Daily Comics

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Read every day your favorite comic strips.

Designed for phones usage
Basic tablet support

- select your favorite comics among the list for quick access
- retrieve automatically the new strips locally
- display basic information about comics
- quick view all new strips in a row
- glance at unread comics in cover
- save your preferred strips to the gallery
- share strips with people
- zoom strip for better readability
- full landscape view support
- comics from multiple languages
- animate gif comics
- individual comics as independent plugins

Unfortunately the application has not been accepted into Harbour for copyright issues.

Source code available at Github Daily comics

You can check current issues and planned features at Github issues

List of supported comics: comics list

If you have some additional comics you would like to be in the list, please contact me
You can as well check the guidelines and open a Pull Request for it.


Here below are few good online resources to find new comics




Application versions: 
File harbour-dailycomics-1.9.1-1.armv7hl.rpm6.38 MB18/03/2020 - 23:11
File harbour-dailycomics-1.9.1-1.i486.rpm6.39 MB18/03/2020 - 23:11
File harbour-dailycomics-1.9.0-1.armv7hl.rpm5.72 MB05/05/2019 - 16:09
File harbour-dailycomics-1.9.0-1.i486.rpm5.72 MB05/05/2019 - 16:09
File harbour-dailycomics-1.8.0-1.armv7hl.rpm4.79 MB28/01/2019 - 01:42
File harbour-dailycomics-1.8.0-1.i486.rpm4.8 MB28/01/2019 - 01:42


Fast comics fix possibility: there is a file update.json in repository which is downloaded by
the application on start which allows to fix comics without releasing a new application version
A lot of comics were fixed
New comics: Vida de Programador, Suporte, C. Bennett, emoticomix


fix all comics
add many new comics
save strip to gallery
support dark and light themes
translations updates
various small fixes and UI improvements


norayr's picture

hello. any chance to have

* non sailfish, just generic linux version (sailfish is not the only widespread mobile linux anymore, probably it is one of the not widespread)
* possibility to see previous, previous, previous comics? (lets say i read the last pearls before swine, it would be great to also be able to read all i missed.)

olf's picture

A maintained fork of Daily Comics is available here.

meemorph's picture

Yo man, There are problems with comics: "Beetle Bailey", "Hägar the Horrible"

ABreen's picture

Any chance of fixing Swamp, Dennis the Menace and Hagar the Horrible? Thank you.☺

norayr's picture

jut came to express my appreciation, i use the program for years, i read comicses almost every day, your program is one of those that makes impossible to live without sailfish.

tardypad's picture

Thank you :)

fifr's picture

Any chance to get a 64bit version?

rob_k's picture

Thanks for the update!

meemorph's picture

thanks for update, can read my beloved comics daily again. ;-)

Ingvix's picture

I really dislike how the latest version doesn't scale the comic fit to screen width in landscape mode like it did in previous versions.

tardypad's picture

Right, I didn't notice that change.
It's not so much of a problem since it's now possible to zoom
That said I also believe having it scale to fit the screen width at start would be better.
And same for the portrait mode by the way

I've opened an issue about it

Ingvix's picture

Currently if comic fails to load, there's no way to open the comic's website from the app as the regular set of buttons are replaced with the email bug report button. What I'd like to be able to do is to go to the comic's website to check if there's actually a comic or something else which it fails to load as a comic.

tardypad's picture

I opened an issue for this and it was fixed by the new maintainer.
I'll try to make a new release with it soon.

Historyscholar's picture


rob_k's picture

Living with Hipstergirl and Gamergirl was broken after new website. I changed the RegEx to repair it.


I also created a new plugin for the cartoons of Tjeerd Royaards


Hopefully Tardypad is still around for a new version. Thanks, and best wishes for 2019!

ABreen's picture

Thanks for the update

objectifnul's picture

Apparently no longer maintained. Error on all 'GoComics' strips.

olf's picture
objectifnul's picture


rob_k's picture

Hi Tardypad,

Indeed, all GoComics links need a fix. I tried to find out myself how to fix it. Unfortunately I could not. This is how far I got. It works the same for same for Calvin and Hobbes, and Wizard of Id.

Kind regards,



Old "stripSource": "http://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/"

New url would be: "http://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/2018/04/08". This may need some extra programming, working through the past few days to find the most recent entry.

The comic itself  of today is "http://assets.amuniversal.com/23c23db0f01f013516bf005056a9545d" to be found in the html at:

<code><picture class="item-comic-image"><img class="img-fluid lazyloaded" srcset="http://assets.amuniversal.com/23c23db0f01f013516bf005056a9545d 900w" data-srcset="http://assets.amuniversal.com/23c23db0f01f013516bf005056a9545d 900w" sizes="
                       (min-width: 992px) 900px,
                       (min-width: 768px) 600px,
                       (min-width: 576px) 300px,
                       900px" src="http://assets.amuniversal.com/23c23db0f01f013516bf005056a9545d" width="100%"></picture></code>

Sthocs's picture

Hi, I've submitted a pull request to fix it, I hope Tardypad is still around! Meanwhile, I've built a version with the fix that you can download here: http://sthocs.free.fr/harbour-dailycomics-1.7.5-2.armv7hl.rpm

Ingvix's picture

It seems at least Andy Capp, Calvin & Hobbes and F- have are broken now.

EDIT: Also it'd be nice if the link to home page of the comic would appear in the error message. I'm using Droplet browser as default and to override that and open the page with default browser I need to tap the link twice. Can't really do that for pull-down menu. Of course you can open it to default from droplet so it's not absolutely necessary but would make the user experience a bit better.

Jordi's picture

Excellent! I miss the possiblity to zoom the comics, though, sometimes the text is very small and my aging eyes are not helping enough.

olf's picture

@Jordi, well then give this issue at least a "thumbs up" or reiterate your valid argument: https://github.com/tardypad/sailfishos-daily-comics/issues/2

Ingvix's picture

Thanks for the update! Been waiting for this.

Ingvix's picture

There's something wrong with Nedroid comic. It shows error and when I open their home page there isn't even a new comic there. So now I never get the all comics read popup.

tardypad's picture

I've fixed Nedroid in the new release


Ingvix's picture

I believe you can remove The Adventures of Dr. McNinja in the next release as it has ended.

EDIT: You can also remove Octopus Pie. It ended too.

tardypad's picture

Thanks for the info
I've removed them from the app in the new release, with some other comics that are discontinued too ;(

wickedsp1d3r's picture

Garfield stopped working again... :-(
