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Pitot is a GPS/GLONASS speedometer for your SailfishOS device. It will show you the speed of your device in big, friendly letters. It supports all orientations and has a bunch of different units to display the speed in.

Note that due to the inaccuracy of the builtin GPS receiver on the Jolla, the following problems may occur:

  • Speed is measured in increments of about 0.25 meters per second, so between 0.25 and 0.5 there are no other values.
  • Speed values may fluctuate rapidly depending on the quality of the GPS fix.
  • Sometimes the device's GPS receiver thinks it is moving at a constant rate, even though you have stopped.
  • Getting a GPS fix may take a long time.

These are issues with the device's GPS receiver and/or QtPositioning implementation and cannot be fixed.

To run this app, you need a Sailfish OS version with Qt 5.2 (Uitukka or higher).

Application versions: 
File harbour-pitot-1.0.1-1.armv7hl.rpm18.19 KB11/02/2015 - 21:53
File harbour-pitot-1.0.2-1.armv7hl.rpm20.47 KB11/05/2015 - 19:45
File harbour-pitot-1.0.3-1.armv7hl.rpm20.36 KB14/05/2015 - 23:38

- Added an about page
- Fixed bug where the speed was always shown in meters/second


PamNor's picture

Tested on Xperia 10IV. OK. Great ap. Thanks.

PamNor's picture

Thank you for answering. You was difficult to find. Where do we find the source code?

Sharks's picture

I found this app and am also interested in bringing it to aarch64. I installed it on an armv7 phone, located the source via the about page, and rebuilt it for aarch64. It is available here: https://openrepos.net/content/sharks/pitot-aarch64. I have not yet tested it to see if it works on my Xperia 10 IV, but will test it next time I am in the car.

Nicd's picture

Great, thanks for doing the legwork. :) If you intend to keep it updated, I can add a link from this app to that one.

Sharks's picture

I'm thinking I'll clone your repo and try to bring the app into the modern age over the coming days / weeks. I was intending on building my own speedometer app from scratch, but now I know this is still functional to some extent I'll work on updating it so long as you're happy for me to.

Nicd's picture

Awesome. Let me know when and to where, and I'll add links from this page to your app.

Sharks's picture

Thanks! I've cloned your repo here, and will begin updating the app in a few days.

PamNor's picture

I love this application and are using it on my aging Jolla C . Now i have a new xperia 10 IV phone. Is it posible to build an arch64 version.

Nicd's picture

Sorry, but I don't have any of the build tooling to do that, and I haven't been using a Sailfish device for years. The code is open source, though, so someone else can pick it up and continue the project.

objectifnul's picture

Wish list: an option to start/stop gps automatically when no other gps app is running.