Responsive TaskWarrior graphical interface for SailfishOS. Early stages.
TaskWarrior is an task management application. This is not a standalone task management app, but rather a graphical interface to an already existing CLI application. To be more specific: one needs to setup TaskWarrior on via the command line as per the TaskWarrior instructions, before this GUI will even start. Additionally, this graphical interface is mostly useless, unless you also use TaskWarrior with synchronization to a computer, or if you're willing to do your regular task maintenance on CLI on your phone.
You need to enable nagua's repository in order to meet dependencies. I will try to package newer versions of TaskWarrior later.
Please report issues on the issue tracker. Feel free to come chat on on Matrix, or #whisperfish-offtopic on Liberachat.
Fri, 2022/05/27 - 13:18
I just installed this to try it out and it just immediately aborts on launch:
Fri, 2022/05/27 - 13:21
One needs to run
task export
once from terminal and enteryes
to make it work apparently.rubdos
Sat, 2022/05/28 - 10:18
To be more specific: one needs to setup TaskWarrior on via the command line as per the TaskWarrior instructions, before this GUI will do anything.
Additionally, this graphical interface is mostly useless, unless you also use TaskWarrior with sychronisation to a computer, or if you're willing to do your regular task maintenance on CLI on your phone.
I should probably make this clear in the description.