Movie Sailor

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Unofficial TMDB client. TMDB is Ad-Free, Community-Powered, Best IMDb Alternative

Supported features:

  • movie, TV shows, people search (all available filters)
  • movie discovery (almost all filters)
  • TV discovery (almost all filters) (since v0.6)
  • authentication
  • rate action
  • add to favorites, remove from favorites
  • add to watchlist, remove from watchlist
  • rated media list
  • favorites list
  • watchlists
  • media history (since v0.4)
  • search history (since v0.5)
Application versions: 
File harbour-movie-sailor-0.9-1.aarch64.rpm362.57 KB12/08/2024 - 01:10
File harbour-movie-sailor-0.9-1.armv7hl.rpm336.71 KB12/08/2024 - 01:10
File harbour-movie-sailor-0.9-1.i486.rpm390.76 KB12/08/2024 - 01:10
File harbour-movie-sailor-0.7-1.aarch64.rpm356.56 KB31/12/2023 - 17:28
File harbour-movie-sailor-0.7-1.armv7hl.rpm330.74 KB31/12/2023 - 17:28
File harbour-movie-sailor-0.7-1.i486.rpm384.72 KB31/12/2023 - 17:28
File harbour-movie-sailor-0.6-1.aarch64.rpm350.3 KB31/12/2023 - 12:43
File harbour-movie-sailor-0.6-1.armv7hl.rpm325.62 KB31/12/2023 - 12:43
File harbour-movie-sailor-0.6-1.i486.rpm380 KB31/12/2023 - 12:43
File harbour-movie-sailor-0.5-1.aarch64.rpm316.43 KB10/12/2023 - 01:50
File harbour-movie-sailor-0.5-1.armv7hl.rpm294.02 KB10/12/2023 - 01:50
File harbour-movie-sailor-0.5-1.i486.rpm342.27 KB10/12/2023 - 01:50
File harbour-movie-sailor-0.4-1.aarch64.rpm311.05 KB29/10/2023 - 21:50
File harbour-movie-sailor-0.4-1.armv7hl.rpm289.25 KB29/10/2023 - 21:50
File harbour-movie-sailor-0.4-1.i486.rpm335.85 KB29/10/2023 - 21:50
  • 0.9
    - add the italian translation
  • 0.7
    - add youtube videos
    - add recomendations and similar movies and TV shows
  • 0.6
    - add TV shows discovery
    - fix "Average vote" sorting in movie discovery
    - add "First air date" to TV shows pages
    - add cast & crew to TV shows
  • 0.5
    - feature: search history
    - last viewed media on account (library) page
    - change default order of account's (library) media lists
    - hide menu if keyboard is open
  • 0.4
    - fix: navigation between media
    - fix: person page loading
    - fix: invalid numeric data on movie page
    - feature: recently viewed media history
    - account page redesign
  • 0.3
    - posters and profile images can be opened in fullscreen mode now
    - person page with crew, cast list
  • 0.2
    - crew, cast list on movie page
    - file logger


windes's picture

/run/user/100000/dconf/user access denied. Even with Sandboxing=Disabled.

windes's picture

Not starting at on XA2..

AndyWuest's picture


is it possible to display the cast for tv shows as well? For movies the cast is displayed, but not for TV shows.




nemishkor's picture

Check out the new v0.6 package

nemishkor's picture

Hi. I'm working on TV discovery now. Then the next feature might be cast and crew for TV shows. Video trailers would be nice to have as well.





jollex's picture

Same for me!! All good with last version! Many thx! Wonderful job!!

Matias's picture

New version works for me, thanks!

ade's picture

App definitely looks very nice! But it was also crashing on my XA2 plus. Not providing the sourcecode does not help. I worked around the crash by doing a

touch $HOME/.cache/nemishkor/harbour-movie-sailor/genres/movie-en.1.json

I guess this is for the English language setting, French might be movie-fr.1.json, no idea.

This meant I had no genres available at first, but this file got its content by itself later, maybe because of a restart. And I did noticed the "About" page was empty.

nemishkor's picture

The new release 0.2 has a file logger. Logs will be here "$HOME/.local/share/nemishkor/harbour-movie-sailor/logs". Please, send them to or ping me on the SFOS forum

nemishkor's picture

I just wanted to release the app at an early stage as it already replaces Imdb for me. That is why there are no good-looking cover pages and about page. The source code will be later. I do not know how to deal with secrets like API key in Qt projects :-(

jollex's picture

@nemishkor hey!! any fix planned?

nemishkor's picture

The new release 0.2 has a file logger. Logs will be here "$HOME/.local/share/nemishkor/harbour-movie-sailor/logs". Please, send them to or ping me on the SFOS forum

nemishkor's picture

Did not figure out what caused the bug. I'll make a new release in a few days with new features (cast/crew list, person page) and a file logger that hope will help fix crashes

Matias's picture

Same issue here on my regular XA2

jollex's picture

Does not start on xperiaX at all with a "floating point exception (core dump)" =/ request made with language "fr" to the api.themoviedb

AndyWuest's picture


i am getting the same floating point exception on my Sony XA2 Plus.



anasyntes's picture

Great app! Thank you!

carmenfdezb's picture

Excellent application!! Thank you for developing it!!

nemishkor's picture

Thanks! Glad that you like it