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This simple tool will show all available GPS information on a configurable screen and cover, like the position, altitude and speed.

The souce and the bugtracker is available at

Application versions: 
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.1-1.armv7hl.rpm36.18 KB25/01/2014 - 03:04
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.2-1.armv7hl.rpm43.08 KB24/02/2014 - 02:46
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.3-1.armv7hl.rpm49.56 KB19/04/2014 - 19:43
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.3.1-1.armv7hl.rpm49.59 KB19/12/2014 - 03:14
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.4-1.armv7hl.rpm50.8 KB25/03/2015 - 04:13
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.5-1.armv7hl.rpm51.6 KB06/05/2015 - 02:20
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.5.1-1.armv7hl.rpm51.74 KB07/05/2015 - 01:26
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.6-1.armv7hl.rpm51.4 KB14/05/2015 - 23:15
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.7-1.armv7hl.rpm52.61 KB07/07/2015 - 17:28
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.7.1-1.armv7hl.rpm56.71 KB24/09/2015 - 19:37
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.8-1.i486.rpm85.89 KB06/05/2016 - 03:10
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.8-1.armv7hl.rpm82.31 KB06/05/2016 - 03:10
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.8-1.aarch64.rpm85.77 KB07/07/2021 - 17:54
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.9-1.i486.rpm96.74 KB25/03/2025 - 08:20
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.9-1.armv7hl.rpm90.6 KB25/03/2025 - 08:20
File harbour-gpsinfo-0.9-1.aarch64.rpm93.85 KB25/03/2025 - 08:20


  • New: Sailjail Support
  • New: Improved visibility on light ambiences
  • New: Show satellite info per GNSS system
  • Improvement: Round altitude in meter


  • New: Support for different screen sizes (Tablet)
  • New: i486 build (Tablet)
  • (2021-07-07) New: aarch64 build


  • New: French translation (from transifex)
  • New: Polish translation (from transifex)
  • New: Spanish translation (from transifex)
  • Improvement: updated swedish translation (from transifex)
  • Fixed: language detection in language combobox on settings page (thanks to mentaljam @ github)


  • New: Possiblility to copy the current location to the clipboard
  • Fixed: Initialize the number of satellites with zeros (thanks to mentaljam @ github)
  • New: Russian translation (from transifex)
  • New: Dutch translation (from transifex)


  • Improvement: Autodetect the system language
  • Improvement: changed configuration directory to satisfy harbour rules
  • Fixed: Overlapping text in some languages


  • Improvement: updated swedish translation (thanks to eson57 @ github)


  • New: Swedish translation (thanks to eson57 @ github)
  • Improvement: fixed more qml imports to satisfy harbour validator
  • Improvement: always round accuracy values


  • New: Landscape support
  • New: Finnish translation (thanks to specig @ github)
  • Improvement: changed qml imports to satisfy harbour validator


  • Fixed: Allow installation on SailfishOS >= 1.1 (SailfishOS >= is a requirement now. If you had installed an older version before, you should check if you can uninstall qt5-qtquick1 now. This package was only available on SailfishOS < 1.1 and was kept only for apps like older versions of GPSInfo)


  • New: movement direction (SailfishOS >= needed)
  • New: option to show speed per hour (km/h or mph)
  • Improvement: design improvements for cover
  • Fixed: design fixes for satellites view


  • New: satellites view with all visible and used satellites
  • New: number of satellites in use / view
  • Fixed: round speed in metric units mode
  • Fixed: do not use wrong default settings


  • Initial release


rob_k's picture

Wonderful, this update. Thanks! It seems to lock faster, and nice to see the different origins of the satellites.

Yeum's picture

Possible to get aarch 64bit version?

mp107's picture

I would like to help with Polish translation but I didn't get a confirmation of my request to join on Transifex.

gabs5807's picture

GPSInfo for Tablet has problems with satellite and compass info (on my tablet only?).
My jolla phone showes me 21 satellites (seven used) and the right direction (on GPS Info).
On my jolla tablet i see only one satellite (zero used) and the compass information is updated multible times in one seconde with random values.
I have version 0.8-1 installed.

explit's picture

Without WWAN Modem (3G/4G) is GPS nearly unusable. Have the same issue on my tablet

objectifnul's picture

Wish list: include altitude in "copy position to clipboard". By the way, altitude indication is always blinking. Why?

LeChuck's picture

Any possibility to share the GPS location via email, text messaging, or social media.
-> Receives a link to Google Maps™ with my position.

objectifnul's picture

@LeChuck I suggest using the clipboard.

jameson's picture

The units shown at first startup are always imperial even if setting is metric. To get metric units, you must switch to imperial and then to metric again.

Then, how can I activate the satellite view?

balta's picture

Thanks for you report, I will look into this issue.

To activate the satellite view simply swipe to the right, as indicated by the sailfish-dot in the top right corner ;)

jameson's picture

No, wait, just checked the version number and 0.1 got installed rather than 0.3.1. There was something wrong with my Warehouse app.

objectifnul's picture

Vertical accuracy is always equal to horizontal accuracy. I doubt this is really accurate.

balta's picture

Sadly this is a problem of the hardware in the Jolla phone. See here:

On other hardware the values could be different.

wickedsp1d3r's picture

Nice icon!

Jordi's picture

Any possibility to display the speed in km/h (and then also in mph)?

balta's picture

sorry for the late response, I've added this in 0.3

Jordi's picture

Thanks for this app, very well polished, I like the hability to choose what I see in the cover page.

A small bug: when choosing the metrics units, the speed value is displayed with a lot of digits after the decimal so it becomes unreadable.

balta's picture

Thanks for my first comment here :) I've updated to 0.2 and the speed is now rounded.