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Unofficial Pebble smartwatch support for Sailfish.

Rockpool is a port of the Ubuntu Touch application RockWork, which is a port of the Sailfish application Pebbled, which can trace its history back to the original python libpebble written by Pebble developers for exactly this sort of thing. It supports the v3 version of the Pebble firmware, which was released with the Pebble Time and is now available for earlier models. It has partial support for the new Rebble services, including the watchface and app store.


  • Forwards notifications to the watch, they can be opened or dismissed from there. New notification types in the pebble v3 are used: Hangouts for Hangish, Telegram for Sailorgram and the android client, Whatsapp for the android client. Different notification types can be silenced either completely or only when the phone is unlocked. SMS and IM messages can be replied to from the watch using user-defined 'canned messages'
  • Calendar entries are added to the timeline on the watch, automatically refreshed when the phone's calendar is updated. If you have a reminder set on the entry before the event starts, you'll get one on your watch too. If you log into Pebble, then your watch will be able to subscribe to custom notifications from watchapps too.
  • Send music info to the watch, including track duration and progress so you get the progress bar. You can pause, play, skip tracks and change the volume from your pebble.
  • Show incoming call notifications, rejecting, accepting and ending calls.
  • You can manage watch apps, and browse the pebble store for new ones. If you previously added apps manually, you should remove them and add them from the store so you get the nice icon. Your installed apps and watch faces can be synced with Pebble. Apps that push timeline pins to your watch from the internet are supported.
  • Rudimentary native app API. Apps can send data to the hidden built-in fitness tracker.
  • Support for Pebble Time watches' Weather application
  • Lots more: Profile switching when the watch is connected (e.g. silent). Take, manage and share watch screenshots. Update the time on your watch whenever the time or timezone changes on your phone.
  • Language file support for alternative character sets.

The following features are not yet implemented:

  • Support for Pebble 2 watches. The new models only support Bluetooth Low Energy, and Pebble's BTLE protocol is not implemented in Rockpool.
  • Fitness features such as step counting and sleep tracking work on the watch, but the data is not downloaded to Rockpool so there's no long term data or graphs of your activity. The heart rate monitor is not supported, though neither is the watch that has it.

Please feel welcome to contribute on GitHub, either by filing issues or chipping in. New translations are always welcome on!

The best place to get Rockpool from right now (SFOS 4.5.0) is my community repository on OBS. Use one of these commands as root depending on your architecture

  • ssu ar rockpool
  • ssu ar rockpool
  • ssu ar rockpool

And install with:

zypper ref && zypper in rockpool
Application versions: 
File rockpool-1.11-1.2.1.armv7hl.rpm1.03 MB05/10/2020 - 01:06
File rockpool-1.11-1.2.1.i486.rpm1.18 MB05/10/2020 - 01:06
File rockpool-1.10-1.24.3.armv7hl.rpm1.03 MB05/10/2020 - 01:09
File rockpool-1.10-1.24.3.i486.rpm1.13 MB05/10/2020 - 01:09
File rockpool-1.12-1.9.1.aarch64.rpm1.07 MB27/05/2021 - 12:47
File rockpool-1.12-1.9.1.armv7hl.rpm1.05 MB27/05/2021 - 12:47
File rockpool-1.12-1.9.1.i486.rpm1.19 MB27/05/2021 - 12:47
File rockpool-1.13-1.27.1.aarch64.rpm1.06 MB29/09/2021 - 22:55
File rockpool-1.13-1.27.1.armv7hl.rpm1.03 MB29/09/2021 - 22:55
File rockpool-1.13-1.27.1.i486.rpm1.18 MB29/09/2021 - 22:55
File rockpool-1.14-1.28.1.jolla_.aarch64.rpm1.06 MB17/10/2021 - 02:14
File rockpool-1.14-1.28.1.jolla_.armv7hl.rpm1.03 MB17/10/2021 - 02:14
File rockpool-1.14-1.28.1.jolla_.i486.rpm1.18 MB17/10/2021 - 02:14
File rockpool-1.15sfos4.4.20230111102118.2.g69124a8-1.33.1.jolla_.armv7hl.rpm1.03 MB18/01/2023 - 12:33
File rockpool-1.15sfos4.4.20230111102118.2.g69124a8-1.33.1.jolla_.aarch64.rpm1.06 MB18/01/2023 - 12:33
File rockpool-1.15sfos4.4.20230111102118.2.g69124a8-1.33.1.jolla_.i486.rpm1.18 MB18/01/2023 - 12:33
File rockpool-1.15-1.36.1.jolla_.i486.rpm1.25 MB16/02/2023 - 11:14
File rockpool-1.15-1.36.1.jolla_.armv7hl.rpm1.11 MB16/02/2023 - 11:14
File rockpool-1.15-1.36.1.jolla_.aarch64.rpm1.16 MB16/02/2023 - 11:14
File rockpool-1.16-1.1.1.jolla_.aarch64.rpm1.15 MB06/04/2024 - 19:41
File rockpool-1.16-1.1.1.jolla_.armv7hl.rpm1.09 MB06/04/2024 - 19:41
File rockpool-1.16-1.1.1.jolla_.i486.rpm1.23 MB06/04/2024 - 19:41

1.16 packages here are for SailfishOS 4.6.0. The same release is built against 4.5.0 on OBS (see link above).


Domi's picture

Currently on my device with version the library is missing :-(

I would be happy if this can be fixed.


[root@Xperia10II-DualSIM defaultuser]# ssu ar rockpool
Repository already added: rockpool
[root@Xperia10II-DualSIM defaultuser]# zypper ref rockpool && zypper in rockpool
Metadaten von Repository 'rockpool' abrufen ......................................................[fertig]
Die angegebenen Repositorys wurden aktualisiert.
Cache für Repository 'openrepos-black_sheep_dev' erzeugen ........................................[fertig]
Repository-Daten werden geladen...
Installierte Pakete werden gelesen...
Paketabhängigkeiten werden aufgelöst...

Problem: nichts stellt '' bereit, das vom zu installierenden rockpool-1.15+sfos4.4.20230111102118.2.g69124a8-1.33.1.jolla.aarch64 benötigt wird
 Lösung 1: rockpool-1.15+sfos4.4.20230111102118.2.g69124a8-1.33.1.jolla.aarch64 nicht installieren
 Lösung 2: rockpool-1.15+sfos4.4.20230111102118.2.g69124a8-1.33.1.jolla.aarch64 durch Ignorieren einiger Abhängigkeiten brechen


abranson's picture

Hmm, quazip should be pulled in from a system repository. Could be that you don't have a zypper index for that maybe? Try doing 'zypper ref' without the rockpool after it and try again. If that works I'll change the instructions.

Domi's picture

Thanks for your answer!

It seems the 'zypper ref' was not the solution. Identical Message

abranson's picture

Did you fix this in the end? Looking back at your error it seems like it's picking up the older 4.4.0 version instead of the latest, which is why it's failing to find the right dependencies. Better to use the OBS repo if you can.

Domi's picture

With version the installation via Storeman works for my Xperia 10II. But it seems the connection to the Pebble is not that reliable. Only for a short moment RockPool recognise the watch. The button with open Bluetooth settings didn't open the system settings. In the end the pairing was al litte bit tricky. It seems there are two BT streams one with LE and one without. After serveal tries with delete/connect/disconnect the Bluetooth connention established (without LE in the Pebble BT name) and it works for me. Thanks a lot for your effort and time.

norayr's picture is not resolvable now.

that is why i cannot install rockpool from that repository, as you recommend currently.

norayr's picture

tried to install by hand, after downloading this directory files locally.


pkcon install-local rockpool-1.15-1.36.1.joll
Installing files
Testing changes
Fatal error: the to be installed rockpool-1.15-1.36.1.jolla.armv7hl requires '', but this requirement cannot be provided



but that file exists in /usr/lib.


before it also wanted the, and i only had so i made a symlink but then libqtwebsockets problem isn't solvable by symlink.



norayr's picture

ok i found out from here that the wrong version of rockpool wants other version of libquazip, and i removed the symlink now.


however, i still need libQt5Websockets, and i cannot find where is it on your OBS.

norayr's picture

i edited the file which was got automatically by your ssu ar command, and added the lines that are in

instead of what was automatically added.


this time zypper suggested to downgrade qtwebsockets.

then still, rockpool says that no smartwatch is configured.


then i uninstalled all the packages i got from here ( and installed manually.


and after removing all of those with zypper i tried to install rockpool from repository.


it says that the package is not signed, so to install it i need to ignore that.

then again, even after the phone restart, even though the pebble is paired and connected, rockpool is not able to see the device.

norayr's picture

and when i press 'open bluetooth settings' nothing happens. also restarting the service doesn't help.


but the pebble is connected and visible in settings -> bluetooth section.

abranson's picture

Make sure it's a normal bluetooth pairing and not a Bluetooth LE one, with 'LE' in its bluetooth device name.

neiotik's picture

Hi, I'm noticing an issue where notifications are blank, I realize its come up for some folks before. Is this because of the missing deps on the current build of Sailfish X or is there something else I might be missing? Is there also a config I can edit so I can log into rebble?

Piece_Maker's picture

It looks like something changed in the newest Sailfish version - launching rockpoold from terminal now errors with this: 

rockpoold: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory



abranson's picture

Two things have changed that affect Rockpool:

- QtConnectivity was removed

- Quazip was updated

Rockpool has been updated on the OBS for the Quazip change, but the QtConnectivity loss is a bit more work and it's done yet, so I've built that in my OBS repo as a short term fix. I don't really want to upload that here, so please add the OBS repo and upgrade from there.

cyberlyra's picture

Thanks to Rockpool for keeping my Pebbles (Time Round, Time Steel, Time) connected with my SFOS 4 Xperia 10iii! Thank you, @abranson, for your efforts!

Piece_Maker's picture

Installing from openrepos or from OBS fails with: 


Fatal error: nothing provides '' needed by the to be installed rockpool-1.14-1.28.4.jolla.aarch64

I'm running the latest version for the Xperia 10 III, is there any possibility of this being updated to run on the latest Sailfish version

torsten's picture

For now I can live with editing configuration by hand. But you need root access on an Android phone to extract the values. I guess this is not suitable for everyone...
Maybe you could add some debugging output to help for that.
Anyway thank you for your work, without a pebble a smartphone is pretty useless :-).

torsten's picture


after upgrade to SFOS 4.4.0, configuration of apps and watchfaces do not work anymore. I guess this is related to ugrade of browser engine. Configuration pages (at least the ones that had worked before) conme up, but after saving configuration always the same error comes up:

The address wasn't understood

Browser doesn't know how to open this address, because one of the followingprotocols(pebblejs) isn't associated with any program or is not allowed in this context

It is possible to edit the configuration files in js-storage, but only if you know what the app expects.

Is there any easy solution to this problem?




abranson's picture

No, I've been trying to find a way around this for a while - it's a regression in the esr78 webview. If I can't find a solution I'll have to revert back to the webkit, which doesn't really work properly either.

abranson's picture

I need to rebuild this against the library changes in Sailfish 3.4.0. It won't work until then. Will try and make a new version later today. I thought I'd have time to switch back to the Gecko Webview now that it's been fixed and is used in the Email app, but I think it's more important to get a 3.4.0 version up.

Nice to see so many of us still on Pebbles. I honestly haven't seen anything else I'd want on my wrist.

cyberlyra's picture

Thank you so much for this new release!! I am thrilled to have this working again.

i would love to help develop more Sfos-rebble overlaps.

mkiol's picture

Many thanks for maitaining rockpool. It is an essential app for me.

Upp15's picture

What happened to Rockpool?!?

It disappeared from my phone when the latest Sailfish update 3.4 came.

When I try to reinstall it, it ends up with error.

mkiol's picture

Workaround: just ignore package dependencies and install rockpool from terminal:

$ devel-su rpm -i --nodeps rockpool-1.9-1.23.1.jolla_.armv7hl.rpm

Upp15's picture

Ok, installed, but does not work !?

yokisuci's picture

This app doesn't seem to update the calendar events on the timeline correctly. It either shows just some or simple nothing at all.

Termitebug's picture

@Malakay I would suggest to buy a Amazfit watch/-band and use Amazfish instead. Pebble&Rockpool is feature limited at the moment.

Malakay's picture

I have bought amazfit bip. Do you use this with your sfos?

Malakay's picture

Hi, is Rockpool compatible with Pebble 301WH ? I am thinking about buying these smartwatch, but I am not sure about compatibility.
And other thing - is Rockpool compatible with Sailfish Nuuksio?
Thanks for reply :)

mdj's picture

I'm also having the same issue as Matt on my Xperia 10
