OKBoard experimental

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PawelSpoon (https://github.com/PawelSpoon/OkBoard) made some tiny changes to allow OKBoard on devices like the Xperia XA2 Plus. It offers an exellent user experience on that device in my opinion, but as the creator of OKBoard (eber42) states in https://openrepos.net/content/eber42/okboard, he won't support devices he can't test himself.

So this "experimental" version is just a rebuild of the offical OKBoard, but it allows some unsupported dimensions of keyboards. So please, no feature requests or bug reports, as there is no support for this version from the author.

Do NOT install this version if your device is already supported, but just use the regular version in that case. This version will conflict the offical version anyway.

Devices with good user experience:

  • Xperia XA2 Plus
  • Jolla Tablet
  • Jolla C2
  • Fairphone 5

Devices with mediocre user experience

  • Gigaset GS290 Volla phone (The line does not always look super smooth, especially near the borders, but the text is fine)

The version uploaded is the latest from eber42, working on SFOS 5.

If other, similar devices are reported to work or not (that I can't test) I could add them to the current list of devices.


Application versions: 
File okboard-experimental-0.6.38-2.armv7hl.rpm10.53 MB23/03/2025 - 15:00
File okboard-experimental-0.6.38-2.aarch64.rpm10.54 MB23/03/2025 - 15:00
File okboard-experimental-0.6.38-2.i486.rpm10.56 MB23/03/2025 - 15:00



dalas_revo's picture

That version works! Thanks so much :)
And I would say that at least with German keyboard layout it works really well and deserves to be added to the list of well working devices :)

ade's picture

Cool, and thanks for testing! Will update the supported devices and make a new formal release here.

dalas_revo's picture

Sorry that I misinterpreted the description wich I have read of course - otherwise I would have installed the original version by eber42 ;)
But I really did a mistake in my question: it is an FP5 , not an FP2! The resolution of FP5 is: 2.720 x 1.224
The output of the log is:Average key distance: 112,45 - DPI: 320 - Diagonal: 9,25 (97,0x214,0, 1224x2700 px) -> Scaling ratio: -1,00 (dpi: 0,00, size: 0,00)
And: thank you for this version, no matter if it works for me or not ;)

ade's picture

Assuming FP5 is aarch64, could you try to install this version https://easyupload.io/ddvs0j
and report back if it still gives an error. And if not, if it performance bad or not.

p.s. please do not forget to restart the keyboard, just to be sure this test package is active.

dalas_revo's picture

Shouldn't this version disable size check of the screen? On my FP2 I get a "screen size not supported".

ade's picture

No, if you had read the description you would have noticed the text "it allows some unsupported dimensions of keyboards". Disabled is mentioned nowhere.

The FP2 has a resolution of 1080x1920 px, not too weird. Could you test the following:

  • Enable logs in the OKBoard settings
  • restart the keyboard
  • try to enter some text (with OKBoard enabled)
  • check .local/share/okboard/curve.log for a line beginning with "Average key distance:" and show me that full line here
PawelSpoon's picture

Works on C2 while the org one not (yet?)

ade's picture

Can't test myself, but great to hear it works fine on the C2. Will add it to the list.

PawelSpoon's picture

Can write on gs 290, volla phone. The line does not allways look super smooth, especially near the borders, but the text is fine. Thanks again for building it. It wouldbe cool if we could know, how to provide the propper params based on device specs. maybe eber42 can tell us some day.

ade's picture

Added your user experience to the description

PawelSpoon's picture

Yup, it's the arch problem. Austria works, german not. But austrian is fine. Thanks

PawelSpoon's picture

Are you able to instalk any of thr language packs ? spanish works, german not .whatever. Thanks for buiding it!!

ade's picture

I never installed any language pack, as Dutch is supported by default.
Are you trying to install the armv7hl from https://openrepos.net/content/mautz/german-language-files-okboard on an aarch64 OS or are tring to install https://openrepos.net/content/gaelic/austrian-german-language-files-okboard? The lastest Spanish pack is noarch and it seems that you are looking for a noarch version of Czech in this comment https://openrepos.net/comment/41666#comment-41666.

PawelSpoon's picture

You made my day

aviarus's picture

Nice :)