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Music player for Jolla Sailfish with Lyrics support, online radio and 10-bands equializer

Update 0.2-0 is only for Sailfish
Equalizer has some issues, I'll check it later.

Help translating to your language here:

Donate to support development:
Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=MZTSYYJBWZXD2


Application versions: 
File flowplayer-0.1-1.armv7hl.rpm146.89 KB11/07/2015 - 19:51
File flowplayer-0.1-2.armv7hl.rpm160.34 KB31/07/2015 - 00:01
File flowplayer-0.1-3.armv7hl.rpm377.01 KB04/08/2015 - 22:25
File flowplayer-0.1-4.armv7hl.rpm410.77 KB13/08/2015 - 15:55
File flowplayer-0.1-5.armv7hl.rpm429.27 KB10/09/2015 - 02:23
File flowplayer-0.1-6.armv7hl.rpm429 KB10/09/2015 - 20:56
File flowplayer-0.1-7.armv7hl.rpm446.56 KB16/09/2015 - 16:03
File flowplayer-0.1-8.armv7hl.rpm982.43 KB13/10/2015 - 20:44
File flowplayer-0.1-9.armv7hl.rpm1015 KB07/11/2015 - 00:53
File flowplayer-0.2-0.armv7hl.rpm1015.72 KB21/02/2016 - 01:47
File flowplayer-0.2-1.armv7hl.rpm1017.39 KB01/05/2016 - 00:40
- Added search artist image option
- Added active cover options
- Fixed lyrics search option
- Fixed shuffle list order

- New start page with dinamic images
- Use folder.jpg for album cover
- Enabled all orientations

- Gapless playback
- Favorites songs
- Bluetooth headset support
- Fixed position slider timestamps
- Fixed duplicate songs in database
- Fixed remove folders issue
- Fixes for compilations albums

- Fixed special chars in filenames (not playing issue)

- Changed player from QtMultimedia to gstreamer
- Added 10-bands equalizer
- Prevent download existing artist image
- Fixed various artists management
- Added cover search in album view
- Sailfish fixes

- Added songs panel
- Added mod/xm support (mod support package is required)
- Improved playlists management
- Added music folders management
- Improved collection update

- Fixed missing library

- Added internet radio
- Added artists view
- Added m4a and wma support
- Added artist info (from last.fm)
- UI fixes



oscar's picture

I have the same issue. Did you solve it?

CepiPerez's picture

Can you send me the file /home/nemo/config/cepiperez/flowplayer.db to cepiperez@gmail.com?
It's just songs info, no private data inside

romu70's picture

Exact same problem for me. I'll send you the file.

Samudraga's picture

Loading album covers and artist pictures works generally fine. I still have problems with a few less known bands. Album covers are not found at all. I understand and accept if it isn't possible to find pictures of some obscure bands and their albums, but the irritating thing happens when I play a song: the app starts to load ramdom pictures of unknown people or even animals for artist photos. If I delete them in home/nemo/.cache/flowplayer folder, the same stupid pictures appear again when I start to play a song. I have also tried to rename a picture of my own with the name of a deleted picture and put it in the home/nemo/.cache/flowplayer folder, but the app ignores it and loads something from web instead. It would be nice to have a possibity to manually add your own pictures and use them when the app can not find anything relevant.

CepiPerez's picture

Those images are from last.fm api, I can't do anything about this.
There's an option when you open an album (pull down menu) to find images using google. I'll try to add this for artists too.

boebbele's picture

If I deinstall Jolla-Media, then I see in Flowplayer only a white screen. If I install Jolla-Media again it works. But I dont need Jolla-Media.... Can you do anything?

CepiPerez's picture

I'm using jolla-mediaplayer libraries for bluetooth. This library is closed, so I can't make my own one, at least for now. I'll try removing it (since this is for sending metadata) and see what happens. Wait for next update

lunatix's picture

Nice update! French translations have been lost :(. And there is still this issue concerning the "random" thing.

Keep up the good work. Thanks!!

boebbele's picture

Great update!!! Thank you!

s_mario's picture

Thanks for this nice player. But i have one Problem.

From 60 albums only 13 covers are shown in album view. I´ve stored the coverart as jpg-files in the directory of the mp3-files and in the mp3-files. They are showing by the native media app.
Are there limitations to the cover pictures for example dimension or size?

And it would be nice if we had the opportunity to clear album cover again.


boebbele's picture

Great Musicplayer!!! But the landscape mode works for me only if I turn my phone on the left side. If I turn it clockwise the landscapee mode does not. Why?

brunkku's picture

The white screen problem is back with 0.1-7. It is really funny since it worked right after I upgraded, but now it's down again.

This time the error message is:

[W] unknown: 497 - file:///usr/share/flowplayer/qml/flowplayer.qml:497:5 BluetoothMediaPlayer is not a type BluetootMediaPlayer {         ^

CepiPerez's picture

Did you update Sailfish to If not, then please go back to previous version

brunkku's picture

Yeah, that's the thing to do. Jolla store let me down... I was able to reinstall mediaplayer, but I can't update it to the most recent level. There's an update available (probably related features) but it won't install. I went back to Flowplayer 0.1-6 but now all music is missing... Stupid me, I should have let the Mediaplayer rest in peace!

tamhou's picture

sadly i had the same problem after happily deleting the jolla media player. reinstalling it solved the issue, but since i did this flowplayer can't find most of my music. rescanning passes way to fast and does not solve any problem. also redirecting to the directories via settings couldn't help...

any ideas?


thanks in advance...


*EDIT: was a problem with rights on my sd card... problem solved. but it seems you shouldn't erase the mediaplayer off jolla...




brunkku's picture

How did you solve the problem with sdcard? Chmod command in terminal?

I have reinstalled mediaplayer, but I am unable to update it back to level (Jolla store problem). Therefore  I followed Cepi's instructions and installed Flowplayer 0.1-6 instead. The application launches OK but all music is missing, both from phone memory and external sd card.

tamhou's picture

i did it with the harddiskutility of my pc. i just tried repair and it showed me some faults and repaired them....was working flawlessly since that...

in my case i used "repair volume"- option in the harddiskutility of a old mac. should also work on any other os..


brunkku's picture

Thanks, I solved it by removing everything Flowplayer related files from .config directory.

asgeirr's picture

Awesome player for Sailfish in every aspect I can think of. I especially appreciate the lyrics feature. Can I Flattr you somewhere? I did not find the player neither on Jolla Store nor on GitHub, where I could use Flattr.

tamhou's picture

me again, sorry. i just realised, that sometimes the albums show every song 2 times, even if there is only one file...

any idea how to solve this? thank you in advance and a nice weekend to erverybody ;)


CepiPerez's picture

Rescan music collection, or wait for next update (I've fixed it today)

tamhou's picture

senor perez,


seriously, best player ever. now even with bluetoothheadsetbuttonsupport.. just superb.

thank you again



tamhou's picture

so i just donated some bucks cause that player just seems to be perfect for my needs.

one last question: would it be possible to also implement the support of bluetoothheadset buttons?the native player workes whit it, flow seems not to understand if i push the skip button...


thank you anyway...

AA1AA's picture

Amazing app ! Two features would be nice though ; The last 50 songs added and a button to choose our favourite songs like on the N9. But even without those, I really like what you did. Thank you

CepiPerez's picture

I need to change the way FlowPlayer scans music for "last added" support. I'm not saying "no" but it will take time. Favourites in N9 are for last.fm, I never implemented favourites, but I can do this and sounds like a nice idea, but I need time.

tamhou's picture

first of all: thank you for this incredible player. it's awesome.

i just have one feature request and one problem i may describe here briefly: it seems radistations streaming aac are not supported, or am i mistaking? that would be great if it would work.

beside that i obseved a strange thing downloading covers: first i was able to load covers individually and also choose between diffrent suggestions, now the chargingsymbol lasts much shorter and there is never found one single cover..

is this just my problem or could it be a tiny bug?

beside that, its just a one of a kind player, would love to only use that one, also for aac streams ;)


thank you again



CepiPerez's picture

For aac try installing ultimate codec support.
About individual covers (from album view) it uses google api. If it doesn't work you must wait and try later (free search is limited, I won't pay for unlimited search since this app is free)

tamhou's picture


working flawlessly now. is there a possibility to donate?


HtheB's picture

Donation link is right on the description...
Oh and also on the "About" section within the app
(Pulley menu at the main screen)

brunkku's picture

Hi, version 0.1-5 in Sailfish shows just white screen, nothing else.
