The Weather App for Central Europe.
A complete rewrite accommodate some feature requests, like an animated view. Most likely the first application that fully supports keyboard shortcuts, awaiting TOHKBD2.
Keyboard shortcuts:
UI shortcuts:
Medard provides detailed weather forecast for Czech Republic and Central Europe.
It is based on numerical weather prediction model MM5, a joint project of the Institute of Computer Science AS CR and Czech Hydrometeorological Institute.
Source code:
If you like this app, please consider small donation:
Pokus se vám aplikace líbí, zvažte prosím menší příspěvek.
Attachment | Size | Date |
![]() | 21.93 KB | 04/04/2015 - 00:01 |
![]() | 21.68 KB | 23/01/2015 - 11:49 |
![]() | 21.16 KB | 22/01/2015 - 23:52 |
![]() | 18.98 KB | 08/01/2014 - 14:09 |
0.9.5 - Choices are now saved (fixed behavior from the previous version), new About page, renamed to 'Medard'.
0.9.2 - ComboBox labels fixed (workaround), added keyboard shortcuts, added control buttons and slider, added Refresh option, small UI changes.
0.9.1 - Complete rewrite, animation view. See known issues.
Sun, 2021/02/07 - 13:34
Unfortunately it doesn't show the map
Sun, 2021/02/07 - 13:31
defaultuser@Xperia10-DualSIM ~]$ harbour-medard
[D] unknown:0 - Using Wayland-EGL
[W] unknown:75 - file:///usr/share/harbour-medard/qml/harbour-medard.qml:75:
TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of undefined
[W] unknown:75 - file:///usr/share/harbour-medard/qml/harbour-medard.qml:75:
TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined
[D] expression for script:251 - Warning: Slider.maximumValue needs to be hig
her than Slider.minimumValue
[D] onCompleted:580 - Warning: specifying an object instance for initialPage
is sub-optimal - prefer to use a Component
[W] unknown:93 - file:///usr/share/harbour-medard/qml/pages/ForecastView.qml
:93: TypeError: Cannot read property 'titleEN' of undefined
[W] unknown:93 - file:///usr/share/harbour-medard/qml/pages/ForecastView.qml
:93: TypeError: Cannot read property '2' of undefined
[W] unknown:93 - file:///usr/share/harbour-medard/qml/pages/ForecastView.qml
:93: TypeError: Cannot read property 'titleEN' of undefined
[W] unknown:93 - file:///usr/share/harbour-medard/qml/pages/ForecastView.qml
:93: TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of undefined
[W] unknown:93 - file:///usr/share/harbour-medard/qml/pages/ForecastView.qml
:93: TypeError: Cannot read property 'titleEN' of undefined
[W] unknown:93 - file:///usr/share/harbour-medard/qml/pages/ForecastView.qml
:93: TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined
[W] unknown:119 - file:///usr/share/harbour-medard/qml/pages/ForecastView.qm
l:119: TypeError: Cannot read property 'titleCS' of undefined
[W] unknown:118 - file:///usr/share/harbour-medard/qml/pages/ForecastView.qm
l:118: TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of undefined
[W] unknown:119 - file:///usr/share/harbour-medard/qml/pages/ForecastView.qm
l:119: TypeError: Cannot read property 'titleCS' of undefined
[W] unknown:118 - file:///usr/share/harbour-medard/qml/pages/ForecastView.qm
l:118: TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of undefined
[W] unknown:119 - file:///usr/share/harbour-medard/qml/pages/ForecastView.qm
l:119: TypeError: Cannot read property 'titleCS' of undefined
[W] unknown:118 - file:///usr/share/harbour-medard/qml/pages/ForecastView.qm
l:118: TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of undefined
[W] unknown:119 - file:///usr/share/harbour-medard/qml/pages/ForecastView.qm
l:119: TypeError: Cannot read property 'titleCS' of undefined
[W] unknown:118 - file:///usr/share/harbour-medard/qml/pages/ForecastView.qm
l:118: TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of undefined
[W] unknown:119 - file:///usr/share/harbour-medard/qml/pages/ForecastView.qm
l:119: TypeError: Cannot read property 'titleCS' of undefined
[W] unknown:118 - file:///usr/share/harbour-medard/qml/pages/ForecastView.qm
l:118: TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of undefined
[D] :85 - default
[D] :88 - 1612693764
[D] :85 - default
[D] :88 - 1612693824
Tue, 2019/07/09 - 12:09
Hi, I just installed it on Xperia XA and XA ultra with current SFOS (Hossa) and this app works nicely with correct weather data :-)
Thu, 2017/05/25 - 20:01
Hi @nodevel, you wrote Tue, 07/19/2016 - 23:26:
"A few weeks ago I created the first functional prototype of a new version that already works with map layers, which switched to. The advantage is that one can move around the map and select different layers. The problem is that it requires Qt 5.6, on which Jolla is currently working. Once they release that, I could publish some test version."
With SailfishOS 2.1.0 released in April 2017, Qt5.6 has been finally integrated.
It would be so nice to have this small, though capable weather app working, again.
Tue, 2017/06/06 - 16:50
yes I did and I stay by it. Unfortunately, even though it seems Jolla has upgraded everything to Qt 5.6, it is not entirely true. The new (map-based) version of Medard relies on modules QtLocation and QtPositioning and those have stayed in their Qt 5.2 versions in SailfishOS - you can check for yourself on your device.
For reasons why Jolla made this decision (to keep some modules in their old versions), you can read this Mer Meeting log. In short, Qt changed licensing of some modules to LGPLv3 (from LGPLv2) and Jolla has not decided whether they want to adhere to the new license, so some modules are not being updated. As far as I know, they are thinking of offering those modules as optional (not preinstalled) packages, but that has not happened yet...
Fri, 2015/03/27 - 09:00
ahoj, bylo by mozne nastavit, aby si pamatoval muj posledni vyber ? (ti myslim lokaci a typ predpovedi) / Hi, would be possible to remember the app's chosen settings ? (I mean location, type of prediction)
Sat, 2015/04/04 - 00:02
takhle to už mělo fungovat v předchozí verzi, ale nějak to nešlo - teď jsem to konečně opravil ve verzi 0.9.5
Implemented in 0.9.5
Sun, 2015/04/26 - 11:28
funguje, díky :)
works, thanks :)
Sat, 2015/08/15 - 09:44
Ahoj, poslední cca 2 dny mi vůbec neaktualizuje informace ohledně počasí, dokonce nejde ani vybrat oblast ani typ předpovědi... děje se něco na serveru, ze kterého to bere ?
Sat, 2015/09/26 - 17:01
Všiml jsem si, že na ploše se ten obrázek s mapou ukazuje korektně, ale v aplikaci už ne.. nevím, jestli nemám něco špatně já, je něco, co můžu udělat/ zkusit ? smazat nějakou složku aplikace nebo něco podobného ? Možná jsem jediný, kdo má problémy... (PS: Snažil jsem se obrázek v komentu zmenšit, ale nějak to nefunguje...
I have noticed that on the desktop on cover is map shown correctly, but in the app does not.. I am not sure, if only I can have this problem, is there somethin I can try to do about that ?
Wed, 2015/10/07 - 14:08
Díky za zprávu, podívám se na to.
S Medardem je v současnosti problém takový, že přešli od obrázků k vrstvám na interaktivní mapě. Snad by se to dalo také nějak využít a mít tyto vrstvy i na SailfishOS, ale v současnosti jsem bohužel limitován volným časem.
Tue, 2016/07/19 - 11:36
situace stále stejná, co mě zaráží, že na té Cover to někdy funguje, někdy ne.. byl by čas mrknout ? :) Medard je stále nejpřesnější co se týče předpovědí, když to prohlížím přes prohlížeč, tak to nestíhá a blbne
Tue, 2016/07/19 - 23:26
Před pár týdny jsem vytvořil první funkční prototyp nové verze, která už pracuje s mapovými vrstvami, na které medard-online přešel. Výhoda je, že člověk se může pohybovat v mapě a zapínat si různé vrstvy.
Problém je, že to vyžaduje Qt 5.6, na kterém Jolla v současnosti pracuje. Jakmile to vydají, tak bych mohl vydat nějakou testovací verzi.