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Colordots is a game of connecting. Link as many dots as you can in thirty moves or 60 seconds. Connect one dot to another, connect four dots to make a square. Similar to Dots game for Android/iOS. Ported from Dotty which is written for Ubuntu Phone by Robert Ancell (




Application versions: 
File harbour-colordots-0.1.0-1.armv7hl.rpm33.56 KB29/11/2014 - 16:07
File harbour-colordots-0.2.0-1.armv7hl.rpm33.81 KB30/11/2014 - 16:31
File harbour-colordots-0.3.0-1.armv7hl.rpm35.74 KB14/12/2014 - 19:16
File harbour-colordots-0.4.0-1.armv7hl.rpm35.95 KB26/07/2015 - 20:27
  • 0.4.0-1: Fix wrong shape if no moves possible. Fix race condition in 60s mode.
  • 0.3.0-1: New game mode: 60 seconds. Setting for using both shapes and color.
  • 0.2.0-1: Add About page and menu for score and new game.
  • 0.1.0-1: Initial working version.


Alexxxlrus's picture

is it possible to port to harmattan?

walokra's picture

The game is just QML (and GPL) so porting to Harmattan should be possible if someone wants to do it. Unfortunately I don't have tools for that.

Alexxxlrus's picture

Thank U. I understand! ))

tex's picture

Please please please implement undo move function. Lack of it is driving me crazy. Otherwise thank you very much for my new addiction.

Ruslanowitsch's picture

Great game, runs fine! Reminds me of the good old "lines" on PalmOS! :-)

walokra's picture

Colordots is now available also in Jolla Store.