Call Recorder

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Native voice call recorder for SailfishOS. The latest version is 0.7.4.

This application requires SailfishOS >= 2.0.4.

This application is designed for unattended usage. Once properly installed, it records every GSM call you make or receive. The UI application doesn't need to be run to make this happen.

Please refer to the wiki for usage instructions and troubleshooting.

There are support & discussion threads at TMO, jollausers, TJC.

Licensed under GNU GPL v3.

Source code repository located at

Application versions: 
File harbour-callrecorder-0.7.4-3.aarch64.rpm276.57 KB13/05/2021 - 10:52
File harbour-callrecorder-0.7.4-2.armv7hl.rpm270.14 KB05/05/2021 - 22:44
File harbour-callrecorder-0.7.4-1.armv7hl.rpm266.54 KB01/05/2021 - 15:24
File harbour-callrecorder-0.7.3-1.armv7hl.rpm264.16 KB28/02/2021 - 23:18
File harbour-callrecorder-0.7.2-0.armv7hl.rpm634.51 KB29/10/2017 - 16:14
File harbour-callrecorder-0.7.1-5.armv7hl.rpm631.02 KB23/05/2017 - 17:21
File harbour-callrecorder-0.6.2-1.armv7hl.rpm409.28 KB28/01/2016 - 19:56

Version 0.7.4

Slovak translation updated (thanks to Ladislav Hodas)

Version 0.7.4-3 is an AARCH64 version of 0.7.4-2.

Version 0.7.3

Built-in libraries libcontacts and nemo-qml-plugin-contacts are removed from the RPM package for Sailfish 4 compatibility.

Version 0.7.2

Search field added to the contact picker dialog

Version 0.7.1-5

gst-plugins-good removed from dependencies

Version 0.7.1

What's new:

  • Support for dual SIM-card devices
  • Backup & restore
  • Database maintenance tool
  • File deletion issue fixed

Version 0.6.2

  • SailfishOS 2.0.1 compatibility

Version 0.6.1

New features:

  • Landscape orientation (#28);

Bugs fixed:

  • Length displayed incorrectly for recordings over an hour in length (#34);

Other notable changes:

  • Danish translation (new);
  • Finnish translation complete;
  • Slovak translation (new).

Version 0.6.0

New features:

  • Search for recordings by date, phone number or contact (#14);
  • Picking numbers for black or white list from contacts (#18);
  • Optional automatic removal of old recordings due to size or age limit (#19);
  • Optional approval of storage after each call (#9);
  • Dutch translation by Heimen Stoffels and HtheB;
  • .nomedia file is created at storage location to prevent tracker from mining recordings as media (#24, #25).

Bugs fixed:

  • Private numbers are now recorded (#30);
  • Changes for SailfishOS >= 1.1.6 were integrated (#29);
  • Regression with default source switching fixed (#21).

Other notable changes:

  • Main page (list of recordings, EventsPage.qml) is now merged with selection page (EventsPicker.qml);
  • Every list item on the main page displays its phone number now;
  • All actions of list context menu are now available in push and pull menus on Details page (EventPage.qml);
  • DBus interfaces were refactored.

Version 0.5.1

Translations updated (in alphabetical order):

  • Chinese (Taiwan) by hanhsuan;
  • Czech by Jozef Mlích;
  • Finnish by Jukka Aaltonen;
  • French by Jordi;
  • German by blubdbibub, peter_berlin, Wasilis Mandratzis-Walz;
  • Greek by Wasilis Mandratzis-Walz;
  • Italian by Yuri Bongiorno;
  • Polish by szopin;
  • Russian by Dmitriy Purgin;
  • Spanish by Carmen Fernández B.;
  • Swedish by Åke Engelbrektson.

Version 0.5.0

  • Black list or white list operation mode;
  • Support for localizations:
    • Italian translation by Yuri Bongiorno;
    • German translation by Wasilis Mandratzis-Walz;
    • Greek translation by Wasilis Mandratzis-Walz;
    • Russian translation by Dmitriy Purgin.
  • Refactored settings page;
  • Contact name shown on Details page.

Version 0.4.2

A version for SailfishOS 1.1.2

Version 0.4.1

Fixed issue #10: Removing recording in UI doesn't remove file in a relocated location.

Version 0.4

  • Fixed issues
    • Empty list placeholder appears when list is not empty (#6): fixed;
    • Workaround for Android microphone issue included;
    • FLAC file now gets removed if a call was not answered.
  • New features
    • Choosing of save location and relocating already recorded files;
    • Choosing sampling rate and FLAC compression level.

Default sampling rate was reduced to 32 kHz. Using sampling rates other than 44.1 and 32 kHz is possible but may yield side effects when playing back using the call recorder UI (see Known Issues)

Version 0.3-6

  • "Automatic startup" feature fixed (see issue #8 on github).

Version 0.3-5

  • Ability to remove recordings;
  • Settings page with ability to turn on/off the recorder, enable/disable automatic startup;
  • Cover actions with quick starting/stopping the recorder;
  • Recording of an already ongoing call. 


foton's picture

I just updated sfos from 3.2 to 4.6 on my xperia xa2 and i can't install call recorder app (either the aarch64 or armv7hl version). I got "installation error" message. Is there any document about how to install the app or any advice. Thanks in advance.

JellyRoll's picture

I have to run systemd --user restart harbour-callrecorderd after 3-5 recorded phonecalls otherwise the app does not record every call. Added this command to Situations using the latest aarch64 version on SFOS Struven ketju.

Onthegorepairs's picture

i used a text editing app tinyedit to edit the file harbour-callrecorder.desktop (located in /usr/share/applications) and added to the end of the file:


then saved it to my Documents folder. Then i downloaded ToeTerm and used the command devel-su to run as root, then I used the command: cp harbour-callrecorder.desktop /usr/share/applications

It replaced the file, and now it works great! Hopefully this helps someone else out here.

gembiak's picture

Thank you, it helped me a solution

darbess's picture

Yes, this app is a must and it should be updated for SFOS 4.4.

Onthegorepairs's picture

After the Vanha Rauma sailfish update, this app no longer opens for me. Which is a shame, because I liked this app very much. Please release update to fix this issue! Thanks!

ade's picture

Call Recorder still work fine as long as you disable Sailjail in /usr/share/applications/harbour-callrecorder.desktop yourself.

gembiak's picture

I have the same problem, so please have a more detailed instruction on how to do it.

mz_i_norge's picture

Some times it's better to set up a link instead of moving a file.
devel-su ln -s /usr/lib64/systemd/user/harbour-callrecorderd.service /usr/lib/systemd/user/harbour-callrecorderd.service
Works perfectly on my Xperia 10 II.

lkdhf's picture

Hi, I am unable to enable automatic startup on aarch64: "Unit file harbour-callrecorderd.service does not exist."

carmenfdezb's picture

This happens because harbour-callrecorderd.service is in wrong directory. It must be in /usr/lib/systemd/user/ instead of /usr/lib64/systemd/user/
So if you move this file to /usr/lib/systemd/user/, you will be able to start harbour-callrecorderd.service

olf's picture

@dpurgin, besides the "wrong directory"-flaw @carmenfdezb mentions ("/usr/lib64/systemd/user/ is completly wrong"), third party apps might install their units to the /etc/systemd/ hierarchy, i.e. in case of CallRecorder (utilising user-units), /etc/systemd/user/

Units there implicitly override the ones in /usr/lib/systemd (where all OS vendor supplied units reside), hence one might use the /etc/systemd hierarchy simply to keep third-party units separated from OS vendor supplied ones.

ade's picture

If you look at the general rules:
/usr/lib/systemd/user/ where units provided by installed packages belong.
~/.local/share/systemd/user/ where units of packages that have been installed in the home directory belong.
/etc/systemd/user/ where system-wide user units are placed by the system administrator.
~/.config/systemd/user/ where the user puts their own units.

I do not think there is really anything wrong with /usr/lib/systemd/user. Actually all user app services I know of use /usr/lib/systemd/user or ~/.config/systemd/user/, so just leave it as is, I would say. /etc/systemd/user is not used by any user service on my phone.

olf's picture

@ade, sorry, my original comment was too quickly written, hence imprecise in wording and content.  I reworked it to state what I originally intended to say.

Still I believe it is advisable to consider separating third party / community units from OS vendor / Linux distributor supplied ones.  That is not my original suggestion (i.e., I read it somwhere, presumably as some Fedora packaging guideline), but I fail to find a reference quickly.

But sure, "there is [not] really anything wrong with [using] /usr/lib/systemd/user", technically.

Although the fact that only a few packagers of third party RPMs (i.e., all RPMs here at OpenRepos) use the /etc/systemd/ hierarchy for their units on SailfishOS (but not only me), and that you have none of these RPMs installed on your phone, IMO proves nothing.

TMavica's picture

Can u build aarch64 package for xperia 10 ii?

dpurgin's picture


I've uploaded an AARCH64 package, could you please try it out? 

konstan's picture

Hi, could you, please, release a version with a modified Slovak translation? The translation was incomplete and inaccurate.
Thank you very much

dpurgin's picture

Hi konstan,

the version 0.7.4 now contains the most recent Slovak translation


vansid's picture

I think the contact problem is related to Firejail; there might be a way to give this app the correct permissions, but I'm not that familiar with Firejail yet.

explit's picture

Contact picker for the blacklist not working on XA2Plus / SF

arustg's picture

Works very well on Many thanks!

vansid's picture

Confirmed, doesn't work on XA2 with

dpurgin's picture


I've repackaged the app, so the version 0.7.3 should work again in Sailfish 4. I don't have a device now but it works in the emulator.


Beethoven's picture

No longer launches with Sailfish, uninstall / reinstall doesn't help...

dpurgin's picture


I've repackaged the app, so the version 0.7.3 should work again in Sailfish 4. I don't have a device now but it works in the emulator.


Beethoven's picture

This works amazingly well for me. It records to /sdcard and that's syncthinged to my computer. All my contacts are blacklisted, except for emergency numbers and answering machine. Spam calls get put into anchor and are on spotify 10 minutes later. Magic! Only issue is, it seems to be recording the other end of the call through the mic? If i wear headphones it records nothing from the other side. Great app, tried to get something like this on ios and it was completely impossible.

ilievdh's picture

Recorder does not work correct on Pro1. It records only my voice. The voice from the call is not recorded.

Historyscholar's picture

DO you update your APP?(●—●)Thanks!

Marold's picture

Hello I got problem on sfos3 that only about 3seconds are actually recorded even if call duration is about 6minutes. Doesn't matter if its incoming or outgoing call. For reference : Im using Xperia X . Please investigate this. Thank You for Your hard work. Best regards

Termitebug's picture

Doesn't record audible incoming calls for unknown reason. Outgoing calls does get recorded fine.
