N9/50 QuickTweak

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This application work via terminal and will give you implement some different tweaks to your N9 file system.

This app work properly only on PR 1.3 and base/blanco theme !!!

For N950 users, only on leaked PR1.3 !!!

I'm not responsible for the damage if it will cause to your phone :-)

For the FULL description and Discussion/bug reports: Maemo.org/Allnokia.ru



Application versions: 
File n9-qtweakall_9.8.3_armel.deb18.14 MB25/08/2013 - 13:44
File n950-qtweakall_9.8.3_armel.deb18.54 MB25/08/2013 - 13:44
File n9-qtweakall_9.8.4_armel.deb18.34 MB29/08/2019 - 21:59
File n950-qtweakall_9.8.4_armel.deb18.73 MB29/08/2019 - 21:59
File n9-qtweakall_9.8.5_armel.deb18.34 MB01/09/2013 - 02:01
File n950-qtweakall_9.8.5_armel.deb18.74 MB01/09/2013 - 02:01
File n9-qtweakall_9.8.6_armel.deb18.45 MB29/09/2013 - 00:11
File n950-qtweakall_9.8.6_armel.deb18.83 MB29/09/2013 - 00:11
File n9-qtweakall_9.8.7_armel.deb19.01 MB05/12/2013 - 14:14
File n950-qtweakall_9.8.7_armel.deb19.4 MB05/12/2013 - 14:14
File n9-qtweakall_9.8.8_armel.deb18.99 MB29/08/2019 - 21:59
File n950-qtweakall_9.8.8_armel.deb19.37 MB29/08/2019 - 21:59

n950-qtweakall (9.8.7) unstable; urgency=low * Initial build for OBS.


smartblu9's picture

Fantastic tool. But I'm searching its documentation...

found_irish's picture

Activated enlarged VKB for my daughter. This is a powerful tool.

campeon's picture


I came back to my N9 and i decided to install  N9 QTweak. It didn´t launch, failing....And i realize i was about to use the wrong one.

I installed the right one, n9 version, and it doesn´t launch either.

The phone has installed aegis-developer-unknown-source-policy_1.260m6_all. But any other "weird" thing.

How can i fix it?

I can´t apply any patch.... ohhhh

Could you help me, please?


lexi's picture

good day sir, i got my brother's phone with me. i accidentally clicked on some stuff. and uninstalled the n9qt. now the n9 homescreen and status bar turned to orange. can you give me detailed insructions on how to fix this ASAP? :( pretty please

Schturman's picture


Install N9QT again, choose option L (clean backup), it will download my clean backup. Now go to the tweaks that you used and choose restore option.

nadir_benmaiza's picture

hi friends , need help

i did a mistake with Qtweak v 9.7.5 changing operator name color .

the tweak Y-6-1

the default color was  : #FFFFFF

but i cange it to : #rrrrrr

now my N9 boot loop , and Meego cant launch .

but it is on dual boot .....only Android ICS  launch .


Schturman  help me , he sent to me commande line to fix the problem  without flash ( dont want to flash ) , unfortunatly  cant acces to Terminal .


Also Schturman , show me where the mistake is!!  , he said :


Or if you just can open file:





and find what you wrote and change it to #FFFFFF

That's all.


so , using some  files manger  , and i found hier :




and i reatch the statuarea.css   and change  the correct code as shown  above  #FFFFFF  , but cant save the file .....it's say : cant write file , open failed: eacces (permission dinied)


help me to solve it , need how to save changed file to fix boot loop.



Schturman's picture

hmmm... maybe you need rooted file manager to be able save changes in the system files.

nadir_benmaiza's picture

may be , dont know :(  , use differents explorer ,x-plore ,root file manager , root file explorer , file manager , astro files , ES explorateur  , android mate ;   all of theme allow edit fonction , when ask me to save file . its said : cant write , denied   :(  :(   .  

Schturman's picture

ask on tmo how to save edited file..

nadir_benmaiza's picture

Thanku very mach Schturman  , your are a genius MAN  , fianaly My N9 is back ....

if some one will have same trouble :

via Android to change specific file ( in my case it was .CSS file ) 

install this : root file manger , or root explorer , or file root 

go and browse specific file ....change what u want ( in my case  change it to #FFFFFF  )  long press on the file and select enable permission .....done ....;save changet file .

roboot ......voila ....;  NO BOOT LOOP 

thank u very mach  :)  :)  :) 


Schturman's picture

Cool to know you finally fixed it ;)

andro9060777's picture

Nice work! Tnx!

Anthony65's picture

Big thanks to Schturmann for collecting all this awesome scripts and more in this great app.

A must have for every N9 user.

gwmgdemj's picture

It's nice .

Unfortunately, no Chinese :(

Tibbidabou's picture

Must have app for N9! Made my phone even more perfect. :)