OSM Scout for Jolla 1

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OSM Scout for Sailfish is map viewer with search and navigation, fully functional without internet connection.

This is alternative build of my OSM Scout application from jolla1 branch, that aims to keep compatibility with older SFOS versions. When you are running recent SFOS (4.3), there is no reason to use this package, just use OSM Scout build from master branch.

Before installation, remove previous OSM Scout installation, they are conflicting.

Application versions: 



olf's picture

Thank you! Still the same dependency error, though: Fatal error: nothing provides libm.so.6(GLIBC_2.29) needed by harbour-osmscout-jolla1-2.20-1.armv7hl. This might be the C++17 support, which SFOS 3.2.1 lacks.
I am using it, because it has far less (especially far less severe) bugs, which affect me, than all newer releases (which I test on a different phone). I am still hoping for a working SFOS 4.x release for me, but Jolla seems to have become unable to deliver that. :-(

olf's picture

Versions > 2.1-1 fail to install on SFOS 3.2.1, unfortunately.
Is there a real functional dependency, or just the SDK target chosen?

Karry's picture

Can you try this build please? https://cloud.karry.cz/index.php/s/clmBnyuVeWAIjGj It was build with target.

Karry's picture

Hi. It is build with SDK target, but I am able to install it on SFOS without problem - it is the recent version available for Jolla 1. AFAIK, there is no other requirement than C++17 support, that was introduced with 3.3... Why are you using such old version? What error it prints?