Patch: Calendar events on lockscreen

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This is a patch for the lockscreen to show the upcoming events.on The view is fully configurable using the settings. Version 0.4 only works with sailfish Usage: Install and then apply patch through patch manager. Note: Landscape orientation needs fixing. 0.4-1 has a bug which scroll all events to the end, this is fixed in 0.4-2. Source:

Application versions: 
File lockscreen-upcoming-0.1-1.armv7hl.rpm5.26 KB06/07/2015 - 08:31
File lockscreen-upcoming-0.2-1.armv7hl.rpm11.25 KB03/08/2015 - 15:18
File lockscreen-upcoming-0.3-1.armv7hl.rpm12.21 KB04/09/2015 - 15:17
File lockscreen-upcoming-0.4-1.armv7hl.rpm12.72 KB22/09/2015 - 02:02
File lockscreen-upcoming-0.4-2.armv7hl.rpm12.75 KB23/09/2015 - 04:10
File lockscreen-upcoming-0.5-1.noarch.rpm12.87 KB29/10/2015 - 05:00
File lockscreen-upcoming-0.6-1.noarch.rpm14.03 KB12/04/2017 - 19:49
File lockscreen-upcoming-0.7-1.noarch.rpm18.02 KB27/09/2017 - 08:21
File lockscreen-upcoming-0.8-1.noarch.rpm22.2 KB09/11/2018 - 20:57
File lockscreen-upcoming-0.9-1.noarch.rpm22.59 KB16/01/2019 - 09:17
File lockscreen-upcoming-1.0-1.noarch.rpm22.85 KB29/04/2021 - 08:15

- Compatible with Sailfish 4.0.1
- Changed number of events in settings to text box input
- Compatible with Sailfish 3.0.1 weather on lockscreen changes (Thanks Przemek for the code contributed)
- Size of box used to move by 1 pixel now relative in order to scale for higher resolution devices
- Compatible with Sailfish 3.0
0 7
- Bug fix - content not scrolling and out of frame (
- Implemented setting to change position
- Additional required files are now installed rather than patched
- Stop animations on lockscreen exit (Thanks Ajalkane for the code contributed)
- Built with noarch
- Compatible with sailfish version
- Added scrolling text for long event names
- Added message for no events, option to show is in settings
- Fixed bug where finished event would not be removed
- Duplicate events issue fully fixed
- Width is now fraction of screen width for use on non-jolla phones
- Updated uninstall scripts and added dependencies
- Resolve conflict with battery and status indicators on lockscreen patch
- Added settings
- Fixed duplicate event issue
- First build.


kozaobecna's picture

works under SFOS as expected

thanks for this patch i can't be without it since Jolla-1 :)

For the SFOS uninstall this rpm and install patch via PatchManager Web Catalog

rdomschk's picture

Hello - could you update this patch to please? Thanks in advance

rdomschk's picture

this patch runs great on my new Sony Xperia 10 with SFOS Thank you!

Only one little thing doesn't work. Because of the large and small 6" display in Format 20:9, the slider for "Show next Day" is scaled to small. In follow the default value 7 Days cannot be changed. Could you fix that in a next update please? Thank you very much

update 2020-01-05:

I found the solution for me. I changed the file main.qml in \usr\share\jolla-settings\pages\lockscreen-upcoming-patch\ and now I can move the slider.

In this main file it is the line 77. I changed the whidrh from 265 to 465. 
line 77         width: 265 ==> new 465

Historyscholar's picture


darbess's picture

Thank you for your answer. I have some news: it seems that the missing file has now been restored in place by Jolla. The patch now installs and works on my Xperia X with (at least, basic functionality works: I haven't tried repositioning yet...)

darbess's picture

First of all, a big thank you for your work.
This app worked perfectly on my Xperia X on Before updating to I removed it. The update was successful, but now this app does not install any more. It says: File './non-oss/noarch/sailfish-tutorial-data-0.2.3-1.8.1.jolla.noarch.rpm' not found on medium ''.

anig's picture

I'm not sure that is linked to this as I saw something similar when trying to update meecast eventsview. From the terminal try doing the command pkcon refresh as root ti see if it resolves it. However, the patch is not workimg on, I am working on a fix.

4carlos's picture

Did not work with SFOS 3. Please fixit it ;)

vbelloir's picture

Hi all, patchmanager failed to remove the patch when updating to Can you help me?

Even if storeman tells me that the installed version is 0.7.1, warehouse give me more details on the failure and tells about a 0.2.1 rpm... Strange

Markkyboy's picture

Removing stuck patches;

`devel-su rpm -e name-of-patch --noscripts`

vbelloir's picture

Hi, and thanks for your help. With your command line, warehouse and storeman tell me that the patch is removed, but it is still in patchmanager, and the os update fails. Any idea?

silta's picture

Thank you very much!

silta's picture

Hi, in older Version I was able to change language by editing the unified_diff.patch. In Version 0.6 it is no more possible. Cold you tell me what file I have to edit to change language?

Thanks, silta.

anig's picture

I've changed it so that the additional files are installed rather than patched. You can edit them directly (as root). The files are called ShowCalEv.qml, LockTLabel.qml, LockEItem.qml. They can be found in /usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/lockscreen/


I plan to work on translation support soon.

objectifnul's picture

Wishlist : make widget position adjustable.

Jordi's picture

This patch fail to install with the last Sailfish version, any idea?

anig's picture

Just tried it and it seems to be ok. It conflicts with my lockscreen widget manager and so won't install if you have that installed.

objectifnul's picture

Privacy-paranoid users should be aware that this patch displays next calendar entries even if the device is locked.

Schturman's picture


Thanks for patch!

This patch is not compatible with Lockscreen analog clock patch. Can you add support for this ?


anig's picture

I am working on a lockscreen widget manager which should hopefully resolve these kind of issues.

Schturman's picture

Thanks, waiting for a new version :)

Quasar's picture

Thank you for 2.0 support!

Little bug(?): if there are a lot of upcoming events, only the latest events are shown (not the nearest), because it scrolls automatically to the latest. Could you fix it, please?

anig's picture

It was a bug introduced as part of the event name scroll. It could be turned into a feature though.

ajalkane's picture

Any plans to bring this excellent patch to Sailfish 2.0? Even though Sailfish 2.0 now has calendar entries in events view, it's inadequate as it doesn't show any future events (only next 2 for current day). Furthermore it's very convenient to see upcoming calendar entries right away on lockscreen.

anig's picture

Yes, just installed 2.0 so will update the patch soon

ajalkane's picture

Awesome, thank you!

MoritzJT's picture

Hey there, on the openrepos warehouse client I did not see the line telling me to remove the battery and status indicator patch prior to disabling yours. Now I am stuck with a phone I can't use. I still can SSH into it but I cannot do anything. How do I reapply your patch to get out of this mess? I did not remove the mentioned patch before but disabled yours and restarted the services.

Do I need to start from scratch?

MoritzJT's picture
anig's picture

That should get the phone running again. Once you are back in I would advise doing the following:
1) Unapply all lockscreen related patches in Patchmanager but do not restart preloaded services.
2) In /usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/lockscreen if it exists copy to Lockscreen.qml. Check Lockscreen.qml doesn't have the lines from the patch (link in your comment)
3) In /usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/lockscreen/ remove ShowCalEvents.qml, BorderRectangle.qml, LockEventItem.qml and LockTimeLabel.qml if they are there.
4) Remove any file ending in .webosinternals.orig
5) Restart the phone.

Everything should now work.

Quasar's picture

Thanks for the patch! Could add, please, ability to break long titles on multiple lines?
