Weather Forecasts for Switzerland

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This app is an unofficial client to the weather forecast services provided by the Swiss Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology (MeteoSwiss).


  • temperature, precipitation, and wind charts
  • sunrise and sunset forecast
  • supports all locations in Switzerland
  • uses most precise official weather forecasts

Planned features

  • weather warnings

Data and icons

Copyright, Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss.

Weather icons by Zeix.

Contact, donations, contributions

Bug reports, translations, code contributions, and other feedback are very welcome! Please prefer the forum thread for new questions, and read on Github how you can contribute.

If you want to support my work, I am always happy if you buy me a cup of coffee through Liberapay.

MeteoSwiss is Free Software released under the GNU GPL v3+. The source code is available on Github.

Application versions: 
File harbour-meteoswiss-1.2.4-1.noarch.rpm208.35 KB03/09/2019 - 17:44
File harbour-meteoswiss-1.2.5-1.noarch.rpm209.17 KB05/09/2019 - 12:16
File harbour-meteoswiss-1.2.6-2.noarch.rpm210.62 KB11/12/2019 - 13:58
File harbour-meteoswiss-1.2.7-1.noarch.rpm212.44 KB16/12/2019 - 15:28
File harbour-meteoswiss-1.2.8-1.noarch.rpm220 KB19/04/2020 - 15:14
File harbour-meteoswiss-1.2.9-1.noarch.rpm221.58 KB10/06/2020 - 17:16
File harbour-meteoswiss-1.3.0-1.noarch.rpm222.85 KB16/06/2020 - 16:09
File harbour-meteoswiss-1.3.0-2.noarch.rpm223.35 KB21/12/2020 - 15:05
File harbour-meteoswiss-1.3.1-2.noarch.rpm221.66 KB30/03/2022 - 02:33
File harbour-meteoswiss-1.4.0-1.aarch64.rpm290.68 KB13/10/2024 - 19:31
File harbour-meteoswiss-1.4.0-1.armv7hl.rpm292.71 KB13/10/2024 - 19:31
File harbour-meteoswiss-1.4.0-1.i486.rpm292.95 KB13/10/2024 - 19:31

version 1.4.0-1: Oct 13 2024

  • This is mainly a maintenance release to bring the app back into shape for future development
  • Fixed overflowing text in day summaries
  • Added a support dialog for donations, a proper about page, and an internal changelog
  • Added translations through Weblate, you are invited to contribute!
  • Added and updated many translations from Opal
  • Updated packaging and infrastructure

version 1.3.1-2: Mar 24 2022

  • Added a Sailjail profile so the app hopefully keeps working in SFOS >= 4.4
  • Only permission is "Internet" for fetching forecasts

version 1.3.1-1: Mar 24 2022

  • Accidental release, skip to version 1.3.1-2

version 1.3.0-2: Dec 21 2020

  • Changed an internal comment to make Sailfish SDK's RPM validation script happy

version 1.3.0-1: Jun 16 2020

  • Important: the app is working again
  • See the last changelog for some changes that became visible with this release
  • Switch to the official app's API
  • Fix bug where day summaries were not correctly refreshed
  • Update app description in a few places
  • Update translations

version 1.2.9-1: Jun 10 2020

  • Important: the app is currently unusable due to external API changes
  • Disable the whole app for now (prevents unnecessary network usage)
  • Changes (currently not visible):
  • > Animate details table
  • > Make the app usable in landscape mode
  • > Remove broken summary background
  • > Show the corresponding small graph when tapping on a day instead of switching
  • to the forecast page (tap on the graph or the title to switch)
  • > Update About page
  • > Internal clean-ups
  • > Fix some small warnings

version 1.2.8-1: Apr 19 2020

  • Fix About page to show correct license
  • Fix typo in French translation
  • Add Contributors page

version 1.2.7-1: Dec 16 2019

  • Implement extensive database maintenance which will be done every 60 days
  • Round precipitation value in (generated) day summaries
  • Update Chinese translation
  • Always prune old weather data from database

version 1.2.6-2: Dec 11 2019

  • Generate day summaries if none could be downloaded
  • Fix typo in French translation
  • Add Chinese translation (thanks dashinfantry!)

version 1.2.5-1: Sep 05 2019

  • Make app translatable to French and Italian
  • Translate weather descriptions to French and Italian

version 1.2.4-1: Mar 24 2019

  • Improve startup time

version 1.2.3-1: Mar 21 2019

  • Fix missing loading indicators on overview page

version 1.2.2-1: Mar 18 2019

  • Fix some visual glitches
  • Improve data validation to make sure downloaded data is reliable

version 1.2.1-1: Feb 11 2019

  • Heavily decrease network load
  • Fix some visual glitches
  • Heavily improve loading performance
  • Heavily improve location adding performance
  • Fix refreshing week summary on overview page

version 1.2.0-1: Feb 09 2019

  • Backwards incompatible: store more locations details and week summaries in database
  • Include more details in shipped list of locations
  • Attempt to reduce network load by caching source paths
  • Make clock on overview page non-clickable
  • Highlight items on overview page to make them more distinct
  • Prevent day summaries from flickering when selected
  • Improve some error messages
  • Mark current day in overview page's week overview
  • Use API fromt he official app to load better week summaries
  • Improve handling of missing data
  • Show sunrise and other sun times for each day
  • Fix saving locations order (regression from version 1.1.0)
  • Indicate current hour only in today's charts
  • Greatly improve performance:
  • > general loading
  • > data loading from network
  • > search page, searching
  • > details page
  • Add tiny overview charts to overview page
  • Plus some minor visual improvements

version 1.1.1-1: Jan 29 2019

  • Visually overhaul forecast page
  • Show week overview for first 3 locations on overview page
  • Visually polish table
  • Fine-tune colors throughout
  • Fix wrong wind speed unit
  • Show weather description when clicking on a summary item on forecast page
  • Improve code quality

version 1.1.0-2: Jan 28 2019

  • Fix version number in About page

version 1.1.0-1: Jan 28 2019

  • Backwards incompatible: store less data in database
  • Show variance data in graphs (temperature and rain)
  • Improve data loading performance

version 1.0.3-1: Jan 27 2019

  • Improve translations
  • Hide scales and overview on forecast page while loading
  • Make status line dynamic
  • Show zip code on overview page
  • Add clock on overview page
  • Small performance improvement while loading
  • Add wind graph (with details in the table)
  • Detect clicks everywhere on table list entries
  • Add descriptions to graphs
  • Fix slight difference in size of main scale and overlay scale

version 1.0.2-1: Jan 26 2019

  • Use straight lines in temperature chart
  • Add forecast summaries with symbols to the main forecast page
  • Fix issues with graph width
  • Visually align temperature and precipitation graphs

version 1.0.1-1: Jan 05 2019

  • Refactor visuals of forecast page
  • Show weather string instead of zip and canton in overview
  • Fix temperature sometimes not being shown in overview
  • Don't restart refresh timer when data is manually refreshed
  • Add some busy indicators and animations
  • Performance changes

version 1.0.0-1: Jan 04 2019

  • Initial release


PamNor's picture

I'm looking forward to test your new app when it's ready. Thanks for good work.

PamNor's picture

Verry nice app/UI. Have you tried implementing api?

ichthyosaurus's picture

I've been working on generalizing the app using yr's api but that's not ready for publication.

It would become a separate app anyway, because in Switzerland, the official forecasts are more accurate than what yr provides.

Maximilian1st's picture

Merci ;-)

Jordi's picture

Excellent, and my problem is solved too!

ichthyosaurus's picture

Ah, I'm glad to hear that :).

ichthyosaurus's picture

There was a small change in the external API in the last few days. Sadly, there is no simple fix due to limitations of the QML engine. Bringing this app back to life will require either a new C++ backend to handle network access or using a different API.

I am working on it. You can use the official MeteoSwiss app for Android until I found a way to make things work again. It is available from the Android store, though it includes tracking (Google, Piwik, ...). And of course MeeCast and Jolla's weather app...

ichthyosaurus's picture

Everything should be working again with the new update 1.3.0.

Jordi's picture

Does not fetch data anymore. Is it a known bug or is it me (well, my phone)?

ichthyosaurus's picture

You can try to force-refresh by opening the details page and selecting "Reload data" in the top pulley. Calling "Refresh" from the overview page only refreshes once per hour.

Sometimes some data points are missing and the app disables the graph rather than giving wrong information. I just checked Basel (4001) and everything works fine. Which zip code (PLZ) are you using?

Jordi's picture

Whatever the position (I just tried with Basel - 4001), it keeps saying Loading... and that's all.

Edit: I just tried to uninstall the app and reinstalling it, but I cannot uninstall. Will RTFM to do it with the terminal.

Edit II: I removed and reinstalled the app, no chance. I tried several locations, no one is fetching the data.

Thanks for your help.

ichthyosaurus's picture

Version 1.3.0 changed to use the official app's API. Maybe this fixes your problem?

Also, you should try deleting the folder /home/nemo/.local/share/harbour-meteoswiss (e.g. using the file browser). Afterwards, you will have to re-add all your locations. This should fix it if the database was corrupted somehow.

Jordi's picture

Good, will try this if the problem occurs again.

kieni's picture

Tiptop, thanks!

lispy's picture

German here as well, it's such a tease having this great app and no german weather I think about moving. ;-)

molan's picture

Thanks a lot for this really amazing Sailfish OS port of MeteoSwiss. Very beautiful and impressive app.

ichthyosaurus's picture

I'm quite glad that you like my app :). As I said earlier in the comments, I started working on a new version supporting more data providers. Sadly, it needs more time than I currently have, though.

Mick's picture

I want a weather app like this for Europe & UK. :(

megger75's picture

Beste Wetter App ever. Vielen Dank an den Entwickler.

Jordi's picture

Simply beautiful!

A small request: to be able to choose the language of the information coming from MeteoSwiss. I guess there is French and Italian in addition to German.

ichthyosaurus's picture

check out the update :)

Jordi's picture

Wow, that was quick! Many thanks.

Vieno's picture

This app just looks marvelous. A shame that we here in Germany hv'ing this hanky penky with wetteronline against DWD.

ichthyosaurus's picture

Actually, I started working on a generalized version which uses different weather data providers. It needs a lot of time, though, which I don't have at the moment. (My plan is to make it a bit like Meecast but I like my GUI more ;).)

daniele's picture

Thank you, this is great!

Does MeteoSwiss provide a public api, or you took a different path? Also, do you think that having precipitation clouds information is viable?

ichthyosaurus's picture

They have an undocumented api that I use.

Uhm, what do you mean by "precipitation clouds information"? As far as I know, the only things missing are warnings and the weather map. Things like clouds percentage etc. are not available from the source...

daniele's picture

Interesting, well done! With precipitation clouds, I mean the information MeteoSwiss give on their website in the "Precipitation" tab (in the english version, of course). In there, you have timestamped images showing the actual precipitation clouds on a map.

Anyway, your app is absolutely useful even without that information.  

Historyscholar's picture

beautiful :)

ichthyosaurus's picture

thanks :)