NOTE: Requires GhostCloud from the Jolla store or OpenRepos.
Provides additional functionality for GhostCloud:
* Daemon to automatically back up photos to your remote cloud instance.
* Share UI for uploading videos and images (from Gallery, etc)
You can donate to the project through:
Flattr: @beidl
Mon, 2017/04/24 - 01:53
I managed to resurrect the automatic picture upload feature on my phone by editing the configuration file for harbour-owncloud on my phone, in file /home/nemo/.config/harbour-owncloud/harbour-owncloud.conf I changed localPicturesPath to the directory on the external SD. Unfortunately the path now includes a UUID so this is likely to break when changing the SD for any reason, so use at your own risk.
Wed, 2017/08/30 - 12:03
I frederik,
could it be possible to implement 2 items:
1) indicate the Camera path (SD or intern memory)
2) Indicate the downloading path on the Owncloud server
Thanks a lot
Sat, 2017/02/04 - 14:56
I rarely use WiFi on my Jolla because I have unlimited 4G data plan. How could I enable photo sync on mobile data, too?
Sat, 2016/07/23 - 15:02
It would be nice to have the possibility to name the owncloud folder by your own so you to not mix up the data if you have more than one device.
Mon, 2016/05/16 - 12:38
This is a great idea, and the app does work, but unfortunately it seems to completely ignore the on/off toggle and the "only sync on wifi" option.
It has used 6GB of data this month (first 3GB with sync on and only sync on wifi checked, second 3GB on a different day with sync OFF and only sync on wifi checked).
Expensive mistake!
Tue, 2016/01/05 - 15:08
OC outputs an intermittent error message that one tries to create an already existing folder named "Jolla", because I installed the client and the daemon on my second device. Any hints how to stop it?
Also, a temporary shutdown should be possible. I sometimes take some pictures definitevely not worth to save it in the cloud.
Mon, 2015/05/25 - 22:25
Thanks for this great app! However, it is not clear to me if the backup is done one way (Jolla > OwnCloud) only or if it is a proper sync (two ways) as one is used with the owncloud client.
Thu, 2015/02/26 - 11:34
Hi! This doesn't seem to work automatically as a daemon anymore?
I have to open the owncloud app in order to start the uploading...
Wed, 2015/03/04 - 22:43
Thanks for this! So far everything has worked out of the box, nice work!
Don't know about future plans and updates, but it would be great to be able to sync with mobile data also. It would be nice to be able to choose to use either wifi or mobile, or both according to availability.Feature requests:
Thanks! :)
Thu, 2015/02/19 - 18:48
Works fine for me after the last updates, thank you!
In my case, the photo backup works through the data even with the option "backup through Wifi" is marked
Fri, 2015/02/13 - 12:06
For me it does not work. I already had a directory called "Jolla" when I installed the daemon. This is what I did:
Nothing happens...
If there is a bugtracker somewhere please let me know.
Thanks jukey
Wed, 2015/02/11 - 01:14
After some problems with the update of OC client I got all working ... backup daemon generates a directory 'Jolla' within the OC file path and syncs all photos from Jolla ... works perfectly.
Great work !
Tue, 2015/02/10 - 19:48
I have the native Owncloud app configured correctly. I installed this app but I don't have a clue if it worjs and how. At least I would expect a way to select a target folder for my pictures. In additiob it would be great to be asked to sync existing pictutes or not...
thanks jukey