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Fernschreiber is a Telegram client for Salifish OS

Fernschreiber (German for teleprinter, teletypewriter, teletype or TTY) connects you with the Telegram network. It's still in an early development phase, but it already supports many of the most popular features such as:

  • Chat list in order of last received message
  • Two-step authentication
  • Read standard text messages, pictures, videos. animated GIFs, animated and non-animated stickers, voice notes, locations, venues, polls and documents
  • Displays web page previews
  • Send text messages, stickers, reply to messages, attachments: images, videos, documents, polls, voice notes, locations (yes, more to come ;))
  • Edit messages
  • Delete messages
  • Search chats and messages
  • Display sent/read state of messages
  • Notifications
  • Contact support and device contacts synchronization
  • Secret chats
  • Mute/unmute chats
  • Join/leave chats
  • Pinned messages
  • Forward messages
  • Chat information page
  • @-mentioning support, use @<username> in the message field to search!
  • Easy emoji selection, use :<keyword> in the new message field to search for them!
  • Open chat from external link (integration in Sailfish OS open-with menu)
  • A lot of eye candy (yes, you get the complete set of emojis for example) ;)

Have fun with Fernschreiber!

Older SFOS Releases

Devices like the Jolla Phone don't support the latest SFOS version. Users who can't install the latest version from this page, please try: https://openrepos.net/content/werkwolfoldschool/fernschreiber-jolla-phon...

Issues and Feature Requests

Known bugs/issues and feature requests are available at https://github.com/Wunderfitz/harbour-fernschreiber/issues. In case you would like to report a bug or post a feature request, please do it there. Be sure to explain the bug or feature request in detail, that makes it easier to sort and prioritize.

Open Source and Contribution

Feedback about Fernschreiber is always appreciated (good, bad, improvement/feature ideas etc.). 

You can contribute with a translation, a new feature or even a bugfix. The sources are on GitHub at https://github.com/Wunderfitz/harbour-fernschreiber. Please acknowledge the GNU GPLv3 before contributing/forking. Thanks to all new and especially to the existing contributors!



Application versions: 
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.1-6.armv7hl.rpm11.8 MB20/09/2020 - 22:09
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.2-1.armv7hl.rpm6.12 MB30/09/2020 - 22:53
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.2-1.i486.rpm6.29 MB30/09/2020 - 22:53
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.3-2.armv7hl.rpm5.9 MB19/10/2020 - 00:09
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.3-2.i486.rpm6.08 MB19/10/2020 - 00:09
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.4-2.armv7hl.rpm5.93 MB11/11/2020 - 20:19
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.4-2.i486.rpm6.15 MB11/11/2020 - 20:19
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.4.1-1.i486.rpm6.14 MB12/11/2020 - 23:58
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.4.1-1.armv7hl.rpm5.93 MB12/11/2020 - 23:58
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.5-2.armv7hl.rpm5.98 MB01/12/2020 - 01:18
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.5-2.i486.rpm6.19 MB01/12/2020 - 01:18
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.5.1-2.i486.rpm6.2 MB05/12/2020 - 01:00
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.5.1-2.armv7hl.rpm5.99 MB05/12/2020 - 01:00
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.6-66.armv7hl.rpm6.48 MB05/01/2021 - 23:42
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.6-66.i486.rpm6.62 MB05/01/2021 - 23:42
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.6.1-3.i486.rpm6.63 MB06/01/2021 - 23:44
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.6.1-3.armv7hl.rpm6.48 MB06/01/2021 - 23:44
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.7-4.armv7hl.rpm5.74 MB06/02/2021 - 01:33
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.7-4.i486.rpm6.03 MB06/02/2021 - 01:33
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.8-1.i486.rpm6.04 MB23/02/2021 - 00:20
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.8-1.armv7hl.rpm5.75 MB23/02/2021 - 00:20
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.8.1-2.armv7hl.rpm5.75 MB02/03/2021 - 00:20
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.8.1-2.i486.rpm6.03 MB02/03/2021 - 00:20
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.8.2-1.i486.rpm6.04 MB03/03/2021 - 01:19
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.8.2-1.aarch64.rpm5.72 MB03/03/2021 - 01:19
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.8.2-1.armv7hl.rpm5.75 MB03/03/2021 - 01:19
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.9-3.aarch64.rpm5.73 MB30/05/2021 - 20:28
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.9-3.armv7hl.rpm5.75 MB30/05/2021 - 20:28
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.9-3.i486.rpm6.04 MB30/05/2021 - 20:28
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.10-3.aarch64.rpm5.74 MB07/11/2021 - 23:14
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.10-3.armv7hl.rpm6.58 MB07/11/2021 - 23:14
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.10-3.i486.rpm6.05 MB07/11/2021 - 23:14
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.10.1-1.aarch64.rpm5.74 MB10/11/2021 - 01:41
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.10.1-1.armv7hl.rpm6.57 MB10/11/2021 - 01:41
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.10.1-1.i486.rpm6.05 MB10/11/2021 - 01:41
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.11-1.aarch64.rpm6.36 MB06/12/2021 - 01:00
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.11-1.armv7hl.rpm6.38 MB06/12/2021 - 01:00
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.11-1.i486.rpm6.72 MB06/12/2021 - 01:00
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.12-2.aarch64.rpm6.37 MB20/12/2021 - 01:02
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.12-2.armv7hl.rpm6.39 MB20/12/2021 - 01:02
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.12-2.i486.rpm6.73 MB20/12/2021 - 01:02
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.13-2.aarch64.rpm6.42 MB14/01/2022 - 00:24
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.13-2.armv7hl.rpm6.44 MB14/01/2022 - 00:24
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.13-2.i486.rpm6.79 MB14/01/2022 - 00:24
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.14-2.aarch64.rpm6.51 MB24/04/2022 - 17:32
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.14-2.armv7hl.rpm6.53 MB24/04/2022 - 17:32
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.14-2.i486.rpm6.89 MB24/04/2022 - 17:32
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.15-1.aarch64.rpm6.51 MB28/04/2022 - 00:14
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.15-1.armv7hl.rpm6.53 MB28/04/2022 - 00:14
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.15-1.i486.rpm6.89 MB28/04/2022 - 00:14
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.16-4.aarch64.rpm6.7 MB12/06/2022 - 20:17
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.16-4.armv7hl.rpm6.7 MB12/06/2022 - 20:17
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.16-4.i486.rpm7.08 MB12/06/2022 - 20:17
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.17-12.aarch64.rpm8.7 MB03/12/2023 - 16:09
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.17-12.armv7hl.rpm7.71 MB03/12/2023 - 16:09
File harbour-fernschreiber-0.17-12.i486.rpm8.78 MB03/12/2023 - 16:09


  • Update to TDLib 1.8.21, expect some hiccups ;)
  • Added contacts sync (OpenRepos builds only)
  • Tweaks to reaction handling (opens now on double click or click + star)
  • Option to jump to quoted message
  • Option to highlight unread conversations
  • Option to suppress notification previews
  • Option to append last message content to notifications
  • Added "unread mention" indicator to chat list
  • Improve message when search yields no results
  • New unread info for chats with high amount of unread messages
  • Setting for session inactivity timeout
  • UI improvements in landscape mode
  • Fix: Restore video functionality on SFOS 4.5
  • Fix: Chat list timestamp now updated more reliably
  • Fix: Faster reconnect after network changes
  • Fix: Some URLs couldn't be opened
  • Updated translations for several languages
  • Thanks to monich, nephros, arustg, jgibbon, carlosgonz0, okruhliak, dscheinah, pherjung and mbarashkov for your contributions


  • Support message reactions
  • Support t.me/+... links
  • Update to TDLib 1.8.3 - let's see if everything still works ;)
  • Fix: Much stricter chat list handling, should avoid ghost chats
  • Fix: Add RemovableMedia permission to allow uploads from SD card again
  • Fix: Context menu in settings/sessions should now always stay in screen area, thanks to monich


  • Use geo: URL handler to open locations (direct call to Pure Maps is no longer working on SFOS 4.4)
  • Use generic file handler to open downloaded files (xdg-open is no longer working on SFOS 4.4)
  • Fix: Race condition on initial login caused malfunction of chats and settings page
  • Fix: Bring notifications back to lock screen of SFOS 4.4


  • Adjustments to SFOS 4.4: Setup application profile, migrate configuration, fix notification sound (bug #486)
  • Support for Emoji 14.0
  • Support striked-through text - thanks to monich
  • Fix: Clean up correctly after creating voice notes (bug #481)
  • Fix: Mark sponsored messages as read correctly - thanks to monich
  • Updated translations for French, Slovak, Spanish - thanks to pherjung, okruhliak, carlosgonz0


  • Update to TDLib 1.8 - let's see if everything still works ;)
  • Fix: Forward message to channels - thanks to monich
  • Fix: Message reference issues in repplies - thanks to monich
  • Fix: Don't load message with zero IDs - thanks to monich
  • Fix: Avoid repeated sticker set loading
  • Updated translations for French, Polish, Russian, Swedish - thanks to all contributors


  • Add option to delete private chat
  • Improve chat search performance - thanks to monich
  • Improve message forwarding - thanks to monich
  • Handle external links better for individual messages
  • Full support for sponsored messages (yes, that's required before January 1, 2022)
  • Move session and logout options from about to settings page - thanks to nephros
  • Remove short texts for stickers and animated emojis - thanks to monich
  • Fix: Display chat members correctly again after TDLib update
  • Fix: Long tap on reply-to headers finally opens context menu - thanks to monich
  • Fix: Apply "show stickers as images" setting to animated emojis - thanks to monich
  • Fix: Don't save draft for chats with deleted users
  • Fix: Hide appearance settings that are not applicable - thanks to monich
  • Fix: Less memory consumption for stickers after TDLib upgrade - thanks to monich
  • Updated translations for Polish, Spanish, Swedish - thanks to atlochowski, carlosgonz0, eson57


  • Update to TDLib 1.7.9 - bring Fernschreiber back to life
  • Support for animated emoji
  • Preliminary support for sponsored messages - mandatory after January 1, 2022
  • Use larger font for settings section headers - thanks to monich
  • Hide "Extra options..." context menu item if it's not needed - thanks to monich
  • Updated translation for Spanish - thanks to carlosgonz0


  • Fix: Startup wasn't possible on fresh SFOS installation (thanks to Jolla Harbour QA!)
  • Fix: New open-with handling created duplicate browser shortcuts
  • Open-with support on SFOS 4.2 is (again) a workaround. SFOS 4.3 seems to behave much better...
  • Updated translations for Polish - thanks to atlochowski


  • Support for SFOS 4.3 on armv7hl and i486
  • New settings accordion - thanks to jgibbon and monich
  • Fix open-with issues with browser and Fernschreiber on SFOS 4.2 and later
  • Fix: No 'Recently used' section if there are no stickers
  • Use generic app booster, fixes some crashes related to animated stickers - thanks to monich
  • New translation to French - thanks to pherjung and nbourdais
  • Updated translations for Polish, Russian, Slovak, Swedish - thanks to all contributors



  • Prepare aarch64 build
  • Updated Polish translation - thanks to atlochowski


  • Fix: Show active sessions button only when authenticated - thanks to monich
  • Fix: Show newly registered contact as simple message
  • Updated translations for Finnish, Polish, Russian, Spanish - thanks to all contributors


  • Tap on a sticker to show overlay with the corresponding sticker set
  • Sticker set overlay allows to uninstall it
  • Redesign sticker picker, improve loading time
  • Additional context menu to prevent the normal one from becoming too big, see https://github.com/Wunderfitz/harbour-fernschreiber/issues/216
  • Manage all Telegram sessions for current user (see About -> Active Sessions)
  • Forward message now directly available in (additional) context menu
  • Use different background colors for muted chats - thanks to monich
  • Enable storage optimizer per default
  • [SFOS 4] Disable contacts sync as no longer possible, see https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/4-0-1-45-non-jailed-contacts-sqlite-datab...
  • Fix: Found private chats no longer appear automatically in the chat list
  • Fix: Stickers can now be sent as replies
  • Fix: Message sticker highlight and click behavior now aligned with other message types - thanks to monich
  • Fix: Don't auto-scroll if context menu is opened, see https://github.com/Wunderfitz/harbour-fernschreiber/issues/139
  • Fix: Deleted in-reply-to messages are now shown with a placeholder, see https://github.com/Wunderfitz/harbour-fernschreiber/issues/374
  • Fix: Sort text replacements better to avoid overlaps in case of special characters, see https://github.com/Wunderfitz/harbour-fernschreiber/issues/334
  • Fix: Trigger mark-as-read (almost) immediately after opening chat (plus configurable delay)
  • Fix: [SFOS 4] Documents app can no longer access all directories, always download before calling it
  • Fix: [SFOS 4] Forwarding a message no longer causes the page stack to become invalid (navigating back was no longer working)
  • Several translations updated - thanks to all contributors


  • Massively extended bot support - thanks to jgibbon
  • Option to change first name, last name, username
  • Add and delete profile pictures
  • Set personal privacy options
  • Pin/unpin chat
  • Option for online-only mode
  • Option to logout - thanks to santoshmanikandan
  • Option to override notification sound settings - thanks to monich
  • Option to disable delay for marking messages as read
  • Show channel members if authorized - thanks to monich
  • New UX for audios, voice notes and documents - thanks to jgibbon
  • Updated Fernschreiber logo - thanks to monich
  • Better loading/preview image - thanks to jgibbon
  • New pinned chat icon - thanks to jgibbon
  • Add explanations to quiz - thanks to jgibbon
  • Real estate optimizations for chat list - thanks to jgibbon
  • Nice landscape layout for settings page - thanks to monich
  • Full width for channel messages - thanks to jgibbon
  • Architecture changes and improvements to message type handling - thanks to jgibbon
  • Update channel message count in real time - thanks to monich
  • Fix: Get sound back for notifications
  • Fix: Chat muted icon always visible in list
  • Fix: Mark older messages as read once a reply has been sent
  • Fix: No longer display own messages as unread
  • Fix: Initial scroll position now normally on the first unread message
  • Fix: Improve sent/read indicator handling
  • Fix: Don't let context menu be wider than its combo box - thanks to monich
  • Fix: Images couldn't be clicked at the complete width - thanks to jgibbon
  • Fix: Don't retry downloading files too often - thanks to monich
  • A lot more fixes - thanks to monich and jgibbon
  • New Slovak translation - thanks to okruhliak
  • Several translations updated - thanks to all contributors


  • Show indicator for pinned chats
  • Use highlightBackgroundColor and align size for all chat attributes (unread messages, secret chat, pinned chat)
  • Fix: Chat list order of sequence was wrong in some circumstances
  • Fix: Make video (fullscreen) page work again
  • Fix: Add build requirements for Qt Multimedia and Qt Positioning
  • Updated translations for Finnish and Swedish - thanks to jorm1s and eson57


  • Filter chat list (tap on title bar to open search field) - thanks to the entire dev team for the great discussion and contributions to the layout :)
  • Search for public chats (see pulley menu on overview page)
  • Search for chat messages (see pulley menu on chat page)
  • Support sending voice notes
  • Support sending locations
  • Add message draft support - thanks to jgibbon
  • Basic bot messages support (reply markup) - thanks to jgibbon
  • Add 'Mark chat as read/unread' option
  • Add download option to audio messages (voice notes, music...)
  • Introduce proper text if other people added/removed a person from a chat
  • Tweaks to poll layout - thanks to monich
  • New option to keep message input focused after message was sent - thanks to jgibbon
  • Send message button now removed if Send-message-by-enter option is enabled (and no attachment is set) - thanks to santhoshmanikandan
  • Performance and code optimizations (architecture, startup, JS components) - thanks to monich and jgibbon
  • Improve readability in light ambiences
  • Upgrade to TDLib 1.7
  • Fix: Only show reply to option for messages that can be replied to - thanks to monich
  • Fix: Emoji positioning in multi-line texts - thanks to monich
  • Fix: Left-over @-mention notifications when all messages in chat are read
  • Fix: Occasional crashes on opening poll context menu - thanks to monich
  • Fix: Don't display in-reply-to section if message wasn't found
  • Several translations updated - thanks to all contributors


  • Add verification badge to verified chats - thanks to monich
  • Improve preview of wide images - thanks to monich
  • Fix: Editing functionality (was broken with newlines and didn't update correctly)
  • Fix: Show single message in a chat if on receiving side
  • Allow any screen orientation for picker dialogs - thanks to monich
  • Fix: Long tap on image preview items - thanks to monich and jgibbon
  • Press effect for image preview items - thanks to monich
  • Fix: Chat Page flickable misplaced under some circumstances
  • Fix: Short text for 'myself' short messages of channels in chat list
  • Several translations updated - thanks to all contributors


  • Support secret chats
  • Support Telegram contacts & synchronization with local contacts DB on request
  • Initiate private & secret chats from contact
  • Support pinned messages
  • Always position chat at last read state, even if unread message count is >50
  • Support message forwarding - thanks to jgibbon
  • Support multiple message selection - thanks to jgibbon
  • Support @-mentioning in message input field - simply type '@' followed by the name to properly mention somebody
  • Support video notes
  • Better notification handling - thanks to monich
  • Better chat permission handling - thanks to jgibbon
  • Chat information attached to chat page - thanks to jgibbon
  • Display message sent/received indicator in chat list
  • Display pinned/in-reply-to message on tap as overlay
  • Support for TDLib storage optimizer - thanks to monich
  • Switch from elide truncation mode to fade out
  • Switch to generic file picker for documents
  • Localization improvements (e.g. plural handling) - thanks to jgibbon
  • Logging/debugging improvements - thanks to monich and jgibbon
  • Several performance improvements - thanks to monich and jgibbon
  • Make emojis a little bigger and change alignment to address display issues (only a workaround as it seems to be a QML bug, but we need to use what we have...)
  • Fix: Wrong space allocation for some web page previews
  • Fix: Display correct chat photo - thanks to monich
  • Fix: Message pending indicator though message was sent successfully
  • Fix: Mute chats that have never been muted before
  • Fix: Truncate username correctly if it's very long
  • Several translations updated - thanks to all contributors


  • Several translations updated - thanks to all contributors


  • Support for animated stickers - thanks to monich
  • Chat information page (members, picture(s), settings...) - thanks to jgibbon
  • Support for polls - thanks to jgibbon
  • Code & performance optimizations - thanks to monich and jgibbon
  • Improve chat scroll position on open - thanks to jgibbon
  • Start chats from @-mention or name
  • Integration in Sailfish OS open with menu
  • Join and leave chats
  • Fixes and improvements to notifications - thanks to monich
  • Differentiate between simple and normal messages in chats - thanks to jgibbon
  • Switch to SVG icons - thanks to jgibbon
  • Mark all messages as read - thanks to jgibbon
  • Copy message to clipboard - thanks to chstem
  • New sticker icon - thanks to jgibbon
  • Fixes to link and HTML entity handling
  • Switch message sent date display on tap (... ago <-> Monday, ...)
  • Many translations updated - thanks to all contributors
  • Swedish translation - thanks to eson57


  • Support for sending stickers
  • Search for emojis from message input field, use :<keyword> to start searching
  • New icon/logo - thanks to iamnomeutente
  • Option to customize non-graphical notification feedback - thanks to monich
  • Add user registration - thanks to jgibbon
  • Don't show irrelevant groups - thanks to monich
  • Display information about forwarded messages
  • Option to avoid displaying stickers like images - thanks to monich
  • Fix: Don't reset edit/in-reply-to mode after focus change
  • Fix: Display caption for documents
  • Fix: Reserve some space for lazy loaded elements
  • Fix: Don't display error message in case of repeated download of the same file
  • New translations (Finnish, Italian, Russian), thanks to jorm1s, iamnomeutente, arustg and monich
  • That was quite a lot - I hope I didn't forget anything. If I did, big sorry and please let me know!


  • Support sending images, videos and documents
  • Support receiving locations and venues - thanks to jgibbon
  • Performance improvements for chat list, new sorting algorithm and much more - thanks to monich
  • Performance improvements for chat, lazy loading for most UI elements
  • Cover page improvements - thanks to jgibbon
  • Fix handling of "<>" in messages
  • Differentiate text between other people and current user ("You have..." vs. "Somebody has...")
  • Support for the Jolla Tablet
  • New translations (Chinese, Hungarian, Polish, Spanish) - thanks to dashinfantry, edp17, atlochowski, GNUuser


  • Initial Release


carlosgonz's picture

Big thanks!
Awesome features on v0.8

mercurio's picture

Great! Like a Piepmatz and like other WerkWolf branded apps! Thanks!

glanternier's picture

A nice feature to enhance security would be to implement the local password option that is available on the official Telegram client.

osetr's picture

Hi! Sorry if it's a duplicate. I cannot navigate back after forwarding a message. It seems that the page of the destination chat becomes top-level.

Fernschreiber 0.7 on SFOS 4

WerkWolf's picture

It's not a duplicate - according to my analysis it's a bug in SFOS4, see https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/4-0-1-45-pagestack-find-not-working-prope...

Be sure to leave a like at this bug report. ;)

melvin's picture

I can't open PDFs using fernschreiber since the new SFOS 4.0 EA update. Is this a bug in the OS or in the app?

WerkWolf's picture

Yep, I also get an error message from the Documents app that the PDF is broken. Most certainly, that's due to the Sailjail infrastructure in SFOS4. The app needs to be adapted to work properly in all cases...

Branja's picture

Maybe I found a bug. It would be ok if others can test as well. It seems that my friend who owns an iOS device can't play a voice note recorded with this app (but can play a voice note recorded with an Android app normally).

WerkWolf's picture

Known issue - the required standard codec is not available on SailfishOS, the replacement codec is not available on iOS.

yusssufff's picture

actually are you sure the codec isnt available in Sailfish?
The sailfish app 'recorder' allows to save 'wav' files using the pcm codec...
This creates voice notes that ios users can listen.
Thats also one (twisted) workaround for the time being: reccording the voice note with pcm codec with 'recorder' app and then sending the wav file with fernschreiber to the ios contact...

WerkWolf's picture

Yes, I'm sure - the codec is Opus, see https://core.telegram.org/tdlib/docs/classtd_1_1td__api_1_1voice_note.html - quote: "The voice note must be encoded with the Opus codec". And yes, of course PCM is there, but if we switched to PCM, other people would certainly complain about the file sizes. ;) Unless Opus is there or somebody contributes a working support for Fernschreiber, it's not an ideal solution.

PawelSpoon's picture

Wow, what an update where can.i donate ?

WerkWolf's picture

If you want to donate, please do it for a charity. The Free Software Foundation Europe for instance also accepts donations: https://my.fsfe.org/donate

PawelSpoon's picture

Nearly perfect ! Depecher has only two features that i miss: 1) forward a message, i.e. a pic. 2) share pkugin. Thanjs !

WerkWolf's picture

Forwarding should be possible - please select a message (context menu) and then press the forward button. Sharing might come later...

PawelSpoon's picture

I see reply, copy .. but no forward. aah ok, first select then .. :) ok thanks !

Branja's picture

Can anyone help me with my issue? There's no sound when I receive a massage. I've set everything properly in the settings.

WerkWolf's picture

That's a bug - notification sound will return in version 0.7.

Branja's picture

Good to know. Thank you for a quick response.

emchella's picture

In wkmbot , media haven`t controls for stopping , reproduction

sistux's picture

Hello! I use the program since an about a month. There no big problems till now. Only thing is the video playback: it plays not smoothly on my Sony XA2. Maybe you have some hints for me how to fix it?


attah's picture

How do i add someone by their telegram username?

emchella's picture

I haven't notifications with software closed,  not working in background  in jolla1

For the others, seam more slow respect to Depecher, but definitely it's the most completed app for telegram in sailfish

Thank you


WerkWolf's picture

If the app is closed, it's closed, so no strings attached. ;) If you want to receive notifications, you need to run it in background. There is a feature request to get a daemon to receive notifications while having the app closed (see https://github.com/Wunderfitz/harbour-fernschreiber/issues/21), but it's unlikely to be realized soon as the app should remain Jolla Harbour-compatible.

ferlanero's picture

The only remarkable issue in Depecher is its delay syncing messages, as Ferngfijbzwin does too. The only Telegram client avoiding messages syncing delays in SailfishOS is Yottagram. There is no other client out there performing as Yottagram does.

huggymann's picture

Hi, i registered my wrong number. Can i re-register?

WerkWolf's picture

Probably you need to remove the cache directory ~/.local/share/harbour-fernschreiber. After a restart of the app you should be able to register with another number.

Naumann's picture

Apple iOS users can't play my voice notes created with Fernschreiber. No issues with voice notes for Telegram users under Android.

WerkWolf's picture

A known issue - unfortunately. Under normal circumstances, voice notes need to encoded using Opus, but that's not yet available by default on Sailfish OS. So, Fernschreiber uses (as well as other native clients) Vorbis as fallback for now which doesn't seem to be supported on iOS. Probably there will be native Opus encoding support somewhen in the future - if not Opus support needs to be integrated somehow in the app itself.

broncheoli's picture

Hi Werkwolf,

I´ve got a question about the term "notifications". Does that mean there is a daemon running for background notification. Because in my case (XA2) and in the case of my wife (10) there are no notifications coming through. Am I doing something wrong or does Fernschreiber has to run minimized.
Thanks and keep on sailing.
PS: You don´t have a link to buy you some coffee
