings-bluetooth

mgbler's picture

you, sir, are a genius! how did you know that from these outputs? thank you very much!!!!!

coderus's picture

it complains about networking and bluetooth files, so

coderus's picture

It's standalone, you need to unapply and uninstall previous patch to use this one.

MoritzJT's picture

Thanks for the info. Just out of curiosity - would it be possible to reverse the pages? Have notifications and weather on the extra page and the toggles on the main? Maybe even switchable... I use those more often than the notifications themselves. Although that comes down to user preference ofc.

Great work again!

coderus's picture

Yes it's possible to do

MoritzJT's picture

Is this patch meant to accompany Patch: Eventsview controls. With settings applet. or is it a standalone? I can't seem to activate it.
