Parking Chaos

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It’s rush hour in your parking lot!

Parking Chaos is a clone of the famous “Rush Hour” or “Traffic Jam” game, written from scratch based on ParkMeeCrazy.

Move the red tractor to the exit on the right by dragging vehicles out of the way. Horizontal cars can only move left and right, vertical ones can only move up and down.

Contact, donations, contributions

Bug reports, translations, code contributions, and other feedback are very welcome! Please prefer the forum thread for new questions, and read on Github how you can contribute.

If you want to support my work, I am always happy if you buy me a cup of coffee through Liberapay.

Parking Chaos is Free Software released under the GNU GPL v3+. The source code is available on Github.



Application versions: 
File harbour-parkingchaos-1.0.0-1.armv7hl.rpm116.57 KB19/12/2020 - 19:28
File harbour-parkingchaos-1.0.0-1.i486.rpm117.2 KB19/12/2020 - 19:28
File harbour-parkingchaos-1.0.1-1.armv7hl.rpm116.93 KB21/12/2020 - 15:05
File harbour-parkingchaos-1.0.1-1.i486.rpm117.58 KB21/12/2020 - 15:05
File harbour-parkingchaos-1.1.0-1.aarch64.rpm129.24 KB30/03/2022 - 02:34
File harbour-parkingchaos-1.1.0-1.armv7hl.rpm128.62 KB30/03/2022 - 02:34
File harbour-parkingchaos-1.1.0-1.i486.rpm129.42 KB30/03/2022 - 02:34
File harbour-parkingchaos-1.2.0-1.aarch64.rpm155.93 KB14/10/2024 - 19:02
File harbour-parkingchaos-1.2.0-1.armv7hl.rpm155.12 KB14/10/2024 - 19:02
File harbour-parkingchaos-1.2.0-1.i486.rpm155.9 KB14/10/2024 - 19:02

version 1.2.0-1: Oct 14 2024

  • Updated translations: Chinese, English, Estonian, German, Norwegian Bokmål, Polish, Russian, Swedish, Ukrainian
  • Added a new support page for donations and contributions
  • Added an in-app changelog
  • Added support for all screen orientations
  • Fixed overflowing text on the cover
  • Updated translator credits (directly from Weblate)
  • General maintenance and infrastructure updates to bring the app back into shape

version 1.1.0-1: Mar 24 2022

  • Translations: added Polish, added Russian, added Hungarian, updated German
  • Added a new Sailjail profile (no permissions required)
  • Fixed settings being saved at an invalid location
  • Updated about page (now using Opal.About)
  • Updated all graphics, reducing overall package size

version 1.0.1-1: Dec 21 2020

  • Improved compatibility with smaller screens (smaller than Xperia X)
  • Improved detection of when to disable pulley menus
  • Updated all translations

version 1.0.0-1: Jul 17 2020

  • First public release


glitchapp's picture

one of my favourite games here, thanks for sharing it!

ichthyosaurus's picture

That's nice, glad you like it! :)

anasyntes's picture

I love this app, big thanks!

ichthyosaurus's picture

Glad you like it :)!

rob_k's picture

Parking Chaos it is. Okay, after a tap on the board the menu is disabled. I didn't know that. I just started playing, and unwillingly activated the pulley. Happens quite often. Will start tapping :)

rob_k's picture

Moving a car in downward direction must be done slowly, otherwise the pull-down menu will be activated. Playing on XA2, Rokua. Maybe very unSailfishy, could we have a hamburger menu instead? Great game, thanks!

ichthyosaurus's picture

Sorry for the delay.

Are you sure you're not using Parkmeecrazy? ;) This should be fixed in my app... Anyways, you can just tap once anywhere on the board and the pulley menu should be disabled until you tap outside the board.

Ingvix's picture

A nice little game to fill small boring moments with. Support for landscape mode would alse be cool. It would make it a bit more comfortable to play.

ichthyosaurus's picture

Thanks :). There were problems with landscape mode so I disabled it for the time being. If I find the time I'll look into it again.

naytsyrhc's picture

Nice game. However there is a small bug in UX. Sometimes the cars move in wrong direction without having dragged there. The cars also move through other cars. In level 10 the tractor move left allthough the path is blocked. Can't make it move right allthough path is clear...

ichthyosaurus's picture

Thank you for the report! That is weird... Please give some more information: what size is the device you're using? What version of SFOS? It would be helpful if you could post the output when running the game from the terminal.

naytsyrhc's picture

I'm running 3.3.016 on an Xperia X Compact (screen resolution 720x1280 with 327/325 x/y-dpi).


success: levels database loaded (215 levels)
[D] onPressed:162 - re-calculating: 4
[D] onPressed:189 - b child at 382.6666666666667 600.66
[W] unknown:0 - QString::arg: Argument missing: "You co
mpleted this level in one move!" , 1
[D] onPressed:162 - re-calculating: 8
[D] onPressed:206 - child at 382.6666666666667 273.3333
[D] onPressed:229 - b no child at 382.6666666666667 601
.3333384195963 - checking at y = 492.000005086263
[D] onPressed:162 - re-calculating: 3
[D] onPressed:172 - child at 273.3333333333333 382.6666
[D] onPressed:189 - b child at 601.3333384195963 382.66
[D] onPressed:162 - re-calculating: 11
[D] onPressed:229 - b no child at 600.6666666666666 382
.6666666666667 - checking at y = 273.33333333333337
[D] onPressed:229 - b no child at 600.6666666666666 492
- checking at y = 382.6666666666667
[D] onPressed:229 - b no child at 600.6666666666666 601
.3333333333334 - checking at y = 492.00000000000006
[D] onPressed:162 - re-calculating: 9
[D] onPressed:223 - b child at 491.6666666666667 273.33
[D] onPressed:162 - re-calculating: 1
[D] onPressed:172 - child at 54.666666666666664 272.666
[D] onPressed:189 - b child at 382.6666717529297 272.66
ichthyosaurus's picture

Thank you. It seems to be an issue with smaller screens. I will see what I can do... I opened an issue on Github: here

Jordi's picture

Excellent move!

ichthyosaurus's picture

Glad you like it :)