Truly Yours

Your rating: None Average: 4.7 (12 votes) ambience portal client for SailfishOS.

This is the beginning. Current features include browsing and downloading ambience image and saving into gallery. I will be adding features gradually when I have time, and when the API develops further.

Some future plans and their progress and impediments, not in any particular order:

- Browse ambiences by tags - DONE

- Show comments - DONE

- Show votes on comments

- Show likes (no API yet available)

- Browse ambiences by categories (no API yet available, hackishly doable)

- Show amount of likes (no API yet available)

- Show amount of seen (no API yet available) - not very accurate now when not all viewers are desktop based

- Show submitter name within ambience (no API yet available)

- Submitter profile page (no API yet available)

- Login (IN PROGRESS, experimental API)

- Submit an ambience (no API yet available)

- Likeing (no API yet available)

- Commenting (IN PROGRESS, experimental API)

- Voting of comments (no API yet available)

- Sorting (newest, oldest, most popular (week, month, year)) (no API yet available for popularity sort)

- Advanced tag search (AND and OR searches)

- Fetching thumbnails from server, instead of full imags (no API yet available)

- Creating an ambience of saved image - DONE

- Activating newly created ambience - DONE

- Adjusting colors of created ambience (no SailfishOS API yet available)

- Sharing of your favorite ambiences (e.g. Twitter)


and more.. what ever comes to my mind, also suggestions for features are very welcome :)

Application versions: 
File harbour-trulyyours-0.1-2.armv7hl.rpm26.87 KB02/08/2014 - 20:33
File harbour-trulyyours-0.1.1-1.armv7hl.rpm32.34 KB13/08/2014 - 23:32
File harbour-trulyyours-0.2-1.armv7hl.rpm73.51 KB29/10/2014 - 23:26
File harbour-trulyyours-0.3-1.armv7hl.rpm38.27 KB18/01/2015 - 21:28
File harbour-trulyyours-0.4-1.armv7hl.rpm39.67 KB09/02/2015 - 20:54
File harbour-trulyyours-0.5-1.armv7hl.rpm41.25 KB02/03/2015 - 22:40

- Version 0.1.1-1

* Tag Cloud as front page to search tags from

* Ambiences load newest first when "Show all ambiences" is selected from the pulley

* Bugfix: .jpeg files now load correctly

* Improvements to cache usage, e.g. Full images are deleted from cache when saved to gallery


- Version 0.1-2 Browsing all ambiences and saving the ambience images to gallery


- Version 0.2-1 Option for saving image and creating an ambience of it (and applying it to current ambience) 

* Changes in this release are courtesy of SfietKonstantin:


- Version 0.3-1

* Enabled translations (English, Germany)

* Active app cover

* "Found ambiences" page title has fixed placement

* View placeholder when loading tags

* Changes in this release are courtesy of cnlpete:


- Version 0.4-1

* New translations (Russian, Spanish, Finnish) from our splendid translatators in Transifex:

* Comments view for ambience (read only)

* Adjusted tag cloud font size thresholds and fixed a bug in max tag amount calculations


- Version 0.5-1

* New translation: Dutch, donated through Transifex:

* Updated according to API changes (uses auth token now)


matrixx's picture

Ok, the game is on :)

I'm not sure yet if this is to become anyhow the "official" client, so you might want to prepare also with a version not including the icon.

Moth's picture

Ah yes, i'm aware of all these uncertainties - and well prepared... (:

Mariusmssj's picture

Great app, I wonder if it would be possible to set the ambience from the app itself?

matrixx's picture

I'm glad you like it :) I'll investigate all possible options of features I could add in the app, to make the ambience process more fluent.

flywheel's picture

Well done, seems to work just fine - I've really been missing something like this - reminds me of the theme downloader for KDE.

matrixx's picture

Glad to be of help. Next up in the pipeline are browsing by category, and loading restricted amount of ambiences at time. Will be necessary when is gonna be filled with all the existing great ambiences ;)
