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A Journey planner/Railway Time table for many train lines in europe and australia.

Current supported backends are:

  • Germany (bahn.de) - supports via station and GPS location.
  • Germany, Munich (mvv-muenchen.de)
  • Austria (oebb.at) - supports via station and GPS location.
  • Austria, Salzburg (svv-info.at)
  • Denmark (rejseplanen.dk) - supports via station and GPS location.
  • Switzerland (sbb.ch) - support via station, timetable with direction and GPS location.
  • Norway (reiseinfo.no / nri) - supports GPS location.
  • Netherlands / Belgium (9292ov.nl) - supports via station and GPS location.
  • Sweden (vasttrafik.se) - supports via station and GPS location.
  • Sweden (resrobot.se)
  • Ireland (transportforireland.ie) - supports via station.
  • Australia, Victoria (ptv.vic.gov.au) - supports via station.
  • Australia, Sydney (transportnsw.info) - supports via station.
  • USA, SF Bay (511.org) - supports via station.
  • Dubai (rta.ae) - supports via station.
  • Finland (Matka.fi)


Application versions: 

* fix bahn.de


sponka's picture

Have no problem with stability on Jolla (yet, fingers crossed :)

And thanks for Jolla calendar feature, much appreciated!

elastic's picture

Thank you for the new version - unfortunately the new calendar option doesn't work ... every time I try to add a journey to the calendar the app closes itself immediately ... 



smurfy's picture

everytime? i had this once happen to me. not sure why

elastic's picture

Not sure if every time - after the fifth attempt I gave up ... ;-)

smurfy's picture

Next version, released on openrepos.net will have calendar support on sailfishos.

elastic's picture

great news :-) - thank you for supporting Sailfish (and Harmattan and ...)

elastic's picture

Any news if calendar entries will be possible in the future (I know that the calendar app ist still not oss but in BB10 it works anyway ...) 

elastic's picture

Best app from symbian to BB10 :-) - please add possibilty for calendar entry and favorites on Sailfish - thx
