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Another file manager for Sailfish.
Supports Box, Dropbox, Google Drive and OneDrive and WebDAV services.
You can extract and compress using this app too.

This is a preview version. You may find bugs and some functions may change in future versions.

Help translating to your language here:

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Application versions: 
File filecase-0.1-1.armv7hl.rpm364.34 KB24/06/2015 - 21:15
File filecase-0.1-2.armv7hl.rpm388.92 KB02/07/2015 - 03:04
File filecase-0.1-3.armv7hl.rpm390.09 KB03/07/2015 - 16:42
File filecase-0.1-4.armv7hl.rpm389.47 KB05/07/2015 - 01:55
File filecase-0.1-5.armv7hl.rpm400.2 KB25/08/2015 - 20:25
File filecase-0.1-6.armv7hl.rpm448.69 KB24/09/2015 - 06:11
File filecase-0.1-7.armv7hl.rpm432.87 KB01/10/2015 - 15:48
File filecase-0.1-8.i486.rpm521.58 KB13/10/2015 - 20:10
File filecase-0.1-8.armv7hl.rpm428.57 KB13/10/2015 - 20:10
File filecase-0.2-0.armv7hl.rpm453.22 KB01/05/2016 - 01:14
File filecase-0.1-8.aarch64.rpm431.33 KB01/06/2021 - 17:03
- Fixed get shared link for OneDrive and Google Drive
- Fixed OneDrive transfers issue (auth error)
- Fixed Dropbox upload folder
- Fixed WebDav upload folder
- Fixed transfers page issues
- Added extract apk files
- Updated info banner

- Don't remove completed transfers from list
- Added desktop files to text viewer/editor
- Fixed missing text in file viewer/editor
- Added missing icons for some filetypes
- Sailfish support

- Added custom port to webdav
- Fixed some issues

- Fixed webdav service (owncloud based)
- Fixed cut files/folders in clipboard

- Fixed upload files to cloud services

- Added swipe to go back
- Added http support for webdav (not tested)


CepiPerez's picture

Can you see your SD card using another app? If system doesn't support it, there's nothing I can do

Schturman's picture

Very cool, thanks Cepi!
Can you add option to see and edit text files (.txt, .sh etc) like filetug have ?

CepiPerez's picture

That's one of the main reasons I did this app and will be implemented soon

Victorious's picture

I still don't understand how you can copy in the cloud... can't find "paste".

P.S. And bug - orientation does not change


CepiPerez's picture

Share button gives you option to upload files to cloud services.
Orientation not implemented yet.

Victorious's picture

I copied the folder "Music" and want to copy it to the Dropbox, but do not see "Share".

CepiPerez's picture

Ok now I get it. You want to upload folders, it's not available yet.

Alex's picture

FINALLY we are able to send music files with our Jolla! Thanks Cepi. :)
P.s.: It would be great if you would follow the Sailfish UX and it would be possible to go back with a right swipe instead of the button:)

Igorion's picture

Thanks a lot Cepi! 

I also support idea about the ability to go back by swype from left side :-) 

malibu's picture

Yes .. Swipe to back to previous page will be pefect.

This app is really welcome to my Jolla .. Thanks a lot !

malibu's picture

Thanks a lot !
Remember the n9 :P

lukedirtwalker's picture

Awesome stuff. Thanks a lot :)

heubergen's picture

Thanks for this great app :)

Could you send me to the language file please? So I can translate it in german.

Is it possible that the webdav connection has a bug?

I can succesfully connect me with the owncloud application with a other app for jolla.

CepiPerez's picture

Oops, I've added https support only. Give me some time to check http sites.
Translations project added:

eson's picture

Can't find a way to join translation team. Logged in and registered since long.

Think I found it. Correct link are...
