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This is a simple app to manage and run often used shell commands without using the terminal. It comes with some ready to use presets to show all features.

These include using mcetool to toggle display always on, a workaround to the missing jack detection on XA2 devices, find files, output various system status and connect to an SSH server using "fingerterm".


  • Search
  • Basic bash completion
  • Templates (commands that can be edited before execution)
  • Interactive mode using "fingerterm"
  • Output handling (copy lines and open files)
  • Error notifications
  • Cover actions


  • en
  • de
  • sv (by eson57)
  • zn_CH (by dashinfantry)
  • fr (by Quenty31 and Google Translate, sorry)


With SFOS 4 the gnu-bash is currently replaced by busybox. This prevents the bash completion (compgen) to work. Also some commands may not run as intended anymore.

A workaround without warranty from https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/4659:

pkcon remove busybox-symlinks-bash

Also I sometimes need to minify the app while completions are calculated to get all results. I don't know why, so I cannot fix it.

Launcher Icons

The desktop files are stores in


and are prefixed with


if you need to manually delete these.


All features of the current roadmap are implemented. If you have reasonable use cases for later extension, tell me or fork: https://github.com/dscheinah/qcommand

    Application versions: 
    File qcommand-0.2-1.armv7hl.rpm51.99 KB25/02/2019 - 22:48
    File qcommand-0.2-1.i486.rpm52.88 KB25/02/2019 - 22:48
    File qcommand-0.3-1.armv7hl.rpm51.71 KB17/07/2019 - 20:50
    File qcommand-0.3-1.i486.rpm52.7 KB17/07/2019 - 20:50
    File qcommand-0.4-3.armv7hl.rpm53.16 KB20/07/2019 - 10:53
    File qcommand-0.4-3.i486.rpm53.84 KB20/07/2019 - 10:53
    File qcommand-0.5-1.armv7hl.rpm58.01 KB21/07/2019 - 19:08
    File qcommand-0.5-1.i486.rpm59.96 KB21/07/2019 - 19:08
    File qcommand-0.6-1.armv7hl.rpm62.39 KB24/07/2019 - 23:29
    File qcommand-0.6-1.i486.rpm65.14 KB24/07/2019 - 23:29
    File qcommand-0.7-1.armv7hl.rpm65.66 KB27/07/2019 - 04:10
    File qcommand-0.7-1.i486.rpm68.46 KB27/07/2019 - 04:10
    File qcommand-0.8-1.armv7hl.rpm44.47 KB29/07/2019 - 02:47
    File qcommand-0.8-1.i486.rpm47.45 KB29/07/2019 - 02:47
    File qcommand-0.9-1.armv7hl.rpm49.4 KB01/08/2019 - 09:42
    File qcommand-0.9-1.i486.rpm53.12 KB01/08/2019 - 09:42
    File qcommand-1.0-1.armv7hl.rpm51.34 KB07/08/2019 - 00:42
    File qcommand-1.0-1.i486.rpm55.09 KB07/08/2019 - 00:42
    File qcommand-1.1-2.armv7hl.rpm57.84 KB04/10/2020 - 20:58
    File qcommand-1.1-2.i486.rpm65.14 KB04/10/2020 - 20:58
    File qcommand-1.2-1.armv7hl.rpm58.26 KB11/02/2021 - 01:19
    File qcommand-1.2-1.i486.rpm65.53 KB11/02/2021 - 01:19
    File qcommand-1.2-1.aarch64.rpm61.3 KB06/06/2021 - 14:14
    File qcommand-1.2-2.armv7hl.rpm58.31 KB20/03/2022 - 19:52
    File qcommand-1.2-2.i486.rpm65.65 KB20/03/2022 - 19:52
    File qcommand-1.2-2.aarch64.rpm61.4 KB20/03/2022 - 19:52
    File qcommand-1.3-1.armv7hl.rpm58.65 KB24/04/2022 - 23:36
    File qcommand-1.3-1.i486.rpm66.04 KB24/04/2022 - 23:36
    File qcommand-1.3-1.aarch64.rpm61.48 KB24/04/2022 - 23:36
    File qcommand-1.3-3.armv7hl.rpm58.68 KB26/04/2022 - 00:09
    File qcommand-1.3-3.i486.rpm66.06 KB26/04/2022 - 00:09
    File qcommand-1.3-3.aarch64.rpm61.52 KB26/04/2022 - 00:09
    File qcommand-1.4-1.armv7hl.rpm57.93 KB24/01/2025 - 03:22
    File qcommand-1.4-1.i486.rpm64.03 KB24/01/2025 - 03:22
    File qcommand-1.4-1.aarch64.rpm62.36 KB24/01/2025 - 03:22
    File qcommand-1.4-2.armv7hl.rpm57.95 KB24/01/2025 - 15:06
    File qcommand-1.4-2.i486.rpm64.05 KB24/01/2025 - 15:06
    File qcommand-1.4-2.aarch64.rpm62.37 KB24/01/2025 - 15:06


    • added support to remove a launcher icon using the commands menu
    • use pkexec instead of devel-su for non-interactive launcher icons with root enabled


    • added experiemental menu icon to each command that allows to create a launcher icon
    • the package now requires sailfishsecrets and fingerterm


    • added a switch to preset "Run as root" for command execution
    • reworked cover actions
      • if "Run as root" preset is turned on, the execution page opens unless the password is stored
      • if "Editable before execution" is turned on the execution page will always open
      • all other commands run as before
    • fixed bugs with the new SFOS 4 pre-release
      • password validation works again on first try
      • rendering the completion list no longer blocks the ui for minutes


    • added experimental support for Sailfish Secrets to store the root password


    • updated descriptions and screenshots for the first release version
    • added preset commands
    • add completion for words typed in current editor
    • nearly finalize translations


    • allow output to be copied or opened (if an app for the mimetype of a file is available)
    • try to layout the output in tables based on tab characters in the output
    • add descriptions to switches
    • some performance improvements
    • fixed some bugs


    • replace the default icon with another simple one
    • add a duplicate option for editing commands
    • enable experimental interactive mode using fingerterm if installed


    • add search
    • commands can now be selected to be used for cover actions
    • add some magic (the first word) to group command for the cover
      • play now iterates over commands in the same group
      • next now iterates over groups
    • add notifications
      • when output is ready and the app is minimized
      • when an error occured
    • add more languages


    • order cover commands by name
    • add experimental bash completion suggestions (not always correct but sometimes usable)
    • add option to edit commands before execution


    • add basic support for running commands as root with the password from the enabled developer mode
    • rework the internal command execution
    • some minor bugfixes


    • add an option to display output
    • add basic cover actions
    • fix a bug with commands reading from stdin
    • add more translations


    • restructured some of the code to prepare the next updates
    • add german translation
    • do not identify commands by name but by a hidden id


    Markkyboy's picture

    I suppose, to start with, just to capitalize some of the title/heading/options, for no reason that to fall inline with how Jolla does it, for example, instead of 'run command', change to 'Run command' and likewise for menu titles and options, all lowercase just doesn't look right in my opinion.

    Perhaps also, to use PageHeader where applicable, although it may make spacing look a bit odd.
    I will play around with the UI as I find your app quite useful. Another user here on Openrepos attempted something similar but development seemed to halt after the first version; https://openrepos.net/content/yaliang/gui-mcetool


    bomo's picture

    Are root commands allowed?

    CoanTeen's picture

    I need to revert my previous statement. When reworking the internal command execution I got an idea on how to implement the command execution as root using devel-su and the password from the developer settings.

    CoanTeen's picture

    No, root commands are not possible and I'm currently not sure if I will implement it. Sorry

    crakby's picture

    Is this app like ShellEx?

    CoanTeen's picture

    Looking at the screenshots of ShellEx you seem to be right.

    But as I see it, the future work will differ once I continue development. What I have in mind is something maybe described as "Kaptain light" with the programs output shown in a list view with the ability to copy or "open with" each line.
