This application is a remote control for kodi, intended to be mainly used for « blind » use, where kodi screen is not needed to operate (ie, to play music without switching on the tv).
It can also be used as a standard remote (with haptic feedback).
It tries to follow sfos interface guidelines as much as possible.
Source code is available on github:
Current features include :
Application is available in the following languages :
# Changelog
## Version 0.26
* add supports for controlling marantz/denon avr devices volume
* migration to cmake for build
## Version 0.24
* adds music playlists support
## Version 0.23
* Enable sailjail
## Version 0.22
* Migrate to new settings path, prepare for sailjail integration (will be on in a later version)
## Version 0.21
* Picture support: can now browse picture, and start them on the server
* Fixed some bugs with playlist
* Reduced the number of queries done to the server
* Detect wi-fi state, and disable connection if not available (this may
break some setups, so there is an option in the server settings to
override this)
* Fixed seek no longer worked (and improved it)
## Version 0.20
* Internationalization improvements:
* Now available in two new languages, Dutch (as well as Belgian) and Norwegian
* Large improvements in the English version, which should now look on par with
the French one
* New playlist page with a much cleaner look and a more native behaviour
* New "Random albums" option in Music section
* Fix a cover page bug with SFOS 4
* Lots of small ui fixes
## Version 0.19
* fixes display issues with Sailfish OS 4
## Version 0.18
* improved cover pages when nothing playing / connection failed
* add resume handling of movies / tv show episodes
* display already played items differently in movies and episodes list
* fixed a bug with the player refreshing far too often, causing glitches in
the interface
* added a lot of busy indicators
## Version 0.17
* Added recently added / recently played items in music
* Improved currently playing page
## Version 0.16
* Fixed several usability issues
* no longer uses a pulldown menu for volume / playing options, instead
clicking on the album art goes to the currently playing page
* shows the volume in tho dock
* reworked the currently playing page
* added a remorse on the stop button
## Version 0.15
* Added wake on lan support to wake up the server
* Changed several icons
## Version 0.14
* Fixed a lot of layout issues
* Added basic library management (cleaning and refreshing for audio/video)
* Added menu to shutdown kodi server
## Version 0.13
* New home page - no longer uses a grid (did not work in landscape mode)
* Added server discovery
* Improved experience on first use
## Version 0.12
* Added search function in lists
* Added an icon provider, to add custom icons to the app. Movies icon has
been replaced by a new one
* fixed issues related to some play buttons/actions not working
## Version 0.11
* new gui for currently playing item, feedback for volume
* integration of repeat one/all and shuffle mode
* improvements on volume management
* fixed wrong indication on touchpad
* add download options for albums, not only using file browsing but
also in artist view or in list view
## Version 0.10
* added german translation (thanks popanz)
* fix #6 (images not displayed if using http auth)
* added icon to identify file type (ref #1)
* may fix #18 (to be checked)
* small cleanup in some files
## Version 0.9
* Fixed an issue which could prevent connection if using only one server
* Fixed TV Shows pages which were broken
* Few internal improvements
* Honor the "ignorearticle" setting of the server
* fix playlist page was sometimes not displaying anything (or slow to display)
## Version 0.8
* added about page
* fixed centering of text input
* fixed albums list not alphabetically sorted
* added busy indicator on some lists
## Version 0.7
* lots of internal changes, fixes some app crashes
* correctly keep last connected server
* added a volume plugin for minidsp products
* download files to music / videos folder, respectively
* reworked the remote control page, which is much more usable now
* small ui/layout improvements
## Version 0.6
* fixes for landscape mode
* fixed some bugs related to genre for music
* reviewed settings page, use of a dialog page
* introduced preliminary support for volume plugins
## Version 0.5
* includes russian translation from dikonov
* added support for volume keys
* fixes for landscape mode
## Version 0.4
* mostly technical version, improvements of repository architecture
* moved the name from kontroller to harbour-kontroller (needed for jolla store
* use static build of libqjsonrpc - needed for jolla store inclusion
* added swedish translation, many thanks to eson57 for it
## Version 0.3
* new server settings interface
* removed the multiple zone options from interface (it is not working
* added the login / password fields in the server settings, implemented
basic auth handling
## Version 0.2
* initial public release
Wed, 2022/06/01 - 00:28
Thank you :) Another note, this is on Xperia 10 III, the swipe-to-the-right gesture of the controller doesn't work very well. If you swipe very slowly it works as expected, but if you swipe faster at normal swiping speed it will send a left movement instead. Up and down dont have this issue and work normally.
Wed, 2022/06/01 - 19:10
I'm not sure if i will be able to fix this until i get my hands with the device, though.
Tue, 2022/05/31 - 01:26
If you forget to put in the user/pass, or if it is not correct, it will appear to connect but nothing will actually work. E.g. remote does not respond, list of videos loads forever, and the connection keeps dropping/reconnecting. If possible it would be nice to detect this situation and show an error message.
Tue, 2022/05/31 - 09:02
Thanks for reporting. I created
to track this.
Sat, 2022/04/30 - 19:06
Brilliant, thank you very much. Just let me know, when help is needede.
Sun, 2022/04/24 - 09:21
Hi Julien, thank you for your quick and positive answer. I just use playlist for music. I don´t think another usecase is making sense. If needed, I can of course help with testing . If you need help with icons or anything else (other than coding), I can as well offer my help. Just let me know.
Sat, 2022/04/30 - 09:04
Just released version 0.24 with playlist support. For live video, i will need help with testing. Not sure what's the best way to do it now, i'll think about it.
Sat, 2022/04/23 - 16:09
I really like the GUI of Kontroller. It lets you reach the relevant features quickly and intuitively. Anyway there are sone features missing and therefore I still use kodimote:
Playlists are not supported.
Live TV is not supported.
Lockscreen controls would be great as welk.
Sat, 2022/04/23 - 16:23
I don't use neither Live TV nor Playlist, so i'm not sure what's wanted here. However, i'll happily add these features. I just need to check the relevant APIs. Do you mind describing the use cases ?
For lockscreen controls i need to check if that's possible (for harbour it's not, i may hook the mpris api but in all cases that would be a hack).
Sat, 2022/04/23 - 18:32
I just had a quick look, adding playlist support should be pretty easy (at least for music. Is there another use that i'm missing ?). It will need a new icon, though :D.
Live TV will be harder since i won't be able to test it.
Mon, 2021/02/22 - 20:28
Great Kodi controller, thanks a lot!!
Mon, 2021/02/08 - 01:01
Hello, please consider applying for translation hosting at, this will make it easier for people to translate your application.
Mon, 2021/02/08 - 20:57
That seems a good idea. So, done:
This is the first time i use weblate, so if you have any advice on how to make it easier for contributors, don't hesitate.
Mon, 2021/02/08 - 22:47
Thank you! It appears there is still something wrong with the setup, because I was able to create a translation for 'nl', but it has 0 strings. Also, I was unable to create a translation for 'nl_BE'. Could you take a look?
Tue, 2021/02/09 - 08:53
Indeed. Weblate doesn't like that the source file did not have valid translations. I've made a few changes, and things looks much better now. Can you have a look (i have created the two nl and nl-be translations, they seem to have the right content).
Tue, 2021/02/09 - 12:31
It's working now, thank you.
Thu, 2020/10/08 - 12:07
Last update was a really great one. Thanx for adressing my wishes/issues. Moving volume to the now playing section was a brilliant idea! Anyway, I have some more things which I would like to report/suggest.
Now, that it is possible to wake my kodi machine it would make sense to add an option to send it to sleep.
On the now playing view, it would in my opinion make sense to show in the lower section the five next playing songs. The album/artist art isn´t very useful for me.
The slider for jumping to a defined position in a song isn´t moving accoringly, while playback.
A control unit for the lockscreen would also be nice to have.
If I can help you with anything but coding let me know. I´m always willing to help or to donate.
Thu, 2020/10/08 - 21:51
Since 0.15 it is possible to remotely shut down the machine, it’s in server management page, there is a pulley menu with the reboot and shutdown options. I could add sleep and hibernate, but that will make a lot of items in the pulley (maybe i'll add an option for this).
I'll take a look at why the slider is not moving correctly, and keep the idea of the next playing items in mind. I'm not sure what you mean with the lock screen, do you mean being able to control kodi while the phone is locked ? That seems a good idea, i'm not sure it's feasable, though.
Thu, 2020/09/17 - 14:52
One further thing: A wake host function would also be a nice feature to have.
Thu, 2020/09/17 - 19:43
Yes, that will be included in the soon to be released 0.15 :). Wake On Lan is the only one supported, i can integrate other mechanisms (wifi plugs for example) if there is demand.
Mon, 2020/09/14 - 16:50
kontroller is getting better and better. Thanx for your great work. I think with the new update it's time for me to switch to kontroller as my main app for controlling kodi.
Anyway, where there is light there must be shadow (just a few minor ones): Two things which I find somewhat annoying:
Mon, 2020/09/14 - 18:54
Thanks for your feedback. I’ve created two issues for that in github (the position of the volume slider is a mess). A remorse is indeed a nice idea. The « X » should also need another icon (same size as the others, and with a filled square).
Thu, 2020/05/07 - 19:57
Thank you Julien for a further great kodi remote contoller!
I have tons of music on my kodi machine. Unfortunately it is not sorted correctly. If I choose the artist view I have parts which are sorted correctly, but very often there are artists starting with a Z which are sorted above artists which start with an A. That is not only a problem with Kontroller but also with Kodimote. Onthe kodi machine and withe the official Kore app artists are sorted the right way. Do you have an idea what the reason could be?
Thu, 2020/05/07 - 20:37
Kontroller does not do its own sorting, but it relies on kodi to do it. By default, it requests a sort on the label (which in the case of artists, should be their name), with the option to ignore article (so that "The Stooges" will appear between "Sebadoh" and "Supertramp", for example). I believe kodimote does the same, although i never checked.
I'm not sure what kore does. From rapid testing, it also uses ignore article option, but i didn't check what it asks kodi precisely. Could you post a sample of the "invalid sort" you encounter ? It may help diagnose the issue. On my machine results of the two apps seems similar.
Also, what is « a ton ? ». It should work fine even for more than a thousand artists. I just found doing testing that songs are not sorted, this will be fixed in next release.
Fri, 2020/05/08 - 16:53
Hi Julien,

here is the very beginning of the Artist List on Kontroller and Kore. It lso looks like there are on some Artist Names blanks in front of the Name. I doublechecked that. There are no blanks in the Tags:
By the way there is a geman translation missing. I will fix that on the weekend. ;)
Sat, 2020/05/09 - 12:11
This indeed looks strange…
I made a few fixes in 0.9, could you check the behaviour ? I believe kore does its own sorting, instead of relying on kodi to do it, which could explain some differences.
The extra space probably comes from the image: if you're using password authentication, the image is not displayed (issue ).
Sat, 2020/05/09 - 18:50
Unfortunately artists are still sorted the wrong way. What has changed is, that the extra space has grown.
I already tried to build the library of kodi anew but still the same sorting. Strange.
Songs by the way are sorted correctly.
German translation is finished.
Sun, 2020/05/10 - 11:04
I’ve created an issue for this :
I believe a change in 0.10 could fix this (this is the same kind of change that fixed it for songs) :
Can you confirm this on the issue tracker ?
Thanks for the german translation ! It is released together with 0.10
Sun, 2020/05/10 - 14:06
I already confirmed it in the bug tracker. Anyway I also write it here: You nailed the problem. Sorting is now working like it should. And also the covers are now shown. Great work! Thank you! If I can help you with anything but coding, let me know.
Sun, 2020/05/10 - 16:28
Any help is always welcomed :). It can be any of :
By the way, i'm gonna change the interface a bit for the next version, i am a quite unhappy with a few things currently. So any idea is welcome.