Opal Gallery

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Opal is a collection of pretty QML components for SailfishOS, building on top of Sailfish’s Silica components.

Opal Gallery is an application which showcases all modules. The module examples can be used as a starting point for new applications.

Project status

There are currently a handful of finished modules and useful snippets that are tried and tested in several apps. The “About” page module and the icon rendering script are very useful for quick development. All modules are fully documented.

How to use modules

You can find documentation on how to use Opal in other applications in the main repo on Github.

All Opal modules have their own licensing. You can find more information about each module by opening their “About” pages in the Opal Gallery app, or simply refer to the respective repositories.

Contact, donations, contributions

Bug reports, translations, code contributions, and other feedback are very welcome! Please prefer the forum thread for new questions, and read on Github how you can contribute.

If you want to support my work, I am always happy if you buy me a cup of coffee through Liberapay.

Opal Gallery is Free Software released under the GNU GPL v3+. The source code is available on Github.

Application versions: 
File harbour-opal-gallery-1.0.0-1.aarch64.rpm92.79 KB03/06/2023 - 23:34
File harbour-opal-gallery-1.0.0-1.armv7hl.rpm92.33 KB03/06/2023 - 23:34
File harbour-opal-gallery-1.0.0-1.i486.rpm93.03 KB03/06/2023 - 23:34
File harbour-opal-gallery-1.2.0-1.aarch64.rpm96.11 KB13/06/2023 - 22:32
File harbour-opal-gallery-1.2.0-1.armv7hl.rpm95.58 KB13/06/2023 - 22:32
File harbour-opal-gallery-1.2.0-1.i486.rpm96.33 KB13/06/2023 - 22:32
File harbour-opal-gallery-1.3.0-1.aarch64.rpm115 KB24/06/2023 - 00:48
File harbour-opal-gallery-1.3.0-1.armv7hl.rpm114.56 KB24/06/2023 - 00:48
File harbour-opal-gallery-1.3.0-1.i486.rpm115.26 KB24/06/2023 - 00:48
File harbour-opal-gallery-1.4.0-1.aarch64.rpm159.44 KB29/06/2024 - 13:10
File harbour-opal-gallery-1.4.0-1.armv7hl.rpm158.95 KB29/06/2024 - 13:10
File harbour-opal-gallery-1.4.0-1.i486.rpm159.55 KB29/06/2024 - 13:10
File harbour-opal-gallery-1.5.1-1.aarch64.rpm187.37 KB26/07/2024 - 18:28
File harbour-opal-gallery-1.5.1-1.armv7hl.rpm187.03 KB26/07/2024 - 18:28
File harbour-opal-gallery-1.5.1-1.i486.rpm187.8 KB26/07/2024 - 18:28

version 1.5.1-1: Jul 26 2024

  • example page of Opal.Delegates failed to load due to a mistake with translation handling

version 1.5.0-1: Jul 26 2024

  • updated translations: German, Spanish, Estonian, French, Hungarian, Turkish
  • updated Opal.InfoCombo to v2.2.0
  • included all module contributors on module about pages
  • redesigned module list using Opal.Delegates
  • added Opal.MenuSwitch as in-dev module
  • added list of upcoming and planned modules

version 1.4.0-1: Jun 29 2024

  • updated translations: English, Swedish, Estonian, Chinese, Ukrainian, Indonesian, Spanish, Russian, Polish, French
  • added Opal.SupportMe v1.1.0
  • added Opal.Delegates v3.0.0
  • added Opal.LinkHandler v2.0.0
  • updated Opal.About to v2.2.0
  • updated Opal.InfoCombo to v2.1.0
  • updated Opal.ComboData to v2.1.0

version 1.3.0-1: Jun 23 2023

  • updated translations: Swedish, Spanish, French, and many more
  • added Opal.ComboData v1.0.0
  • updated Opal.About to v2.1.1
  • updated Opal.InfoCombo to v1.1.0

version 1.2.0-1: Jun 13 2023

  • updated translations: Indonesian, French, and many more
  • updated Opal.About to v2.1.0
  • updated about page with info about translations, contributors, etc.

version 1.1.0-1: Jun 08 2023

  • updated Opal.About to v2.0.0
  • added new in-app changelog built with the about page module

version 1.0.0-1: Jun 03 2023

  • initial public release of the gallery application


PawelSpoon's picture

Great job !

Mister_Magister's picture

Wait, why does this sound familiar…