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List&Task app for Sailfish OS

Simply, quick and easy. Create your lists and enjoy. The application allows you to create and store lists in a convenient way...

Now including Search in Tasklist what is useful for long lists (my shopping list has about 150 items), so if you prepairing your shopping list you can just type for example 'paper' (do not hit Enter = Enter will create new task - same as in previous versions...) and it will filter view just for 'toiler paper' and 'sandpaper' .... so you don't need to scroll and look if and where your task is now. If no task is found just hit the Enter to create it.

You can copy database from old phone

eg /home/nemo/.local/share/harbour-sailtasklist/harbour-sailtasklist/QML/OfflineStorage/Databases/

to the new location:


Actualy there is no DropBox support.


  • DropBox support
  • Translations

Original author and all credits: Dmitriy Lukyanov

Original source code: (not working anymore)

Actual source code:

build on Sailfish

tested on armv7hl (Xperia 10 Plus) , aarch64 (Xperia 10 II, Xperia 10 V) and i486 (Jolla Tablet)

for JollaPhone1 install  harbour-sailtasklist-jollaphone1-x.x.x-x.armv7hl.rpm

Application versions: 
File harbour-sailtasklist-jollaphone1-1.3.4-2.armv7hl.rpm100.79 KB09/12/2024 - 12:25
File harbour-sailtasklist-1.3.4-2.i486.rpm102.07 KB09/12/2024 - 10:53
File harbour-sailtasklist-1.3.4-2.armv7hl.rpm101.81 KB09/12/2024 - 10:53
File harbour-sailtasklist-1.3.4-2.aarch64.rpm102.03 KB09/12/2024 - 10:53
File harbour-sailtasklist-1.3.5-1.armv7hl.rpm102.03 KB22/01/2025 - 23:13
File harbour-sailtasklist-1.3.5-1.aarch64.rpm102.23 KB22/01/2025 - 23:13

- Added Incomplete all tasks in puley menu
- Fixed scroll to top in long lists


shak3800's picture

An amazing app ! Thanks a million for your help

broncheoli's picture

Hi #kozaobecna,

It´s really great that you are reviving this great app. I used it in former days and found it disappointing that it was abandoned. The only problem for me is that I´m using a XA2. Are there plans for an arm build?
Thanks for your work


kozaobecna's picture

For the Arm7 just download Lists by WeeZi from the official Jolla store, actually there is nothing changed from the original version - just because it is perfect app and i don't see that it should be modified + i don't have dropbox related sources so in my build dropbox will not work and all the cloud settings will be removed in the future (or developers are welcomed at gitgub to recreate dropbox or any other cloud storage)

edit: you can download for arm7 even from openrepos

broncheoli's picture

Searched for it and did not find it. Now it's here! Thanks!!
PS: On jolla store it's called "Lists", good to know.

fingus's picture

Thanks for this wonderful, tidy and sober Tasklist-App!