Enchanted sound theme

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Sound theme to use as ringtones and other sounds.

Some files have been excluded from packaging because they are not as suitable for a mobile phone. They can be obtained from the source RPM though, available from the packaging repository.

After installing, restart the Ambience daemon (ambienced.service) as user, or reboot.

Original description: Enchanted-Complete-System-Sounds will fill your computer with added life, but only in a way that improves the experience - versus overwhelming it. You will immediately be transformed into a universe where pleasant and reassuring conformations follow you everywhere you travel.


Application versions: 
File enchanted-sound-theme-1.1git1-1.9.1.jolla_.noarch.rpm391.05 KB08/08/2022 - 11:33



Seven_of_nine's picture

Nice! Many thanks!