Music Explorer

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Music Explorer

Music Explorer lets you look up information about artists and albums, watch music videos or download and play audio.
This is still a development version so please expect things to change.

Version 0.49 highlights:

  • Fixes media download issues


Application versions: 
File harbour-musicex-0.30-1.noarch.rpm118.71 KB02/07/2022 - 12:43
File harbour-musicex-0.31-1.noarch.rpm118.91 KB04/07/2022 - 13:41
File harbour-musicex-0.32-1.noarch.rpm120.32 KB05/07/2022 - 01:29
File harbour-musicex-0.33-1.noarch.rpm121.33 KB05/07/2022 - 13:32
File harbour-musicex-0.34-1.noarch.rpm121.95 KB05/07/2022 - 23:53
File harbour-musicex-0.35-1.noarch.rpm122.14 KB07/07/2022 - 11:43
File harbour-musicex-0.36-1.noarch.rpm122.15 KB07/07/2022 - 11:52
File harbour-musicex-0.37-1.noarch.rpm122.49 KB10/07/2022 - 23:38
File harbour-musicex-0.38-1.noarch.rpm122.71 KB16/07/2022 - 11:36
File harbour-musicex-0.39-1.noarch.rpm123.3 KB29/07/2022 - 13:27
File harbour-musicex-0.40-1.noarch.rpm123.36 KB20/08/2022 - 12:34
File harbour-musicex-0.41-1.noarch.rpm123.39 KB06/11/2022 - 12:25
File harbour-musicex-0.42-1.noarch.rpm123.53 KB17/11/2022 - 22:52
File harbour-musicex-0.43-1.noarch.rpm123.53 KB30/11/2022 - 21:16
File harbour-musicex-0.44-1.noarch.rpm123.62 KB04/02/2023 - 23:42
File harbour-musicex-0.45-1.noarch.rpm124.7 KB28/07/2023 - 10:08
File harbour-musicex-0.46-1.noarch.rpm124.7 KB06/12/2023 - 12:07
File harbour-musicex-0.48-1.noarch.rpm148.09 KB04/11/2024 - 13:29
File harbour-musicex-0.49-1.noarch.rpm777.98 KB12/02/2025 - 00:24

- 0.1 initial release


poetaster's picture

I'm not sure what changed but for some time I don't get any media found. When running on the cli I see:

VIDEO primary error - ignoring video:  int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a number, not 'NoneType'

For what looks like all the media that's found.

anarchy_in_the_uk's picture

Coud you please check if this issue has been resolved in the newest update? (>=0.45)

poetaster's picture

Yes, it seems resolved. Media downloads work again! Yeah! Thanks!

I've pushed this to github and chum, too. The github repo now uses actions to automatically build an rpm.

anarchy_in_the_uk's picture

How can I replicate this error?
Feel free to post it to the forum if that's easier.

trial's picture

Could U provide some info on the backend?
I mean, where is the usage metadata going to? Is there any profiling of the usage patterns?

10x in advance! ^^

anarchy_in_the_uk's picture

The app itself does not care abour usage patterns but what the various backends (listed below) may do with your searches is outside of my control. Music Exlorer does cache your lookups quite extensively, though. Primarely to remain usable (to some extent) even with no network connection but this also reduces some of the data sent to the backends which could potentially be profiled. 
This applies to search queries, lyrics, downloads, etc. so basically everywhere backend calls are unavoidable. There is nothing inside the app that would e.g. leak how often a specific song is played or the composition of playlists, etc. as this is handled purely on the device itself.

Used backends:

Malakay's picture

Crashes on :(

anarchy_in_the_uk's picture

This could be because of Sailjail.
You could try to run if from the command line:
sailfish-qml harbour-musicex

Mick's picture

Getting better with each update. Are you planning on adding other features like an equalizer etc?

anarchy_in_the_uk's picture

Equalizer probably won't be implemented in the near future as this would require a complete rewrite of the player part as the underlying Audio Qt object does not provide this functionality.

lpr's picture

maybe switch from qml/qtmultimedia to python/python3-gst as you are already using python and the app would remain noarch...

it would look like:
equa = Gst.ElementFactory.make('equalizer-10bands')
equa.set_property('band2', 3.0)
# Create playbin and add the custom audio sink to it
playbin.set_property('audio_filter', equa)
# start play back and listed to events

Mick's picture

No worries. Still an excellent app as it is already.

Bsingleto's picture

Did this install 5 separate times and dates now, still a blank white screen. I dont know why its at the top of updates list if its still not loading to anything. *shrugs*

anarchy_in_the_uk's picture

I would guess ths could be because nobody else has encouneterd the issue.
Feel free to post your bug report to the forum and I try to look into it:

Mick's picture

Great app so far. Would be even better if it could play from folders too.

anarchy_in_the_uk's picture

Music Explorer can't play from arbitrary folders at the moment but (using the command line) you can easily create a playlist from a folder which the app then should be able to load.


find ~/Music/albums/metallica/Load/*.mp3 | sort >~/Music/playlists/Load.m3u

Mick's picture

Thanks for the tip.

anarchy_in_the_uk's picture

You're welcome.
Newest version (>0.35) of Music Explorer should let you select folders directly so this work around sould not be needed any more. 

PamNor's picture

It's working now. Thanks.

PamNor's picture

I would like to have the possible too select albums with downloaded media's in settings. Is it possible? Start page items: None, Random tracks, Random artists, Downloaded Albums (tracs/media).

anarchy_in_the_uk's picture

I've added this in version 0.18

PamNor's picture

I see the settings but no tracks in start page. After app restart the start page is empty.

anarchy_in_the_uk's picture

May be an issue with the cache or something. Have you tried it again after downloading an audio file with the newerst version and restarting the app if at least this one shows up?

PamNor's picture

In the settings it would be nice to select a different download folder (sd-card). And again. You have done an excellent job with this useful app.

anarchy_in_the_uk's picture

Yes, good idea. In the meantime you could check if removing the folder and replacing it with a symbolic link may work as I don't have a card to test this.

PamNor's picture

When searching for artists. It would be nice if artist matching letters could be listed. ☺. I'm sometime spelling artist wrong.

anarchy_in_the_uk's picture

Search should be much more forgiving now when the artist is not spelled correctly.

anarchy_in_the_uk's picture

Yes, happens to me as well. I'm afraid this may not be easily sovable due to limitations of the API.

PamNor's picture

Great app. Very useful.

anarchy_in_the_uk's picture

Thanks. Just added MPRIS controls, makes playback more convenient.