Alien Dalvik restart

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It's just bottom for quick refreshing aliendalvik service.

- Small changes in script and notifier file.

* Tablet version.

* Fix of notification icon. Adaptation for

* Fix of notification icon. Adaptation for

* Adaptation for

* added notification

* fix for uninstallation

* Fixed uninstallation process

* Only icons changed (thanks to KoenigseggCCGT)

Thread on the TMO forum

Beware, use it on your own risk !!!

Donation are welcome :)

Application versions: 
File adalvikrefresh-0.3-9.i486.rpm18.93 KB28/09/2017 - 01:05
File adalvikrefresh-0.3-9.armv7hl.rpm18.89 KB28/09/2017 - 01:05

- Small changes in script and notifier file.


trial's picture

Since the 4.3 Update, I'm getting an error when trying to install:
"Nothing provides the dbus-python required..."
How shall that be bypassed?

jpn9s's picture

Dear Schturman!

Good morning. I'm using Jolla C. Alien Dalvik stop works perfectly, but Alien Dalvik start don't. Are you going to update this Alien Dalvik start / restart in near future? If  both AD start & stop would work, the Situation app worked fine both with starting and stopping  of android support.service. Unfortunately AD does not contain any timer to controll (on / off) its operation.

Thank you for your fine works.


Schturman's picture

Hmmm, what exactly not work ? It use the same command like before for restarting AD: systemctl restart aliendalvik

I don't know what you want to change here... It restart dalvik without any problem.

jpn9s's picture

Dear Schturman,

Thank you for your quickly response. When I open Android supportTM from setting and keep it as open. So:

When the ASTM is  function and I push AlienDalvik stop, will I  see the this ADTM support stops. Ok.

Then I push Dalvik restart ... From the open Android support I see thant nothing happens. Jolla C gives notification as "Cant't refresh, Dalvik is NOT ..."

So I suppose that this support is till not working.  Do I have right? Jolla C has at the moment the SFOS version

Question: Do I have to input something with Terminal?

Thank you for your help, again.


Schturman's picture

Hi. My app working like it should to work. It only for restart dalvik when it already running. If you want to start dalvik u need to use: systemctl start aliendalvik. And the more simpler way it just to start any android app and dalvik will be started automatically.

If you want to use it with Situations app, it better if you will use command line in the app or add my Alien Dalvik stop for stop dalvik and add any android app to start dalvik again.
You also gave me idea... Maybe I will create something like timer for start-stop dalvik inside the setting app, like patch...

jpn9s's picture

Dear Schturman, 

Thank you for reply again. Yes,  I have used opening of Android app by Situation to start Aliendalvik.service. However this causes increased energy consumption Jolla C, which eats battery very fast allready. I have tried internal start up, but terminal does not work as  it should. Just flow of mysterical numerical code numbers. Also Situation does not follow direct orders... I should approciate very highly if you could produce timer for Android support. Good luck for your work. I am very frustrated of the peculier operation of Jolla C so far.It has a lot of good but ...

Warmango's picture

Ho do i install this? im rather new

Schturman's picture

What you mean ? Install it how you want... from Warehouse app or download latest rpm file and install from any file manager by pressing button "install".

Hartzi's picture

When we'll get a tablet version? :)

Schturman's picture

Hi. Probably when I will get tablet... If I will get ;)

Schturman's picture

Too much big, icons should be 86x86

KoenigseggCCGT's picture
Schturman's picture

Hi, one a little - instead stop it use restart ;)

Hariainm's picture

What is the difference between this and systemctl stop aliendalvik.service?

ovekaaven's picture

One big difference, I suppose, is that, unlike systemctl, this app asks you to place a huge security hole into /etc/sudoers, potentially giving any program you might run complete root access without restrictions, and without needing a password or anything. I'm not going to install this. A far more secure way to go about something like this would be to just have a suid root helper binary in the rpm. It would also be far more user friendly (would not require the user to install sudo or edit any config files).

Schturman's picture

PS. I fiund how to do it with helper and without sudo. Update come soon..

Schturman's picture

Sorry I'm not programmer and don't know how to create this helper.
Just found easy way to refresh for myself..

Victorious's picture

Мда... Стращают... Ну у меня пока всё пучком...

Schturman's picture

Пасиб :) но почитай на форуме тмо (ссылка в шапке), настоящие програмисты говорят что использовать sudo опасно для здоровья :D

Victorious's picture

С почином Эмиль!