TAO Translator for SailfishOS (aarch64)

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Temporary copy of original TAO Translator from leppa with aarch64 build: https://openrepos.net/content/leppa/tao-translator-sailfishos

This build comes from current master: https://github.com/leppa/taot with slightly customized *.spec definition.

I'm not maintainer, this copy will be removed when aarch64 build will be available on original entry.

Application versions: 
File harbour-taot-1.3.5-1.aarch64.rpm158.07 KB10/06/2021 - 18:56

- Google Translate: Fixed SSL error on some platforms, caused by
untrusted root certificate.
- Source and target translation languages were updated for all services.
- New UI localization: Dutch (Belgium).
- Some UI localizations were updated.


ade's picture
mz_i_norge's picture

Hi! TAO was working til I updated to 4.6 with new installation. Now I have a problem with some certificates which er missing for G**gle and a registration for M$. Please update! This was a great app. Please make it work again! Thx! ☺

carmenfdezb's picture

Hi @karry! It doesn't work in sfos 4.6, could you please update this app? Thanks in advance!

Edit: Finally I got build taot but there's a problem with certificates and I don't know how to solve it :/

Gorden's picture

Works great, thanks for the very useful app!

Yeum's picture

Would it be possible for you to also make an aarch64 build of the Japanese keyboard here on openrepos? It seems to fail installing because nothing provides a 64bit version of libanthy-qml =/

Karry's picture

Here it is: https://openrepos.net/content/karry/japanese-keyboard-anthy-aarch64

I just build it, not test it or inspect sources! Anthy library is not trivial. So you are using it at your own risk :-)

mathieujallois's picture

Oh great thanks!

carmenfdezb's picture

Thank you so much, it works like a charm :)

TMavica's picture

Thanks. It works