Personal Ringtones

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Personal Ringtones selector application for SailfishOS. Application installs voicecall manager plugin overriding system ngf one.

You should add numbers in default format as it appears in ui when incoming call. Application have no ability to resolve local numbers in your phonebook. Remember to delete previous added number and add new after modifying your phonebook, application is not watching for your contacts changes.

Discussion forum:

I new translations for this app.


Application versions: 
File personalringtones-1.0.0-1.armv7hl.rpm63.01 KB02/11/2019 - 00:11
File personalringtones-1.0.1-1.armv7hl.rpm61.24 KB02/11/2019 - 00:53
File personalringtones-1.1.0-1.armv7hl.rpm64.4 KB04/11/2019 - 18:06
File personalringtones-1.2.0-1.armv7hl.rpm80.96 KB05/11/2019 - 13:24
File personalringtones-1.2.1-1.armv7hl.rpm82.1 KB06/11/2019 - 12:05
File personalringtones-1.2.2-1.armv7hl.rpm82.86 KB07/11/2019 - 15:04
File personalringtones-1.2.3-1.armv7hl.rpm82.94 KB08/11/2019 - 12:46
File personalringtones-1.2.3-2.armv7hl.rpm92.72 KB08/11/2019 - 18:32
File personalringtones-1.2.4-1.aarch64.rpm87.49 KB10/11/2021 - 00:38
File personalringtones-1.2.4-1.armv7hl.rpm85.64 KB10/11/2021 - 00:38

Normalize phone numbers. Detect numbers like +1 234 56 78
aarch64 build

Fixed contact picker for SFOS < 3.1
Fetched translations

Fetched translations
Fixed important ringtone bugs

Fetched translations
Fixed bug

New app icon by mosen
Old app icon by Ancelad
Icons for menu elements
Settings for matching digits
Fetched translations

Important contacts to always ring
Random ringtones for fun
UI reworked, new translations are needed!
Application icon is coming in next release
Added more flips

Small packaging fix

Icon is on desktop
Old settings are gone
Old bugs are gone

So better, much wow


shults's picture

In SFOS 5.0 blocks the dialer. It is not possible to make or receive any call if Personal Ringtones is installed. I hope to have a new version.

HansRoulade's picture

Well that's it! Was looking for the cause for two long weeks...

aQUICK1's picture

Hello C , version from github tested on latest build on xa2 ultra, sadly to working due to the fact its blocking my incoming calls, no sound, no vibration, just a notification of a missed call.

objectifnul's picture

Sfos 4.x introduced undocumented changes in Contacts. PersonalRingtones is broken.

coderus's picture
shanti's picture

is this app dead for SFOS ?


coderus's picture

you tell me :D

vsimonkay's picture

Ah, thx!

vsimonkay's picture

Personal ringtones are much louder than the default volume level... And cannot be lowered.

coderus's picture

personal ringtones are same volume, important ringtones are at maxinum volume

amaretzek's picture

just after an OS update, you might not see any music file to choose/select. You have to wait and try again later on...

amaretzek's picture

For academic interest, PR 1.2.2 works on SFOS 3.0, but it is not possible to add numbers with the GUI, it has to be dconf on CLI....

coderus's picture


amaretzek's picture

PR 0.3 works fine with SFOS < 3.1 ...

coderus's picture


Malakay's picture

Coderus: Oh by the way, is any option to contact you directly? I need little help with something

coderus's picture

you can use contact form in profile.

Malakay's picture

Coderus : thank you, it works like a charm on :) great :)

Malakay's picture

Okay, i will give it a try :)

Malakay's picture

Coderus: my version, will it work? And there is said that this modifies something, when i uninstall it, will it revert changes back? :)

coderus's picture

should work, it does not modify anything, this is an application with plugin to voicecall manager :)
being installed voicecall manager is using my plugin to produce sounds for your incoming calls.

Malakay's picture

Is it working? Can random ringtones be set? :)

coderus's picture

Random ringtones are randomly choosen from a folder you choosed one single ringtone in :)

amaretzek's picture

This never worked for me (Portugal, Altice/MEO): "You should add only numbers in international format", I have to remove the prefix.

coderus's picture

Actually you should just use number as it appears inside "Incoming call" dialog

amaretzek's picture

Agreed. But I need the prefix when abroad, and it is not obvious (didn't play much with it) which number is picked up, (translation done)

coderus's picture

but is the same number appears differently to you on incoming call ui when you in home country and when abroad?

amaretzek's picture

It gets recognized, as if it would match only the last digits. But I need the prefix abroad to return the call. For PersonalRingtones I edited the contact, added to PersonalRingtones, then edited back. Or, add number wo prefix, add to PersonalRingtones, add number with prefix to contacts. Calling is ok at home and abroad, but no distinctive ringtone abroad wo adding the number with prefix. So I had both versions.

amaretzek's picture

Hi. Matching the last part of the number could be an option. Something like: try matching whole number, if it fails, try matching last 5. In Portugal, matching the last 9 instead of 5 would work well, AFAIK. "Normal" numbers have 9 digits.

coderus's picture

In Russia we have 10 unique digits. They're are no way to know how the length of "last part"
